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Country ISO Code Year(s) Age Unmet need Source Survey name Note on population Note on unmet need indicator Note on country
Total Spacing Limiting 1 2
Albania 008 2002 15-44 1.3 1.0 0.3 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Albania 008 2008-2009 15-49 12.9 3.5 9.4 DHS
Armenia 051 2000 15-49 18.1 3.5 14.6 DHS
Armenia 051 2005 15-49 19.3 3.9 15.5 DHS
Armenia 051 2010 15-49 13.5 5.3 8.2 DHS
Azerbaijan 031 2001 15-44 11.5 1.8 9.7 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Azerbaijan 031 2006 15-49 15.4 3.0 12.5 DHS
Bangladesh 050 1993-1994 15-49 21.6 10.7 10.9 DHS
Bangladesh 050 1996-1997 15-49 19.7 9.7 10.0 DHS
Bangladesh 050 1999-2000 15-49 18.2 8.5 9.7 DHS
Bangladesh 050 2004 15-49 15.0 6.7 8.3 DHS
Bangladesh 050 2007 15-49 16.8 6.7 10.1 DHS
Bangladesh 050 2011 15-49 13.5 5.4 8.1 DHS
Belarus 112 2012 15-49 7.0 .. .. MICS Preliminary data. Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Belgium 056 1991-1992 21-39 3.4 .. 3.4 FFS Data pertain to non-pregnant women. Including sexually active, fecund married men and women (excluding those in unions), not practicing contraception and not wanting additional children or with a current pregnancy that was not wanted at conception.  Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only. Data pertain to the Flemish population.
Belize 084 1991 15-44 25.7 .. .. National survey Belize 1991 Family Health Survey Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Belize 084 1999 15-44 20.8 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Belize 084 2011 15-49 15.9 8.4 7.5 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Benin 204 1996 15-49 27.7 18.7 9.0 DHS
Benin 204 2001 15-49 27.9 18.1 9.8 DHS
Benin 204 2006 15-49 27.3 17.4 9.9 DHS
Benin 204 2011-2012 15-49 32.6 21.1 11.5 DHS
Bhutan 064 2010 15-49 11.7 4.7 6.9 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 068 1989 15-49 35.7 9.5 26.2 DHS
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 068 1993-1994 15-49 28.9 7.5 21.4 DHS
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 068 1998 15-49 26.6 6.7 19.9 DHS
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 068 2003-2004 15-49 22.8 6.0 16.9 DHS
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 068 2008 15-49 20.1 6.2 14.0 DHS
Bosnia and Herzegovina 070 2011-2012 15-49 9.0 3.3 5.7 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Botswana 072 1988 15-49 26.9 19.4 7.4 DHS
Brazil 076 1986 15-44 12.8 4.8 8.0 DHS
Brazil 076 1996 15-49 10.8 4.0 6.8 DHS
Brazil 076 2006 15-49 6.0 .. .. National survey Brazil 2006 Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios
Bulgaria 100 1997-1998 18-40 29.7 .. 29.7 FFS Including sexually active, fecund married women (excluding those in unions), not practicing contraception and not wanting additional children or with a current pregnancy that was not wanted at conception.   Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.
Burkina Faso 854 1992-1993 15-49 24.6 18.0 6.6 DHS
Burkina Faso 854 1998-1999 15-49 30.3 22.8 7.5 DHS
Burkina Faso 854 2003 15-49 29.8 22.3 7.5 DHS
Burkina Faso 854 2010-2011 15-49 24.5 17.8 6.7 DHS
Burundi 108 1987 15-49 25.1 17.7 7.4 DHS
Burundi 108 2002 15-49 29.0 .. .. National survey Burundi 2002 Enquête Socio-démographique et de Santé de la Reproduction Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Burundi 108 2010-2011 15-49 32.4 22.6 9.8 DHS
Cabo Verde 132 1998 15-49 14.2 4.0 10.0 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM). Figures for spacing and limiting do not add up to the total.
Cabo Verde 132 2005 15-49 16.7 6.4 10.3 DHS
Cambodia 116 2000 15-49 33.0 17.2 15.9 DHS
Cambodia 116 2005 15-49 25.3 8.5 16.8 DHS
Cambodia 116 2010-2011 15-49 16.9 6.1 10.8 DHS
Cameroon 120 1991 15-49 22.4 17.4 4.9 DHS
Cameroon 120 1998 15-49 20.7 13.9 6.8 DHS
Cameroon 120 2004 15-49 20.5 14.1 6.5 DHS
Cameroon 120 2011 15-49 23.5 15.2 8.2 DHS
Central African Republic 140 1994-1995 15-49 19.1 13.7 5.3 DHS
Central African Republic 140 2010-2011 15-49 27.0 20.3 6.7 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Chad 148 1996-1997 15-49 17.4 13.9 3.6 DHS
Chad 148 2004 15-49 20.6 17.9 2.7 DHS
Chad 148 2010 15-49 28.3 22.6 5.7 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
China 156 1992 15-49 3.3 .. .. National survey China 1992 National Fertility and Family Planning Survey Data pertain to ever-married women of reproductive age. Excluding women who are not using a method of contraception due to being separated, sterile, ill, breastfeeding or pregnant, or trying to get pregnant. Including women who were not using contraception because of unavailability of methods or fear of side effects.
