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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 90 Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessoriesGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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51 records | Page 1 of 2 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
TFYR of Macedonia2023Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport7707Weight in kilograms7
TFYR of Macedonia2023Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport117,5901,082Weight in kilograms1,082
TFYR of Macedonia2022Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport6,67695Weight in kilograms95
TFYR of Macedonia2022Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport214,3151,495Weight in kilograms1,495
TFYR of Macedonia2021Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport35,96067Weight in kilograms67
TFYR of Macedonia2021Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport1,000,5483,594Weight in kilograms3,594
TFYR of Macedonia2020Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport3,04216Weight in kilograms16
TFYR of Macedonia2020Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport93,856829Weight in kilograms829
TFYR of Macedonia2019Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport133,535900Weight in kilograms900
TFYR of Macedonia2019Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport5,156153Weight in kilograms153
TFYR of Macedonia2018Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport764259Weight in kilograms259
TFYR of Macedonia2018Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport115,223967Weight in kilograms967
TFYR of Macedonia2017Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport15,30413,023Weight in kilograms13,023
TFYR of Macedonia2017Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport119,9221,022Weight in kilograms1,022
TFYR of Macedonia2016Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport118,474762Weight in kilograms762
TFYR of Macedonia2016Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport1,65917Weight in kilograms17
TFYR of Macedonia2015Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport2,85062Weight in kilograms62
TFYR of Macedonia2015Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport92,140569Weight in kilograms569
TFYR of Macedonia2014Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport1,18414Weight in kilograms14
TFYR of Macedonia2014Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport231,6791,474Weight in kilograms1,474
TFYR of Macedonia2013Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport94964Weight in kilograms64
TFYR of Macedonia2013Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport95,022911Weight in kilograms911
TFYR of Macedonia2012Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport1,68290Weight in kilograms90
TFYR of Macedonia2012Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport64,472569Weight in kilograms569
TFYR of Macedonia2011Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport13,17641Weight in kilograms41
TFYR of Macedonia2011Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport504,4246,305Weight in kilograms6,305
TFYR of Macedonia2010Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport114,828948Weight in kilograms948
TFYR of Macedonia2009Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport49,554287Weight in kilograms287
TFYR of Macedonia2008Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport97,347583Weight in kilograms583
TFYR of Macedonia2007Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport116,700485Weight in kilograms485
TFYR of Macedonia2007Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport13,63991Weight in kilograms91
TFYR of Macedonia2006Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport25,945409Weight in kilograms409
TFYR of Macedonia2005Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport7,095196Weight in kilograms196
TFYR of Macedonia2005Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport370,4164,642Weight in kilograms4,642
TFYR of Macedonia2004Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport2,58359Weight in kilograms59
TFYR of Macedonia2004Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport68,0561,598Weight in kilograms1,598
TFYR of Macedonia2003Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport1,54923Weight in kilograms23
TFYR of Macedonia2003Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport40,5722,692Weight in kilograms2,692
TFYR of Macedonia2002Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport83,3541,110Weight in kilograms1,110
TFYR of Macedonia2001Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport93,925912Weight in kilograms912
TFYR of Macedonia2000Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport51,8171,159Weight in kilograms1,159
TFYR of Macedonia1999Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport78,089489Weight in kilograms489
TFYR of Macedonia1999Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport1,735103Weight in kilograms103
TFYR of Macedonia1998Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport103,0401,291Weight in kilograms1,291
TFYR of Macedonia1998Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport52770Weight in kilograms70
TFYR of Macedonia1997Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport94,457787Weight in kilograms787
TFYR of Macedonia1997Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport2,30014Weight in kilograms14
TFYR of Macedonia1996Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport89,059336Weight in kilograms336
TFYR of Macedonia1995Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsImport123,5173,582Weight in kilograms3,582
TFYR of Macedonia1995Balances; of a sensitivity of 5cg or better, with or without weightsExport2,6156Weight in kilograms6

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01