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6725 records | Page 1 of 135 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Egypt2023Iron; non-alloy pig iron containing by weight 0.5% or less of phosphorus, in pigs, blocks or other primary formsExport88,000159,017Weight in kilograms159,017
Egypt2023Iron; alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen, in pigs, blocks or other primary formsImport23,071 No Quantity 
Egypt2023Iron; alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen, in pigs, blocks or other primary formsExport2,8002,130Weight in kilograms2,130
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-manganese, containing by weight more than 2% of carbonImport46,031,79439,762,916Weight in kilograms39,762,916
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-manganese, containing by weight more than 2% of carbonExport184,000170,805Weight in kilograms170,805
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-manganese, containing by weight 2% or less of carbonImport28,156,49716,093,322Weight in kilograms16,093,322
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight more than 55% of siliconImport3,711,6881,961,766Weight in kilograms1,961,766
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight more than 55% of siliconExport53,554,26027,780,724Weight in kilograms27,780,724
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight 55% or less of siliconImport1,644,974604,101Weight in kilograms604,101
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-silico-manganeseImport104,009,87591,814,812Weight in kilograms91,814,812
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-chromium, containing by weight more than 4% of carbonImport3,378,7501,501,573Weight in kilograms1,501,573
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-chromium, containing by weight 4% or less of carbonImport960,451225,548Weight in kilograms225,548
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-silico-chromiumImport146,77666,633Weight in kilograms66,633
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-nickelImport45,7748,861Weight in kilograms8,861
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-molybdenumImport990,51225,969Weight in kilograms25,969
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-tungsten and ferro-silico-tungstenImport15,096511Weight in kilograms511
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-titanium and ferro-silico-titaniumImport104,86223,083Weight in kilograms23,083
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-vanadiumImport8,124,595294,578Weight in kilograms294,578
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-niobiumImport6,519,091221,112Weight in kilograms221,112
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; n.e.c. in heading no. 7202Import9,628,481 No Quantity 
Egypt2023Ferro-alloys; n.e.c. in heading no. 7202Export300 No Quantity 
Egypt2023Ferrous products; obtained by direct reduction of iron ore, in lumps, pellets or similar formsImport34,287,510 No Quantity 
Egypt2023Ferrous products; obtained by direct reduction of iron ore, in lumps, pellets or similar formsExport100 No Quantity 
Egypt2023Ferrous products; spongy ferrous products and iron having a minimum purity by weight of 99.94%, in lumps, pellets or similar formsImport2,043,292599,822Weight in kilograms599,822
Egypt2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of cast ironImport109,735274,116Weight in kilograms274,116
Egypt2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of stainless steelImport136,03185,127Weight in kilograms85,127
Egypt2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of stainless steelExport21,483,81214,227,522Weight in kilograms14,227,522
Egypt2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of alloy steel (excluding stainless)Import71,224,13281,614,321Weight in kilograms81,614,321
Egypt2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of alloy steel (excluding stainless)Export141,644238,915Weight in kilograms238,915
Egypt2023Ferrous waste and scrap; n.e.c. in heading no. 7204Import1,377,906,3103,510,322,681Weight in kilograms3,510,322,681
Egypt2023Iron or steel, pig iron, spiegeleisen; granules thereofImport1,844,691 No Quantity 
Egypt2023Iron or steel, pig iron, spiegeleisen; granules thereofExport3,4952,984Weight in kilograms2,984
Egypt2023Alloy steel powdersImport230,75923,460Weight in kilograms23,460
Egypt2023Iron or steel, pig iron, spiegeleisen; powders (excluding alloy steel)Import939,528536,041Weight in kilograms536,041
Egypt2023Iron or steel, pig iron, spiegeleisen; powders (excluding alloy steel)Export19,149,59711,993,712Weight in kilograms11,993,712
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; ingots (excluding iron of heading no. 7203)Import3,4683,058Weight in kilograms3,058
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; ingots (excluding iron of heading no. 7203)Export1,9381,365Weight in kilograms1,365
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; primary forms (excluding ingots and iron of heading no. 7203)Export250 No Quantity 
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; primary forms (excluding ingots and iron of heading no. 7203)Import6,127,8323,163,117Weight in kilograms3,163,117
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel; containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon, of rectangular (including square) cross-section, width less than twice thicknessExport125,703153,297Weight in kilograms153,297
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel; containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon, of rectangular (other than square) cross-sectionExport195276Weight in kilograms276
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon, other than rectangular or square cross-sectionExport8,207,755 No Quantity 
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon, other than rectangular or square cross-sectionImport456,461,235280,898,014Weight in kilograms280,898,014
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0.25% or more of carbonImport6,155,6953,936,120Weight in kilograms3,936,120
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0.25% or more of carbonExport842598Weight in kilograms598
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, with patterns in reliefImport27,411,09731,683,882Weight in kilograms31,683,882
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, without patterns in relief, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, pickled, of a thickness of 4.75mm or moreImport42,25647,028Weight in kilograms47,028
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, without patterns in relief, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, pickled, of a thickness of 3mm or more but less than 4.75mmImport7,370,2148,151,052Weight in kilograms8,151,052
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, without patterns in relief, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, pickled, of a thickness of 3mm or more but less than 4.75mmExport521,460,458573,213,893Weight in kilograms573,213,893
Egypt2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, without patterns in relief, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, pickled, of a thickness of less than 3mmImport4,416,0544,724,897Weight in kilograms4,724,897

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01