China 156 1997 15-49 2.7 .. .. National survey China 1997 National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Survey Excluding women who are not using a method of contraception due to being separated, sterile, ill, breastfeeding or pregnant, or trying to get pregnant. Including women who were not using contraception because of unavailability of methods or fear of side effects.
China 156 2001 15-49 2.3 .. .. National survey China 2001 National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Survey Excluding women who are not using a method of contraception due to being separated, sterile, ill, breastfeeding or pregnant, or trying to get pregnant. Including women who were not using contraception because of unavailability of methods or fear of side effects.
Colombia 170 1986 15-49 13.5 5.1 8.3 DHS
Colombia 170 1990 15-49 13.7 4.8 9.0 DHS
Colombia 170 1995 15-49 11.4 4.8 6.6 DHS
Colombia 170 2000 15-49 10.0 4.4 5.7 DHS
Colombia 170 2004-2005 15-49 8.6 3.7 4.9 DHS
Colombia 170 2009-2010 15-49 8.0 3.6 4.4 DHS
Comoros 174 1996 15-49 35.6 22.0 13.5 DHS
Congo 178 2005 15-49 19.5 14.0 5.5 DHS
Congo 178 2011-2012 15-49 18.2 14.9 3.3 DHS
Costa Rica 188 1992-1993 15-49 5.0 2.0 3.0 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Costa Rica 188 2011 15-49 7.6 3.5 4.0 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Côte d'Ivoire 384 1994 15-49 30.4 20.8 9.6 DHS
Côte d'Ivoire 384 1998-1999 15-49 28.9 21.0 7.9 DHS
Côte d'Ivoire 384 2011-2012 15-49 22.2 17.3 4.9 DHS
Cuba 192 2010-2011 15-49 9.1 2.7 6.4 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Czech Republic 203 1993 15-44 14.6 3.9 10.7 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Czech Republic 203 1997 15-44 10.8 .. 10.8 FFS Including sexually active, fecund married women (excluding those in unions), not practicing contraception and not wanting additional children or with a current pregnancy that was not wanted at conception.   Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.
Czech Republic 203 2005 18-49 8.1 .. .. GGS Czech Republic 2005 Generations and Gender Survey Data pertain to women with a partner.
Czech Republic 203 2008 18-49 4.3 .. .. GGS Czech Republic 2008 Generations and Gender Survey Data pertain to women with a partner.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 408 2010 20-49 14.5 .. .. RHS
Democratic Republic of the Congo 180 2007 15-49 26.9 19.9 7.0 DHS
Democratic Republic of the Congo 180 2010 15-49 24.2 17.7 6.5 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Dominican Republic 214 1986 15-49 19.4 10.0 9.4 DHS
Dominican Republic 214 1991 15-49 19.4 9.1 10.3 DHS
Dominican Republic 214 1996 15-49 14.3 8.2 6.0 DHS
Dominican Republic 214 1999 15-49 13.8 8.2 5.7 DHS
Dominican Republic 214 2002 15-49 12.4 6.9 5.5 DHS
Dominican Republic 214 2007 15-49 11.1 6.7 4.4 DHS
Ecuador 218 1987 15-49 24.2 10.8 13.4 DHS
Ecuador 218 1989 15-49 24.6 .. .. National survey Ecuador 1989 Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Materna e Infantil
Ecuador 218 1994 15-49 15.2 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Ecuador 218 1999 15-49 10.0 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Ecuador 218 2004 15-49 7.4 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Egypt 818 1992 15-49 22.9 7.1 15.8 DHS
Egypt 818 1995 15-49 20.2 6.4 13.8 DHS
Egypt 818 1997-1998 15-49 17.8 5.6 12.2 DHS
Egypt 818 1998 15-49 14.5 3.7 10.8 DHS
Egypt 818 2000 15-49 13.7 3.8 9.9 DHS
Egypt 818 2003 15-49 11.8 3.7 8.1 DHS
Egypt 818 2005 15-49 12.3 3.5 8.8 DHS
Egypt 818 2008 15-49 11.6 3.4 8.2 DHS
El Salvador 222 1988 15-44 16.2 .. .. National survey El Salvador 1988 Encuesta Nacional de Salud Familiar
El Salvador 222 1993 15-44 15.8 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
El Salvador 222 1998 15-44 14.2 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
El Salvador 222 2002-2003 15-49 22.3 .. .. RHS
El Salvador 222 2008 15-49 18.4 .. .. RHS
Equatorial Guinea 226 2011 15-49 34.0 22.0 12.0 DHS
Eritrea 232 1995 15-49 29.7 22.7 7.0 DHS
Eritrea 232 2002 15-49 28.5 21.6 6.8 DHS
Ethiopia 231 2000 15-49 36.6 20.9 15.7 DHS
Ethiopia 231 2005 15-49 36.1 19.5 16.6 DHS
Ethiopia 231 2010-2011 15-49 26.3 16.5 9.8 DHS
France 250 1994 20-49 7.4 .. 7.4 FFS Including sexually active, fecund married women (excluding those in unions), not practicing contraception and not wanting additional children or with a current pregnancy that was not wanted at conception.   Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.
