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Source: World Development Indicators | The World Bank

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24 records | Page 1 of 1 | 
Country or AreaYearValue 
Early-demographic dividend2019491.31239525423723 
Early-demographic dividend2018511.94493366666666 
Early-demographic dividend2017519.015952 
Early-demographic dividend2016520.2059286666666 
Early-demographic dividend2015515.631092 
Early-demographic dividend2014511.69775866666663 
Late-demographic dividend2019356.33166000000006 
Late-demographic dividend2018362.14821208333336 
Late-demographic dividend2017381.72421625 
Late-demographic dividend2016383.996785 
Late-demographic dividend2015385.621785 
Late-demographic dividend2014385.934285 
Post-demographic dividend2019149.121375 
Post-demographic dividend2018149.121375 
Post-demographic dividend2017148.298225 
Post-demographic dividend2016148.298225 
Post-demographic dividend2015148.298225 
Post-demographic dividend2014148.298225 
Pre-demographic dividend2019792.0880055555555 
Pre-demographic dividend2018792.0880055555555 
Pre-demographic dividend2017794.8657833333332 
Pre-demographic dividend2016794.9213388888888 
Pre-demographic dividend2015805.3380055555555 
Pre-demographic dividend2014787.8619485714285 

World Development Indicators

Source:  The World Bank

The World Development Indicators (WDI) is the statistical benchmark that helps measure the progress of development.

The WDI provides a comprehensive overview of development drawing on data from the World Bank and more than 30 partners.

The World Development Indicators (WDI) publication is the World Bank's premier annual compilation of data about development. The complete WDI database includes more than 1,200 indicators.
Last update in UNdata: 2025/02/21
Next update in UNdata: 2026/01/01