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Glossaries (6)

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Current cost accounting

Factor cost

Historic cost accounting

Opportunity cost (2 definitions)

Replacement cost accounting

Border workers

Foreign border workers

Import duties

Import subsidies

Imports of goods and services

Profits of import monopolies

Taxes and duties on imports

Taxes on production and imports

Cost and burden

Avoidance Costs

Cost Internalization

Cost-benefit Analysis

Damage Cost

Defensive Environmental Costs

Degradation Costs

Depletion Costs

Environmental Costs

Environmental damage cost

Externalization of environmental protection cost

Full-cost Pricing

Internalization of environmental cost

Maintenance (Cost) Valuation (environmental accounting)

Pollution abatement costs or expenditures

Restoration Costs

Social Cost

User Cost

Apparent Consumption

C.i.f. price

Tidal Flat

Transboundary Pollution

F.o.b. price

Mineral exploration

Valuation of Natural Assets

Non-residential buildings

Subsidies to reduce pollution

Uses of value added quadrant


Economic Injury Level


Existing good

External balance of goods and services

GDP - expenditure based

GDP - income based

GDP at market prices

Gross domestic product - expenditure based

Gross domestic product - income based

Gross domestic product at market prices

Non-monetary gold

Environmental Externalities

Provider load

Command-and-control Policy

System of integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA)

Trading gains and losses

User-pays Principle

Excursionists (also called "same-day" visitors)

Foreign excursionists (also called "same-day visitors")

Capital consumption

Defensive Expenditure

Economic Instruments

Resource rent

Informal Settlements

Exports of goods and services

GDP by types of expenditure

Gross domestic product (GDP)


Financial lease

Investment grants

Maintenance and repairs (of fixed assets)

Non-produced assets

Non-profit institutions engaged in market production

Non-profit institutions engaged in non-market production

Other non-market producers

Other structures

Reference rate of interest

Subsidies to public corporations and quasi-corporations

Exports of goods

GNI (gross national income)

Goods and services account

Gross national income (GNI)

Other subsidies on products


Subsidies on products - other

Supply and use tables

Taxes on products

Market Valuation


Ancillary Activity

Carbon Tax

Catalytic Incineration

Catch per unit of effort (CPUE)

Contingent Valuation

Energy Valuation

Environment-related Defensive Activities

Environmentally Adjusted National Income (ENI)

Environmentally Adjusted Net Domestic Product (EDP)

Environmentally-adjusted net Capital Formation (ECF)

Fishing effort

Genuine Saving

Hotelling Rent

McKelvey Box

Net Price

Polluter-pays Principle

Satellite System (of national accounts)

Stumpage Value

Target population

Other volume changes

Subsoil Assets

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United Nations Statistics Division