France 250 2004-2005 15-49 1.7 .. 1.7 National survey France 2005 Enquête du Baromètre Santé Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.
Gabon 266 2000 15-49 27.9 19.7 8.1 DHS
Gabon 266 2012 15-49 26.5 18.7 7.7 DHS
Gambia 270 2010 15-49 21.5 17.0 4.5 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Georgia 268 1999-2000 15-44 23.8 5.7 18.1 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Georgia 268 2005 15-44 16.3 4.3 12.0 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Georgia 268 2010 15-44 12.3 .. .. RHS Data pertain to women who are married and fecund, had intercourse within the past month, and are not pregnant, postpartum or seeking pregnancy and are not using contraception.
Ghana 288 1988 15-49 35.2 26.2 9.0 DHS
Ghana 288 1993 15-49 36.9 24.8 12.1 DHS
Ghana 288 1998-1999 15-49 34.7 22.5 12.3 DHS
Ghana 288 2003 15-49 34.5 20.7 13.7 DHS
Ghana 288 2008 15-49 35.7 21.5 14.2 DHS
Ghana 288 2011 15-49 26.4 16.3 10.1 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Ghana 288 2013 15-49 37.2 24.4 12.8 National survey Ghana 2013 PMA family planning survey
Guatemala 320 1987 15-44 29.4 16.4 13.0 DHS
Guatemala 320 1995 15-49 28.1 14.4 13.7 DHS
Guatemala 320 1998-1999 15-49 26.8 13.8 13.1 DHS
Guatemala 320 2002 15-49 27.6 15.1 12.5 RHS
Guatemala 320 2008-2009 15-49 20.8 11.0 9.8 RHS Preliminary data.
Guinea 324 1992-1993 15-49 24.7 18.3 6.4 DHS
Guinea 324 1999 15-49 24.8 16.1 8.7 DHS
Guinea 324 2005 15-49 21.9 13.4 8.5 DHS
Guinea-Bissau 624 2010 15-49 6.0 4.6 1.4 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Guyana 328 2009 15-49 28.5 9.4 19.1 DHS
Haiti 332 1989 15-49 27.2 .. .. CPS
Haiti 332 1994-1995 15-49 44.7 17.0 27.7 DHS
Haiti 332 2000 15-49 39.6 15.6 24.0 DHS
Haiti 332 2005-2006 15-49 37.3 16.5 20.8 DHS
Haiti 332 2012 15-49 35.3 15.7 19.7 DHS/MICS
Honduras 340 1987 15-44 15.8 7.6 8.2 RHS
Honduras 340 1996 15-44 18.0 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Honduras 340 2001 15-44 11.2 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Honduras 340 2005-2006 15-49 16.8 8.0 8.8 DHS
Honduras 340 2011-2012 15-49 10.7 6.2 4.5 DHS
Hungary 348 1992-1993 18-41 7.0 .. 7.0 FFS Including sexually active, fecund married women (excluding those in unions), not practicing contraception and not wanting additional children or with a current pregnancy that was not wanted at conception.   Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.
India 356 1992-1993 15-49 20.3 12.2 8.1 DHS
India 356 1998-1999 15-49 16.1 8.3 7.8 DHS
India 356 2002-2004 15-44 21.1 8.5 12.7 National survey India 2002-2004 District Level Household Survey Including currently married women who are not using contraception, are not pregnant, not in menopause and have not had a hysterectomy, but either do not want any more children, want to delay the next child by two or more years, or are uncertain about whether or when to have the next child.
India 356 2005-2006 15-49 13.9 6.1 7.8 DHS
India 356 2007-2008 15-49 20.5 7.2 13.3 National survey India 2007-2008 District Level Household Survey
Indonesia 360 1987 15-49 16.0 10.1 6.0 DHS
Indonesia 360 1991 15-49 17.0 8.6 8.4 DHS
Indonesia 360 1994 15-49 15.3 6.6 8.7 DHS
Indonesia 360 1997 15-49 13.6 5.9 7.7 DHS
Indonesia 360 2002-2003 15-49 13.2 4.7 8.5 DHS
Indonesia 360 2007 15-49 13.1 4.8 8.3 DHS
Indonesia 360 2012 15-49 11.4 4.5 6.9 DHS
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 364 2010-2011 15-49 5.7 3.6 2.1 National survey Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2010 Multiple-Indicator Demographic and Health Survey
Iraq 368 2011 15-49 8.0 4.5 3.5 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Italy 380 1995-1996 20-49 11.8 .. 11.8 FFS Including sexually active, fecund married women (excluding those in unions), not practicing contraception and not wanting additional children or with a current pregnancy that was not wanted at conception.   Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.
Jamaica 388 1989 15-49 20.6 .. .. CPS
Jamaica 388 1993 15-44 13.0 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Jamaica 388 1997 15-49 14.2 7.0 7.0 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM). Figures for spacing and limiting do not add up to the total.
Jamaica 388 2002-2003 15-49 11.7 3.6 8.1 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Jamaica 388 2008-2009 15-49 10.0 .. .. RHS Includes currently married, in common law union and visting partner.
