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1257 records | Page 1 of 26 | 
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Country or AreaYear(s)VariantValue
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Medium1739.032
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100High2615.588
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Low1088.16
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Constant fertility1542.722
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Instant replacement3000.557
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Zero migration1790.409
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Constant mortality1386.302
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100No change1194.456
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Momentum2641.779
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Instant replacement zero migration3064.694
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Median PI1739.032
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Upper 80 PI2148.43
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Lower 80 PI1347.891
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Upper 95 PI2377.77
Bosnia and Herzegovina2100Lower 95 PI1135.995
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Medium1755.117
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099High2615.645
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Low1112.16
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Constant fertility1562.632
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Instant replacement2996.606
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Zero migration1805.889
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Constant mortality1401.826
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099No change1213.418
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Momentum2641.81
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Instant replacement zero migration3059.789
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Median PI1755.117
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Upper 80 PI2161.439
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Lower 80 PI1368.179
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Upper 95 PI2384.156
Bosnia and Herzegovina2099Lower 95 PI1159.64
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Medium1771.427
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098High2615.951
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Low1136.471
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Constant fertility1582.72
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Instant replacement2992.612
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Zero migration1821.592
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Constant mortality1417.679
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098No change1232.695
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Momentum2641.602
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Instant replacement zero migration3054.847
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Median PI1771.427
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Upper 80 PI2173.492
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Lower 80 PI1388.467
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Upper 95 PI2391.873
Bosnia and Herzegovina2098Lower 95 PI1181.419
Bosnia and Herzegovina2097Medium1787.966
Bosnia and Herzegovina2097High2616.531
Bosnia and Herzegovina2097Low1161.083
Bosnia and Herzegovina2097Constant fertility1602.98
Bosnia and Herzegovina2097Instant replacement2988.601

World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision

Source:  United Nations Population Division

The 2022 Revision of World Population Prospects represents the latest global set of demographic estimates and projections prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. It displays key demographic indicators for selected periods or dates from 1950 to 2100, for the world, development groups, regions, subregions, and countries or areas with more than 1,000 inhabitants in 2021. For countries or areas with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants in 2021, only figures related to population size and growth are provided. The estimates and projections contained in this revision cover a 150-year time horizon, which can be subdivided into estimates (1950-2021) and projections (2022-2100). A sample set of summary indicators are provided as part of UNData. More detailed data by age and sex are available from the Population Division’s website. Citation: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects 2022: Online Edition.
Last update in UNdata: 2022/10/07
Next update in UNdata: 2024/01/15