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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 79 Zinc and articles thereofGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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667 records | Page 1 of 14 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Portugal2023Zinc; unwrought, (not alloyed), containing by weight 99.99% or more of zincExport1,227,772333,464Weight in kilograms333,464
Portugal2023Zinc; unwrought, (not alloyed), containing by weight 99.99% or more of zincImport51,577,39515,822,730Weight in kilograms15,822,730
Portugal2023Zinc; unwrought, (not alloyed), containing by weight less than 99.99% of zincImport11,107,4923,726,960Weight in kilograms3,726,960
Portugal2023Zinc; unwrought, alloysExport1,723,607444,920Weight in kilograms444,920
Portugal2023Zinc; unwrought, alloysImport14,158,6454,019,954Weight in kilograms4,019,954
Portugal2023Zinc; waste and scrapExport4,408,7412,309,650Weight in kilograms2,309,650
Portugal2023Zinc; waste and scrapImport2,019,456943,395Weight in kilograms943,395
Portugal2023Zinc dustExport671,954771,296Weight in kilograms771,296
Portugal2023Zinc dustImport1,687,204353,404Weight in kilograms353,404
Portugal2023Zinc; powders and flakesExport1911Weight in kilograms1
Portugal2023Zinc; powders and flakesImport6,875313Weight in kilograms313
Portugal2023Zinc; bars, rods, profiles and wireExport2,294,739794,286Weight in kilograms794,286
Portugal2023Zinc; bars, rods, profiles and wireImport9,850,4782,680,033Weight in kilograms2,680,033
Portugal2023Zinc; plates, sheets, strip and foilExport3,976,1964,112,086Weight in kilograms4,112,086
Portugal2023Zinc; plates, sheets, strip and foilImport9,383,5792,378,063Weight in kilograms2,378,063
Portugal2023Zinc; articles n.e.c. in chapter 79Export7,077,265459,539Weight in kilograms459,539
Portugal2023Zinc; articles n.e.c. in chapter 79Import26,465,216958,340Weight in kilograms958,340
Portugal2022Zinc; unwrought, (not alloyed), containing by weight 99.99% or more of zincImport70,272,44818,159,895Weight in kilograms18,159,895
Portugal2022Zinc; unwrought, (not alloyed), containing by weight 99.99% or more of zincExport2,285,743427,270Weight in kilograms427,270
Portugal2022Zinc; unwrought, (not alloyed), containing by weight less than 99.99% of zincExport12,1131,262Weight in kilograms1,262
Portugal2022Zinc; unwrought, (not alloyed), containing by weight less than 99.99% of zincImport1,214,234321,433Weight in kilograms321,433
Portugal2022Zinc; unwrought, alloysImport21,577,3945,531,259Weight in kilograms5,531,259
Portugal2022Zinc; unwrought, alloysExport606,259132,315Weight in kilograms132,315
Portugal2022Zinc; waste and scrapImport3,758,6501,333,847Weight in kilograms1,333,847
Portugal2022Zinc; waste and scrapExport5,479,4112,324,836Weight in kilograms2,324,836
Portugal2022Zinc dustExport683,797590,287Weight in kilograms590,287
Portugal2022Zinc dustImport1,981,872419,922Weight in kilograms419,922
Portugal2022Zinc; powders and flakesExport19,8453,239Weight in kilograms3,239
Portugal2022Zinc; powders and flakesImport9,287668Weight in kilograms668
Portugal2022Zinc; bars, rods, profiles and wireExport1,117,688440,073Weight in kilograms440,073
Portugal2022Zinc; bars, rods, profiles and wireImport10,830,2292,774,610Weight in kilograms2,774,610
Portugal2022Zinc; plates, sheets, strip and foilExport4,619,9624,320,457Weight in kilograms4,320,457
Portugal2022Zinc; plates, sheets, strip and foilImport15,084,7334,600,753Weight in kilograms4,600,753
Portugal2022Zinc; articles n.e.c. in chapter 79Import20,778,413924,783Weight in kilograms924,783
Portugal2022Zinc; articles n.e.c. in chapter 79Export6,915,883531,316Weight in kilograms531,316
Portugal2021Zinc; unwrought, (not alloyed), containing by weight 99.99% or more of zincExport1,400,165328,224Weight in kilograms328,224
Portugal2021Zinc; unwrought, (not alloyed), containing by weight 99.99% or more of zincImport56,702,87117,451,034Weight in kilograms17,451,034
Portugal2021Zinc; unwrought, (not alloyed), containing by weight less than 99.99% of zincImport1,003,834323,430Weight in kilograms323,430
Portugal2021Zinc; unwrought, alloysImport19,114,565 No Quantity 
Portugal2021Zinc; unwrought, alloysExport1,547,804436,132Weight in kilograms436,132
Portugal2021Zinc; waste and scrapExport4,160,2302,120,152Weight in kilograms2,120,152
Portugal2021Zinc; waste and scrapImport2,452,9411,071,437Weight in kilograms1,071,437
Portugal2021Zinc dustExport234,22453,819Weight in kilograms53,819
Portugal2021Zinc dustImport1,225,712316,989Weight in kilograms316,989
Portugal2021Zinc; powders and flakesExport11,6622,509Weight in kilograms2,509
Portugal2021Zinc; powders and flakesImport6,489139Weight in kilograms139
Portugal2021Zinc; bars, rods, profiles and wireImport6,304,6431,751,451Weight in kilograms1,751,451
Portugal2021Zinc; bars, rods, profiles and wireExport939,310102,216Weight in kilograms102,216
Portugal2021Zinc; plates, sheets, strip and foilImport15,104,054 No Quantity 
Portugal2021Zinc; plates, sheets, strip and foilExport1,869,3672,231,777Weight in kilograms2,231,777

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01