Jordan 400 1990 15-49 26.5 9.7 16.8 DHS
Jordan 400 1997 15-49 20.1 9.9 10.2 DHS
Jordan 400 2002 15-49 14.9 7.0 7.9 DHS
Jordan 400 2007 15-49 13.8 5.7 8.2 DHS
Jordan 400 2009 15-49 13.4 6.0 7.4 DHS
Jordan 400 2012 15-49 11.7 4.9 6.8 DHS
Kazakhstan 398 1995 15-49 16.3 4.6 11.7 DHS
Kazakhstan 398 1999 15-49 11.9 4.1 7.7 DHS
Kazakhstan 398 2010-2011 15-49 11.6 4.7 6.9 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Kenya 404 1988-1989 15-49 38.0 22.4 15.5 DHS
Kenya 404 1993 15-49 35.3 20.7 14.6 DHS
Kenya 404 1998 15-49 28.0 16.0 11.9 DHS
Kenya 404 2003 15-49 27.4 15.2 12.2 DHS
Kenya 404 2008-2009 15-49 25.6 12.5 13.1 DHS
Kiribati 296 2009 15-49 28.0 14.4 13.6 National survey Kiribati 2009 Demographic and Health Survey 
Kyrgyzstan 417 1997 15-49 11.8 4.7 7.1 DHS
Kyrgyzstan 417 2012 15-49 18.0 12.4 5.7 DHS
Lao People's Democratic Republic 418 2000 15-49 39.5 10.5 29.0 National survey Lao People's Democratic Republic 2000 Reproductive Health Survey Including pregnant women whose current pregnancy was mistimed or unwanted, and women in post-partum amenorrhea whose last birth was mistimed or unwanted. Including women who are not using any method of contraception and do not want any more children or want to space their next birth.  
Lao People's Democratic Republic 418 2005 15-49 27.3 11.0 16.3 National survey Lao People's Democratic Republic 2005 Reproductive Health Survey
Lao People's Democratic Republic 418 2011-2012 15-49 19.9 8.2 11.8 DHS/MICS
Latvia 428 1995 18-49 16.8 .. 16.8 FFS Including sexually active, fecund married women (excluding those in unions), not practicing contraception and not wanting additional children or with a current pregnancy that was not wanted at conception.   Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.
Lesotho 426 2004-2005 15-49 31.0 9.6 21.4 DHS
Lesotho 426 2009-2010 15-49 23.3 10.9 12.4 DHS
Liberia 430 1986 15-49 32.8 19.8 13.0 DHS
Liberia 430 2007 15-49 35.7 24.2 11.4 DHS
Libya 434 2007 15-49 27.0 20.0 7.0 PAPFAM Survey did not ask whether a child was wanted.
Lithuania 440 1994-1995 18-49 18.0 .. 18.0 FFS Data pertain to non-pregnant women. Including sexually active, fecund married men and women (excluding those in unions), not practicing contraception and not wanting additional children or with a current pregnancy that was not wanted at conception.  Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.
Madagascar 450 1992 15-49 32.3 16.2 16.2 DHS
Madagascar 450 1997 15-49 27.7 14.7 12.9 DHS
Madagascar 450 2003-2004 15-49 24.5 11.8 12.7 DHS
Madagascar 450 2008-2009 15-49 19.0 10.2 8.8 DHS
Malawi 454 1992 15-49 36.5 24.3 12.2 DHS
Malawi 454 2000 15-49 29.9 14.9 15.0 DHS
Malawi 454 2004 15-49 30.3 16.2 14.1 DHS
Malawi 454 2010 15-49 26.2 12.4 13.8 DHS
Maldives 462 2009 15-49 28.6 15.0 13.6 DHS
Mali 466 1987 15-49 22.9 17.2 5.7 DHS
Mali 466 1995-1996 15-49 27.5 21.0 6.5 DHS
Mali 466 2001 15-49 29.6 21.5 8.2 DHS
Mali 466 2006 15-49 27.6 20.3 7.3 DHS
Marshall Islands 584 2007 15-49 8.1 3.0 5.1 National survey Marshall Islands 2007 Demographic Health Survey (national)
Mauritania 478 2000-2001 15-49 32.1 23.2 8.9 DHS
Mauritius 480 1991 15-44 6.4 1.0 5.0 CPS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM). Figures for spacing and limiting do not add up to the total.
Mauritius 480 2002 15-49 3.5 .. .. National survey Mauritius 2002 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey of Mauritius and Rodrigues Islands Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Mexico 484 1987 15-49 25.1 12.1 13.0 DHS
Mexico 484 1995 15-49 16.1 7.2 8.9 National survey Mexico 1995 Encuesta Nacional de Planificación Familiar Data pertain to women who are exposed to the risk of pregnancy, are not using a method of contraception and want to space or limit the number of births.
Mexico 484 1997 15-49 12.1 6.9 5.2 National survey Mexico 1997 Encuesta Nacional de la Dinámica Demográfica Data pertain to women who are exposed to the risk of pregnancy, are not using a method of contraception and want to space or limit the number of births.
Mexico 484 2003 15-49 9.9 5.1 4.8 National survey Mexico 2003 Encuesta Nacional de Salud Reproductiva Data pertain to women who are exposed to the risk of pregnancy, are not using a method of contraception and want to space or limit the number of births.
