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1460 records | Page 1 of 30 | 
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Country or AreaYear(s)VariantValue
Western Sahara2100Medium831.293
Western Sahara2100High1158.204
Western Sahara2100Low581.149
Western Sahara2100Constant fertility1027.273
Western Sahara2100Instant replacement978.848
Western Sahara2100Zero migration597.222
Western Sahara2100Constant mortality718.385
Western Sahara2100No change901.759
Western Sahara2100Momentum639.505
Western Sahara2100Instant replacement zero migration711.903
Western Sahara2100No fertility below age 18807.582
Western Sahara2100Accelerated ABR decline790.633
Western Sahara2100Accelarated ABR decline w/rec.809.952
Western Sahara2100Median PI831.294
Western Sahara2100Upper 80 PI4017.557
Western Sahara2100Lower 80 PI187.778
Western Sahara2100Upper 95 PI15096.536
Western Sahara2100Lower 95 PI69.787
Western Sahara2099Medium832.125
Western Sahara2099High1151.607
Western Sahara2099Low586.303
Western Sahara2099Constant fertility1022.933
Western Sahara2099Instant replacement975.777
Western Sahara2099Zero migration599.13
Western Sahara2099Constant mortality721.155
Western Sahara2099No change900.003
Western Sahara2099Momentum639.657
Western Sahara2099Instant replacement zero migration710.915
Western Sahara2099No fertility below age 18808.739
Western Sahara2099Accelerated ABR decline791.98
Western Sahara2099Accelarated ABR decline w/rec.810.976
Western Sahara2099Median PI832.124
Western Sahara2099Upper 80 PI3969.078
Western Sahara2099Lower 80 PI187.322
Western Sahara2099Upper 95 PI14797.53
Western Sahara2099Lower 95 PI70.573
Western Sahara2098Medium832.928
Western Sahara2098High1145.036
Western Sahara2098Low591.437
Western Sahara2098Constant fertility1018.631
Western Sahara2098Instant replacement972.726
Western Sahara2098Zero migration600.976
Western Sahara2098Constant mortality723.933
Western Sahara2098No change898.285
Western Sahara2098Momentum639.824
Western Sahara2098Instant replacement zero migration709.902
Western Sahara2098No fertility below age 18809.869
Western Sahara2098Accelerated ABR decline793.313
Western Sahara2098Accelarated ABR decline w/rec.811.991
Western Sahara2098Median PI832.928

World Population Prospects: The 2024 Revision

Source:  United Nations Population Division

The 2024 Revision of World Population Prospects represents the latest global set of demographic estimates and projections prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. It displays key demographic indicators for selected periods or dates from 1950 to 2100, for the world, development groups, regions, subregions, and countries or areas with more than 1,000 inhabitants in 2023. For countries or areas with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants in 2023, only figures related to population size and growth are provided. The estimates and projections contained in this revision cover a 150-year time horizon, which can be subdivided into estimates (1950-2023) and projections (2024-2100). A sample set of summary indicators are provided as part of UNData. More detailed data by age and sex are available from the Population Division’s website. See also Data Sources for additional metadata and description of the empirical information used to derive estimates for each locations. Citation: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2024). World Population Prospects 2024: Online Edition.
Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/16
Next update in UNdata: 2025/10/16