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Using UNdata API

About UNdata API

UNdata API provides dynamic, programmatic access to data within the UNdata platform. Developers can use the API to dynamically query UNdata to obtain the latest data and display the result on a Web page, download to local storage for further processing, etc.

UNdata API is powered by Eurostat’s SDMX Reference Infrastructure (SDMX-RI). The API is implemented as a REST and SOAP Web Service that can be used to query the datamarts using the SDMX standard. The API is governed by UNdata Terms of Use.

How To Use UNdata API

If you want to query data from UNData API we have two options for you. You can use REST API or the SOAP web service. In any of these cases it is recommended that you get familiarized with the main SDMX artifacts such as DataFlow, Codelist, Agency, Structure, etc. You can find definitions for these concepts further bellow in this same page FAQ section.

  • Querying data from the REST Webservice:
  • The SDMX REST service is located at The queries for the REST services are build using normal Rest parametrization in the path, indicating the object and objectID as follow :{artifact}/{artifactId}/{parameters} In order to be able to query data, usually you will need to follow the following steps:

    1. Query to all the available DataFlows/DataMarts and select the one that you are interested on.

    2. Once you have selected your dataflow you can query for structure using AgencyID and StructureID. These are some sample queries to get specific DataStructure, All DataStructures, specific Codelist, All Codelist, specific ConceptScheme, All ConceptScheme, Series Keys.

    3. When querying for a DataFlowID. You can apply filters by providing codes for one or many dimension. Sequencing of Dimension can be found from Data Structure query, All dimensions are listed under DataStrucures/DataStrurureComponents/DimentionList node. To get all the codes for certain Dimensions leave the value blank. + operator can be used for multiple codes
      API supports XML, Json and CSV data formats. Check FAQ section below for more details.
      Sample Queries:
      • Data from selected dataflow
      • Data filtered with selected code per dimension
      • Data filtered with one code from single dimension
      • Data filtered from specific time period
  • SOAP Webservice
    1. To use UNdata API, you first need to create an SDMX Query. This is an XML document that defines query parameters in accordance with the dataset you intend to retrieve. Queries can be easily created with SDMX Browser. Use this tool to browse available dataflows and define a query, then use the Download Query link to obtain the query as an XML file.

    2. To retrieve the data, use HTTP POST to submit SDMX query created at step 1 to the UNdata SOAP Web Service at In most cases, you can use GetCompactData or GetGenericData methods to query the datamarts. The Web service supports CORS and can be used in JavaScript.

    3. Results will be returned in an XML document structured in accordance with selected dataset’s Data Structure Definition.


Where can I get more information about SDMX?

What formats are supported by REST API?

  • XML
    • Generic DataSet (Default): application/vnd.sdmx.genericdata+xml;version=2.1
    • Structure Specific Data: Use "Accept: application/vnd.sdmx.structurespecificdata+xml;version=2.1"
  • Json
    • Use “Accept: text/json” header when querying for Data. Structure message is attached at the end of Data message
  • Csv (Data Only)
    • Use “Accept: text/csv” header when querying.

How do I create an SDMX query for SOAP?

  • The easiest way to create an SDMX query is to use the SDMX Browser to view available dataflows and define a query, then use the Download Query link to get the query as SDMX-ML.

Why is API not available for all UNdata datamarts?

  • To be exposed through SDMX API, each datamart requires an SDMX Data Structure Definition (DSD). We are in the process of mapping UNdata datamarts to available DSDs, as well as developing new DSD where required. API support will be gradually extended to further UNdata datamarts as DSDs and mappings are completed.

What is Data Structure Definition?

  • In SDMX, dataset structure and codes are defined prior to data exchange, just like a relational database structure needs to be defined before the database can be used. These structures are stored in a document called Data Structure Definition (DSD). To establish data dissemination, each UNdata datamart requires one or more DSDs which, as much as possible, should be internationally standardized. API is already provided for some datamarts for which DSDs are available. As more DSDs are developed, SDMX API will be enabled for other UNdata datamarts.

How do I get a Data Structure Definition associated with a dataflow?

  • Submit a RegistryInterface SDMX message to the QueryStructure method of the Web service to retrieve a DSD. Alternatively, you can use SDMX Browser: prepare a query, click Download SDMX-ML, and select SDMX-ML Structure file to return the DSD and partial codelists matching your query.

How is the data returned?

  • Datasets are returned as structured XML documents. Specific structure of each dataset is determined by its DSD as well as selected SDMX format (Compact, Cross-Sectional, or Generic).

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United Nations Statistics Division