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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 78 Lead and articles thereofGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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558 records | Page 1 of 12 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
United Kingdom2023Lead; unwrought, refinedImport46,651,348 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Lead; unwrought, refinedExport214,868,201 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Lead; unwrought, refinedRe-Export18,4811,853Weight in kilograms1,853
United Kingdom2023Lead; unwrought, unrefined, containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementImport15,234,900 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Lead; unwrought, unrefined, containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementExport10,843,6534,023,733Weight in kilograms4,023,733
United Kingdom2023Lead; unwrought, unrefined, not containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementImport358,845,548 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Lead; unwrought, unrefined, not containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementExport218,877,424 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Lead; waste and scrapExport88,509,206 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Lead; waste and scrapImport5,998,7943,052,066Weight in kilograms3,052,066
United Kingdom2023Lead; sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2mmExport4,496,6661,236,868Weight in kilograms1,236,868
United Kingdom2023Lead; sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2mmImport1,159,744164,190Weight in kilograms164,190
United Kingdom2023Lead; plates, sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) exceeding 0.2mmExport47,756,877 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Lead; plates, sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) exceeding 0.2mmImport15,534,9786,080,335Weight in kilograms6,080,335
United Kingdom2023Lead; powders and flakesImport1,615,515454,455Weight in kilograms454,455
United Kingdom2023Lead; powders and flakesExport695,862296,436Weight in kilograms296,436
United Kingdom2023Lead; powders and flakesRe-Export1,23732Weight in kilograms32
United Kingdom2023Lead; articles n.e.c. in chapter 78Export16,624,1241,919,730Weight in kilograms1,919,730
United Kingdom2023Lead; articles n.e.c. in chapter 78Re-Export704,677394Weight in kilograms394
United Kingdom2023Lead; articles n.e.c. in chapter 78Import7,227,695925,946Weight in kilograms925,946
United Kingdom2022Lead; unwrought, refinedImport19,630,810 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2022Lead; unwrought, refinedExport243,108,064 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2022Lead; unwrought, unrefined, containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementExport12,635,8664,895,452Weight in kilograms4,895,452
United Kingdom2022Lead; unwrought, unrefined, containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementImport8,568,1063,818,863Weight in kilograms3,818,863
United Kingdom2022Lead; unwrought, unrefined, not containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementImport390,298,816 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2022Lead; unwrought, unrefined, not containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementExport201,691,18475,955,506Weight in kilograms75,955,506
United Kingdom2022Lead; waste and scrapImport5,659,849 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2022Lead; waste and scrapExport91,443,03950,811,713Weight in kilograms50,811,713
United Kingdom2022Lead; sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2mmImport1,095,245164,174Weight in kilograms164,174
United Kingdom2022Lead; sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2mmExport1,761,254623,735Weight in kilograms623,735
United Kingdom2022Lead; plates, sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) exceeding 0.2mmImport16,775,3786,719,661Weight in kilograms6,719,661
United Kingdom2022Lead; plates, sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) exceeding 0.2mmExport42,801,83614,641,080Weight in kilograms14,641,080
United Kingdom2022Lead; powders and flakesExport1,006,699171,026Weight in kilograms171,026
United Kingdom2022Lead; powders and flakesImport1,995,599575,929Weight in kilograms575,929
United Kingdom2022Lead; powders and flakesRe-Export2,342218Weight in kilograms218
United Kingdom2022Lead; articles n.e.c. in chapter 78Export16,258,8652,232,748Weight in kilograms2,232,748
United Kingdom2022Lead; articles n.e.c. in chapter 78Import5,738,9361,055,673Weight in kilograms1,055,673
United Kingdom2022Lead; articles n.e.c. in chapter 78Re-Export201,3464,520Weight in kilograms4,520
United Kingdom2021Lead; unwrought, refinedExport284,299,644 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2021Lead; unwrought, refinedImport38,628,236 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2021Lead; unwrought, unrefined, containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementExport10,459,3174,081,108Weight in kilograms4,081,108
United Kingdom2021Lead; unwrought, unrefined, containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementImport16,2494,786Weight in kilograms4,786
United Kingdom2021Lead; unwrought, unrefined, not containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementExport170,026,06764,281,815Weight in kilograms64,281,815
United Kingdom2021Lead; unwrought, unrefined, not containing by weight antimony as the principal other elementImport502,540,648170,479,206Weight in kilograms170,479,206
United Kingdom2021Lead; waste and scrapExport96,703,477 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2021Lead; waste and scrapImport2,483,000 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2021Lead; sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2mmExport524,96736,137Weight in kilograms36,137
United Kingdom2021Lead; sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2mmImport420,130113,007Weight in kilograms113,007
United Kingdom2021Lead; plates, sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) exceeding 0.2mmExport38,572,417 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2021Lead; plates, sheets, strip and foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) exceeding 0.2mmImport8,909,0453,553,016Weight in kilograms3,553,016
United Kingdom2021Lead; powders and flakesExport1,692,583355,337Weight in kilograms355,337

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01