Mexico 484 2006 15-49 12.0 6.2 5.7 National survey Encuesta Nacional de la Dinámica Demográfica 2006 Data pertain to women who are exposed to the risk of pregnancy, are not using a method of contraception and want to space or limit the number of births.
Mexico 484 2009 15-49 9.8 5.2 4.6 National survey Mexico 2009 Encuesta Nacional de la Dinámica Demográfica
Mongolia 496 1998 15-49 9.9 2.9 6.9 National survey Mongolia 1998 Reproductive Health Survey Including pregnant women whose current pregnancy was mistimed or unwanted, and women in post-partum amenorrhea whose last birth was mistimed or unwanted. Including women who are not using any method of contraception and do not want any more children or want to space their next birth.  
Mongolia 496 2003 15-49 4.6 2.0 2.6 National survey Mongolia 2003 Reproductive Health Survey Including pregnant women whose current pregnancy was mistimed or unwanted, and women in post-partum amenorrhea whose last birth was mistimed or unwanted. Including women who are not using any method of contraception and do not want any more children or want to space their next birth.  
Mongolia 496 2008 15-49 14.4 13.7 0.7 National survey Mongolia 2008 Reproductive Health Survey Including pregnant women whose current pregnancy was mistimed or unwanted, and women in post-partum amenorrhea whose last birth was mistimed or unwanted. Including women who are not using any method of contraception and do not want any more children or want to space their next birth.  
Mongolia 496 2010 15-49 22.3 5.9 16.5 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Morocco 504 1987 15-49 22.1 12.5 9.6 DHS
Morocco 504 1992 15-49 23.5 9.6 13.9 DHS
Morocco 504 1995 15-49 16.1 6.3 9.8 DHS
Morocco 504 2003-2004 15-49 11.9 4.4 7.4 DHS
Morocco 504 2010-2011 15-49 10.9 4.2 6.7 PAPFAM Survey did not ask whether a child was wanted.
Mozambique 508 1997 15-49 24.9 18.7 6.3 DHS
Mozambique 508 2003-2004 15-49 18.9 10.9 8.0 DHS
Mozambique 508 2011 15-49 28.5 15.6 12.9 DHS
Myanmar 104 1991 15-49 20.6 6.2 14.4 National survey Myanmar 1991 Population Change and Fertility Survey Excluding women who are uncertain about their desire for more children or desired timing of the next child. Including fecund married women, husband present, who are not using contraception, are not pregnant or in post-partum amenorrhea and who want a child after two years or want no more children.  
Myanmar 104 1997 15-49 19.1 5.8 13.3 National survey Myanmar 1997 Fertility and Reproductive Health Survey Excluding women who are uncertain about their desire for more children or desired timing of the next child. Including fecund married women, husband present, who are not using contraception, are not pregnant or in post-partum amenorrhea and who want a child after two years or want no more children.  
Myanmar 104 2001 15-49 19.1 6.3 12.8 National survey Myanmar 2001 Fertility and Reproductive Health Survey Excluding women who are uncertain about their desire for more children or desired timing of the next child. Including currently pregnant women who would have preferred their pregnancy later or did not want any more pregnancies. Including fecund married women, husband present, who are not using contraception, are not pregnant or in post-partum amenorrhea and who want a child after two years or want no more children.
Namibia 516 1992 15-49 21.8 14.6 7.1 DHS
Namibia 516 2000 15-49 23.9 9.9 14.0 DHS
Namibia 516 2006-2007 15-49 20.7 8.6 12.1 DHS
Nauru 520 2007 15-49 23.5 16.4 7.1 National survey Nauru 2007 Demographic Health Survey (national)
Nepal 524 1991-1992 15-49 27.7 12.4 15.3 National survey Nepal 1991-1992 Fertility, Family Planning and Health Survey
Nepal 524 1996 15-49 32.4 14.8 17.5 DHS
Nepal 524 2001 15-49 27.8 11.1 16.7 DHS
Nepal 524 2006 15-49 24.7 9.3 15.4 DHS
Nepal 524 2011 15-49 27.5 9.9 17.6 DHS
Nicaragua 558 1992-1993 15-49 23.9 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Nicaragua 558 1997-1998 15-49 17.9 7.3 10.5 DHS
Nicaragua 558 2001 15-49 14.6 5.6 9.0 DHS
Nicaragua 558 2006-2007 15-49 10.7 5.5 5.2 RHS
Niger 562 1992 15-49 18.7 15.6 3.1 DHS
Niger 562 1998 15-49 17.7 14.7 3.0 DHS
Niger 562 2006 15-49 16.1 13.4 2.7 DHS
Niger 562 2012 15-49 16.0 13.3 2.7 DHS
Nigeria 566 1990 15-49 21.5 16.5 5.1 DHS
Nigeria 566 1999 15-49 20.0 15.1 4.9 DHS
Nigeria 566 2003 15-49 17.5 12.0 5.5 DHS
Nigeria 566 2008 15-49 20.2 14.5 5.7 DHS
Nigeria 566 2011 15-49 18.9 13.3 5.6 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Oman 512 2007-2008 15-49 55.9 31.8 24.1 RHS Data pertain to nationals of the country.
