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53 records | Page 1 of 2 | 
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Country or AreaYearItemValue
Burundi2022Gross National Income (GNI)4,051,170,705
Burundi2021Gross National Income (GNI)3,753,342,525
Burundi2020Gross National Income (GNI)3,470,317,136
Burundi2019Gross National Income (GNI)3,378,228,283
Burundi2018Gross National Income (GNI)3,324,353,214
Burundi2017Gross National Income (GNI)3,299,611,777
Burundi2016Gross National Income (GNI)3,120,220,473
Burundi2015Gross National Income (GNI)3,109,870,337
Burundi2014Gross National Income (GNI)3,021,491,101
Burundi2013Gross National Income (GNI)2,844,656,984
Burundi2012Gross National Income (GNI)2,773,022,116
Burundi2011Gross National Income (GNI)2,481,854,082
Burundi2010Gross National Income (GNI)2,021,331,183
Burundi2009Gross National Income (GNI)1,758,554,324
Burundi2008Gross National Income (GNI)1,607,536,698
Burundi2007Gross National Income (GNI)1,350,298,467
Burundi2006Gross National Income (GNI)1,264,939,054
Burundi2005Gross National Income (GNI)1,099,546,141
Burundi2004Gross National Income (GNI)659,605,305
Burundi2003Gross National Income (GNI)581,899,598
Burundi2002Gross National Income (GNI)617,687,350
Burundi2001Gross National Income (GNI)653,040,849
Burundi2000Gross National Income (GNI)720,762,268
Burundi1999Gross National Income (GNI)796,844,412
Burundi1998Gross National Income (GNI)885,395,513
Burundi1997Gross National Income (GNI)960,354,774
Burundi1996Gross National Income (GNI)855,053,652
Burundi1995Gross National Income (GNI)988,020,267
Burundi1994Gross National Income (GNI)1,055,677,187
Burundi1993Gross National Income (GNI)964,665,103
Burundi1992Gross National Income (GNI)1,073,145,167
Burundi1991Gross National Income (GNI)1,156,156,759
Burundi1990Gross National Income (GNI)1,125,628,630
Burundi1989Gross National Income (GNI)1,118,949,580
Burundi1988Gross National Income (GNI)1,071,619,360
Burundi1987Gross National Income (GNI)1,144,663,420
Burundi1986Gross National Income (GNI)1,218,741,173
Burundi1985Gross National Income (GNI)1,159,260,341
Burundi1984Gross National Income (GNI)998,010,456
Burundi1983Gross National Income (GNI)1,102,870,771
Burundi1982Gross National Income (GNI)1,046,244,444
Burundi1981Gross National Income (GNI)998,200,000
Burundi1980Gross National Income (GNI)960,322,222
Burundi1979Gross National Income (GNI)782,675,556
Burundi1978Gross National Income (GNI)599,158,889
Burundi1977Gross National Income (GNI)529,561,111
Burundi1976Gross National Income (GNI)446,070,725
Burundi1975Gross National Income (GNI)406,233,651
Burundi1974Gross National Income (GNI)337,385,397
Burundi1973Gross National Income (GNI)297,134,372

National Accounts Estimates of Main Aggregates

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The Economic Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) maintains and annually updates the National Accounts Main Aggregates database. It consists of a complete and consistent set of time series, from 1970 onwards, of the main National Accounts aggregates of all UN Members States and other territories in the world for which National Accounts information is available. Its contents are based on the official data reported to UNSD through the annual National Accounts Questionnaire, supplemented with data estimates for any years and countries with incomplete or inconsistent information.

Estimates are done when no official data are available. The final aggregates are provided in national currency and in United States dollars. The main aggregates in the database include Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by type of expenditure and Gross Value Added by kind of economic activity, both at current and at constant market prices. It also contains Gross National Income (GNI) at current prices and analytical indicators and ratios that reflect economic structure and trends of countries and areas. These analytical indicators are: annual per capita GDP and GNI (calculated using actual population or annual population estimates from the UN Population Division); annual growth rates of GDP; annual shares in total GDP and total Gross Value added of their respective components; and price trends as defined by the implicit price deflators of GDP.

The National Accounts Main Aggregates database is the product of a global cooperation effort between UNSD, international statistical agencies, and the national statistical services of more than 200 countries and territories. It has been prepared in response to a request by the Statistical Commission during its first session in 1947, and is in agreement with the resolution 48/223 C of the UN General Assembly, which mandates the Committee on Contributions to prepare the Scale of Assessment for UN Member States on the basis of the most recent reliable and verifiable available data on national accounts of as many countries and areas as possible, and that these data be published and disseminated regularly.

8 April 2019 Data updated and footnotes added to China.

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Last update in UNdata: 2024/02/21
Next update in UNdata: 2025/02/21