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Glossaries (6)


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Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)

Actual final consumption of households

Adjustment for the change in the net equity of households in pension fund reserves

Current transfers between households

Final consumption expenditure of households


Household actual final consumption

Household final consumption expenditure

Household unincorporated market enterprises

Net equity of households in life insurance reserves and in pension funds

Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)

NPISHs (non-profit institutions serving households)

Payments by households to obtain certain licences

Taxes on individual or household income

Reference period (2 definitions)

Reference rate of interest

Economically active persons

Occupied persons

Reference period error

Social contributions by self-employed and non-employed persons

Person-years lived

Stateless persons

Age (2 definitions)

Age in completed years

Exact age

Household Waste

Mean age at child bearing

Deaths by sex

Life expectancy by sex

Population by five-year age group and sex

Population by sex

Population sex ratio

Sex ratio at birth

Sample size


Counterpart reference area

Reference area

Reference document

Reference metadata

Reference time

Related data reference

Related metadata reference

Age-specific fertility rates

Births by age group of mother

Deaths under age 1

Deaths under age 5

Median age

Mortality under age 5

Population aged 0-14

Population aged 12-14

Population aged 15-17

Population aged 15-24

Population aged 15-59

Population aged 15-64

Population aged 18-23

Population aged 5-14

Population aged 6-11

Population aged 60 or over

Population aged 65 or over

Population aged 80 or over

Population aged  0-4

Women aged 15-49

Own-children method

Birth history survey

Sampling frame

Shredding Residues

Expenditure taxes

Poll taxes

Private final consumption expenditure

Cost Internalization


Water Use

Individual consumption good or service

Consumer price index

Environmental Refugee

GDP per capita


Sampling fraction


Dual records system

Date of birth

Birth history

Descriptive epidemiology


Actual individual consumption

Final consumption

Machinery and equipment (assets)

Other social security benefits in kind

Private funded social insurance benefits

Reimbursements - social security benefits

Social benefits

Social security benefits - reimbursements

Taxes on income

Transport equipment (as assets)


Consumer durables


Infant deaths

Noise Abatement

Own-account workers

Other activities

Total fertility rate

Sustainable catch

Arid Zone

Climate Change

Economic Entomology

Geographical Information System (GIS)

Informal sector

Real growth

SAM (social accounting matrix)

Social accounting matrix (SAM)


Actual social contributions

Ecological Dominance



Payroll taxes

Self-employed workers


Subsidies on payroll or workforce

Distribution and use of income accounts

Education level

Expenditures on goods and services produced on own account

Functional classifications

Mixed income

Own-account producers

Redistribution of income in kind account

Total final consumption


Base year (BSYR)

Infant mortality rate (2 definitions)

Demographic equation

Growth rate

Hedonic method

Capital stock - gross

Gross capital stock

Depletion Costs

Economic Instruments

Environmental Externalities

Flow data series

Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)

Maintenance (Cost) Valuation (environmental accounting)



Wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels

Sample design

Statistical indicator

Area sampling

Catch per unit of effort (CPUE)


Documentation on methodology

Geographical coverage

Metadata structure definition

Metadataflow definition

Selective Cutting



Excise duties

Financial derivatives

Opportunity cost

Classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions (COPNI)

Collective consumption service

Consumption good or service

COPNI (classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions)

Current taxes on income, wealth, etc


Foreign retirees (as settlers)



Miscellaneous current taxes

Miscellaneous current transfers

Non-life insurance claims

Non-market output - other

Operating surplus

Other current transfers

Other non-market output

Other non-market producers

Other taxes on income n.e.c.

Satellite accounts

Social assistance benefits

Social assistance benefits in cash

Social assistance benefits in kind

Social security benefits in cash

Social transfers in kind

Trade credits and advances

Transfers of individual non-market goods or services

Unincorporated enterprise

Wages and salaries in kind


Neo-natal mortality rate

Population Equivalent (in waste-water monitoring and treatment)

Cross-domain Concepts

Data set

Dataflow definition

Metadata layer

Out-of-scope units

Current transfers - payments of compensation

Economic territory (of a country)


Payments of compensation

Taxes on capital gains

Crude birth rate

Crude death rate

Dependency ratios

Drinking Water Standards

End-of-pipe technology

Net migration rate


Line Transect Sampling

Soot Fall

Attendant at birth



Weighted sample

Exposure to risk, principle of


Border workers

Citizens in transit

Domestic employees

Foreign border workers

Foreign population of a country

Foreign-born population of a country

Foreigners in transit

Judicial (legal) separation

Long-term migrant

Principal migrant


Certifier (of cause of death)

Country of usual residence


Repatriating asylum-seekers

Vital statistics system


Population register


Contract migrant workers



Excursionists (also called "same-day" visitors)

Foreign business travelers

Foreign excursionists (also called "same-day visitors")

Foreign students

Foreign tourists

Foreign trainees

Foreigners admitted for family formation or reunification

Foreigners admitted for settlement

Foreigners seeking asylum

Foreigners whose entry or stay is not sanctioned

Foreigners whose status is regularized

International civil servants

Returning migrants

Seasonal migrant workers

Short-term migrant


Visitors (from abroad to the country)

Infant mortality

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United Nations Statistics Division