Pakistan 586 1990-1991 15-49 30.5 15.0 15.4 DHS
Pakistan 586 1996-1997 15-49 37.5 13.4 24.1 National survey Pakistan 1996-1997 Fertility and Family Planning Survey Including pregnant women whose current pregnancy was mistimed or unwanted, and women in post-partum amenorrhea whose last birth was mistimed or unwanted. Including women who are not using any method of contraception and do not want any more children or want to space their next birth.  
Pakistan 586 2000-2001 15-49 33.0 12.1 20.9 National survey Pakistan 2000-2001 Reproductive Health and Family Planning Survey Including married women who are not using a method of contraception and do not want any more children or wish to delay their next child for two years or more. 
Pakistan 586 2006-2007 15-49 25.2 10.8 14.4 DHS
Pakistan 586 2012-2013 15-49 20.1 8.8 11.3 DHS
Papua New Guinea 598 2006-2007 15-49 27.4 .. .. National survey Papua New Guinea 2006 Demographic and Health Survey (national)
Paraguay 600 1987 15-44 32.9 .. .. RHS
Paraguay 600 1990 15-49 17.4 10.3 7.1 DHS
Paraguay 600 1995-1996 15-49 19.2 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Paraguay 600 1998 15-44 17.3 9.0 8.0 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM). Figures for spacing and limiting do not add up to the total.
Paraguay 600 2004 15-44 6.6 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Paraguay 600 2008 15-44 4.7 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence.
Peru 604 1986 15-49 27.7 8.1 19.6 DHS
Peru 604 1991-1992 15-49 21.6 6.2 15.4 DHS
Peru 604 1996 15-49 17.7 5.5 12.2 DHS
Peru 604 2000 15-49 14.4 4.9 9.4 DHS
Peru 604 2007-2008 15-49 12.6 5.3 7.3 DHS
Peru 604 2009 15-49 7.2 2.8 4.4 DHS
Peru 604 2010 15-49 6.9 2.6 4.3 DHS
Peru 604 2011 15-49 6.1 2.1 4.0 DHS
Peru 604 2012 15-49 8.2 3.6 4.7 DHS
Philippines 608 1993 15-49 30.2 13.5 16.7 DHS
Philippines 608 1998 15-49 24.6 10.2 14.3 DHS
Philippines 608 2003 15-49 22.5 9.1 13.5 DHS
Philippines 608 2008 15-49 22.0 8.5 13.5 DHS
Philippines 608 2011 15-49 19.3 10.5 8.8 National survey Philippines 2011 Family Health Survey
Puerto Rico 630 1995-1996 15-49 4.0 2.0 2.0 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Qatar 634 2012 15-49 6.0 .. .. MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Republic of Moldova 498 1997 15-44 6.7 3.0 3.0 RHS Data pertain to sexually active women of reproductive age. Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM). Figures for spacing and limiting do not add up to the total.
Republic of Moldova 498 2005 15-49 11.4 3.1 8.2 DHS
Romania 642 1993 15-44 11.4 .. .. RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Romania 642 1999 15-44 5.6 1.7 3.9 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Romania 642 2004 15-44 11.9 .. .. National survey Romania 2004 Reproductive and Health Survey Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Russian Federation 643 2011 15-44 8.0 .. .. National survey Russian Federation 2011 Reproductive Health Survey
Rwanda 646 1992 15-49 38.2 20.2 18.0 DHS
Rwanda 646 2000 15-49 36.4 22.8 13.5 DHS
Rwanda 646 2005 15-49 38.5 23.5 14.9 DHS
Rwanda 646 2010-2011 15-49 20.8 10.7 10.1 DHS
Samoa 882 2009 15-49 47.7 20.6 27.2 DHS
Sao Tome and Principe 678 2008-2009 15-49 37.6 18.0 19.6 DHS
Senegal 686 1986 15-49 37.4 25.3 12.2 DHS
Senegal 686 1992-1993 15-49 28.8 21.7 7.1 DHS
Senegal 686 2005 15-49 32.0 24.3 7.7 DHS
Senegal 686 2010-2011 15-49 30.1 22.3 7.8 DHS
Senegal 686 2012-2013 15-49 29.3 22.0 7.4 DHS
Serbia 688 2010 15-49 6.6 3.1 3.5 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Sierra Leone 694 2008 15-49 28.4 16.1 12.2 DHS
Sierra Leone 694 2010 15-49 27.4 17.7 9.7 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Slovenia 705 1994-1995 15-45 9.2 .. 9.2 FFS Including sexually active, fecund married women (excluding those in unions), not practicing contraception and not wanting additional children or with a current pregnancy that was not wanted at conception.   Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.
Solomon Islands 090 2006-2007 15-49 11.1 6.9 4.2 National survey Solomon Islands 2006-2007 Demographic and Health Survey
South Africa 710 1998 15-49 16.5 5.7 10.8 DHS
South Africa 710 2003-2004 15-49 13.8 4.7 9.1 DHS
South Sudan 728 2010 15-49 26.3 19.1 7.2 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Spain 724 1994-1995 20-49 11.8 6.3 5.4 FFS
Sri Lanka 144 1987 15-49 12.3 7.2 5.1 DHS
Sri Lanka 144 2000 15-49 18.2 6.2 12.0 National survey Sri Lanka 2000 Demographic and Health Survey (national) Including fecund married women who were not currently using contraception and who wanted no more births, wanted to postpone the next birth for at least two years or were undecided about whether to have another birth or the timing of that birth.
Sri Lanka 144 2006-2007 15-49 7.3 3.5 3.8 DHS Excluding the Northern Province.
State of Palestine 275 2010 15-49 15.6 10.4 5.3 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Sudan 729 1989-1990 15-49 28.9 15.5 13.4 DHS Data pertain to pre-secession Northern Sudan.
Sudan 729 1992-1993 15-49 26.0 .. .. PAPCHILD Data pertain to pre-secession Northern Sudan.
Sudan 729 2010 15-49 28.9 .. .. National survey/MICS Sudan 2010 Household Health Survey Second Round Preliminary data. Data pertain to pre-secession Sudan, including data for South Sudan.
Suriname 740 2010 15-49 16.9 7.7 9.1 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Swaziland 748 2006-2007 15-49 24.7 6.7 18.1 DHS
Swaziland 748 2010 15-49 13.0 5.5 7.5 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Syrian Arab Republic 760 2009-2010 15-49 16.4 11.5 4.9 PAPFAM Survey did not ask whether a child was wanted.
Tajikistan 762 2012 15-49 22.9 11.8 11.0 DHS
Thailand 764 1987 15-49 11.1 5.6 5.5 DHS
Thailand 764 2006 15-49 3.1 .. .. National survey Thailand 2006 Reproductive Health Survey Data pertain to women who are married and not using contraception because of concerns about method safety, accessibility or cost of services or who did not state a reason for non-use.
Thailand 764 2012 15-49 6.9 .. .. MICS
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 807 2011 15-49 17.2 5.3 11.8 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Timor-Leste 626 1991 15-49 18.3 11.5 6.7 DHS
Timor-Leste 626 1994 15-49 13.3 8.3 5.0 DHS
Timor-Leste 626 1997 15-49 17.4 11.4 5.9 DHS
Timor-Leste 626 2003 15-49 3.8 3.7 0.1 National survey Timor-Leste 2003 Demographic and Health Survey (national)
Timor-Leste 626 2009-2010 15-49 31.5 20.9 10.6 DHS
Togo 768 1988 15-49 40.1 28.5 11.7 DHS
Togo 768 1998 15-49 35.0 23.6 11.4 DHS
Togo 768 2010 15-49 37.2 23.1 14.1 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Trinidad and Tobago 780 1987 15-49 16.1 8.3 7.9 DHS
Tunisia 788 2001 15-49 12.1 .. .. PAPFAM
Tunisia 788 2011-2012 15-49 7.0 3.7 3.3 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Turkey 792 1993 15-49 14.6 4.4 10.2 DHS
Turkey 792 1998 15-49 14.0 5.0 9.0 DHS
Turkey 792 2003 15-49 9.5 3.1 6.4 DHS
Turkey 792 2008 15-49 6.2 2.1 4.1 National survey Turkey 2008 Demographic and Health Survey
Turkmenistan 795 2000 15-49 13.1 4.7 8.3 DHS
Tuvalu 798 2007 15-49 24.2 12.1 12.1 National survey Tuvalu 2007 Demographic Health Survey (national)
Uganda 800 1995 15-49 30.0 18.9 11.1 DHS
Uganda 800 2000-2001 15-49 35.0 20.3 14.7 DHS
Uganda 800 2006 15-49 38.0 23.7 14.3 DHS
Uganda 800 2011 15-49 34.3 20.8 13.5 DHS
Ukraine 804 1999 15-44 17.5 3.4 14.1 RHS Excluding women who are currently pregnant, currently seeking to become pregnant, subfecund, or who are not sexually active, including women practicing post-partum abstinence. Including fecund married women, currently sexually active, currently exposed to the risk of pregnancy, not wanting to become pregnant, and not using a method of contraception other than folk methods, douches, breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhea (LAM).
Ukraine 804 2007 15-49 10.1 3.7 6.4 DHS
Ukraine 804 2012 15-49 4.9 3.1 1.8 MICS
United Republic of Tanzania 834 1991-1992 15-49 27.8 18.4 9.4 DHS
United Republic of Tanzania 834 1994 15-49 27.3 17.5 9.7 DHS
United Republic of Tanzania 834 1996 15-49 26.0 15.8 10.1 DHS
United Republic of Tanzania 834 1999 15-49 22.3 13.3 9.0 DHS
United Republic of Tanzania 834 2004-2005 15-49 24.3 16.1 8.2 DHS
United Republic of Tanzania 834 2009-2010 15-49 25.3 15.9 9.4 DHS
United States of America 840 1988 15-44 4.0 .. .. National survey United States of America 1988 National Survey of Family Growth
United States of America 840 1990 15-44 6.0 .. .. National survey United States of America 1990 National Survey of Family Growth Data pertain to women who are married and fecund, had intercourse within the past month, and are not pregnant, postpartum or seeking pregnancy and are not using contraception.
United States of America 840 2002 15-44 6.3 .. .. National survey United States of America 2002 National Survey of Family Growth Data pertain to women who are married and fecund, had intercourse within the past three months, and are not pregnant, postpartum or seeking pregnancy and are not using contraception.
United States of America 840 2006-2008 15-44 5.8 .. .. National survey United States of America 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth Excluding women who are currently pregnant, seeking pregnancy or postpartum; either nonsurgically sterile or sterile for noncontraceptive reasons; or are not using contraception but have not had sex since menarche or in the 3 months prior to the inteview. Estimate.
United States of America 840 2006-2010 15-44 8.0 .. .. National survey United States of America 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth Excluding women who are currently pregnant, seeking pregnancy or postpartum; either nonsurgically sterile or sterile for noncontraceptive reasons; or are not using contraception but have not had sex since menarche or in the 3 months prior to the inteview. Estimate.
Uzbekistan 860 1996 15-49 13.7 6.5 7.2 DHS
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 862 1998 15-49 18.9 6.7 12.2 National survey Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1998 Encuesta Nacional de Poblacion y Familia Including pregnant women whose current pregnancy was mistimed or unwanted, and women in post-partum amenorrhea whose last birth was mistimed or unwanted. Including women who are not using any method of contraception and do not want any more children or want to space their next birth.  
Viet Nam 704 1997 15-49 8.4 3.6 4.8 DHS
Viet Nam 704 2002 15-49 6.6 2.3 4.4 National survey Viet Nam 2002 Annual Population Change Survey
Viet Nam 704 2010-2011 15-49 4.3 2.3 2.0 MICS Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.
Yemen 887 1997 15-49 40.0 17.5 22.5 DHS
Yemen 887 2006 15-49 23.6 13.0 10.6 MICS Survey did not ask whether a child was wanted.
Zambia 894 1992 15-49 30.0 20.8 9.2 DHS
Zambia 894 1996-1997 15-49 25.2 16.9 8.3 DHS
Zambia 894 2001-2002 15-49 27.5 15.0 12.5 DHS
Zambia 894 2007 15-49 26.6 15.9 10.6 DHS
Zimbabwe 716 1994 15-49 19.1 10.6 8.5 DHS
Zimbabwe 716 1999 15-49 16.7 8.5 8.2 DHS
Zimbabwe 716 2005-2006 15-49 15.5 7.2 8.2 DHS
Zimbabwe 716 2010-2011 15-49 14.6 8.7 5.9 DHS
General Notes:
Data coverage:  The file shows the most recent estimates available to the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat as of March 2014.
ISO Code:  The column entitled "ISO code" contains numerical codes that identify in a unique way each geographical unit used.  Codes for countries and areas are fully compliant with international standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 
Year(s): The column entitled "Year(s)" refers to the year(s) when the survey was carried out.
Age:  The column entitled "Age" refers to the age group of the population the data pertain to.
Unmet need for family planning: The unmet need for family planning is the number of women with unmet need for family planning expressed as a percentage of women of reproductive age who are married or in a union. Women with unmet need are those who are fecund and sexually active but are not using any method of contraception, and report not wanting any more children or wanting to delay the birth of their next child.
Source: The column entitled "Source" contains acronyms indicating multi-country survey programmes.  The user should refer to the "Sources" worksheet to see the survey programme corresponding to each acronym.
Survey name: In countries where a national survey was the source of data, the name of the survey is indicated in this column.
Notes: The columns entitled "Notes" indicate where the sampled population was not representative of married or in-union women of reproductive-age and where a different definition of unmet need for family planning was used.
Two dots (..): Indicate that data are not available or not separately reported.
CPS Indicates that the data are collected through a Contraceptive Prevalence Survey, a survey programme conducted between the late 1970s and early 1990s by Westinghouse Health Systems.
DHS Indicates that the data are collected through a Demographic and Health Survey, a survey programme implemented by ICF International.
FFS Indicates that the data are collected through a Fertility and Family Survey, a survey programme conducted in the 1990s in selected Member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and coordinated by the Population Unit of UNECE.
GGS Indicates that the data are collected through a Generations and Gender Survey, a longitudinal survey programme implemented from 2000 onwards in selected Member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and co-ordinated by the Population Unit of UNECE
National survey Indicates that the data are taken directly from a national survey.
PAPCHILD Indicates that the data are collected through a Pan-Arab Project for Child Development Survey, a survey programme implemented in the 1990s by the League of Arab States. 
PAPFAM Indicates that the data are collected through a Pan-Arab Project for Family Health Survey, a survey programme implemented since 2000 by the League of Arab States.
RHS Indicates that the data are collected through a Reproductive Health Survey, a survey programme implemented since the 1990s by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States.

World Contraceptive Use

Source:  United Nations Population Division

World Contraceptive Use, prepared by the United Nations Population Division, provides a comparable and up-to-date set of national data on contraceptive prevalence for almost all countries and areas of the world. It also provides estimates of unmet need for family planning.


United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2014). World Contraceptive Use 2014 (POP/DB/CP/Rev2014).
Last update in UNdata: 2014/07/30
Next update in UNdata: To be confirmed