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6987 records | Page 1 of 140 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Peru2022Iron; non-alloy pig iron containing by weight 0.5% or less of phosphorus, in pigs, blocks or other primary formsImport19,657,79435,694,345Weight in kilograms35,694,345
Peru2022Iron; alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen, in pigs, blocks or other primary formsImport2,167,4031,850,061Weight in kilograms1,850,061
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-manganese, containing by weight more than 2% of carbonImport3,248,0051,449,044Weight in kilograms1,449,044
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-manganese, containing by weight more than 2% of carbonExport151,35248,075Weight in kilograms48,075
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-manganese, containing by weight 2% or less of carbonImport2,256,454616,884Weight in kilograms616,884
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-manganese, containing by weight 2% or less of carbonExport99,61421,550Weight in kilograms21,550
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight more than 55% of siliconImport4,258,4491,693,290Weight in kilograms1,693,290
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight more than 55% of siliconExport20,3845,750Weight in kilograms5,750
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight 55% or less of siliconImport529,975210,769Weight in kilograms210,769
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight 55% or less of siliconExport8,7062,200Weight in kilograms2,200
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-silico-manganeseImport30,805,15314,930,068Weight in kilograms14,930,068
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-chromium, containing by weight more than 4% of carbonImport4,781,4841,889,062Weight in kilograms1,889,062
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-chromium, containing by weight more than 4% of carbonExport65,08617,963Weight in kilograms17,963
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-chromium, containing by weight 4% or less of carbonImport2,224,021428,005Weight in kilograms428,005
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-chromium, containing by weight 4% or less of carbonExport159,583220,840Weight in kilograms220,840
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-silico-chromiumExport70,12919,065Weight in kilograms19,065
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-molybdenumImport4,663,499154,267Weight in kilograms154,267
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-molybdenumExport87,1472,390Weight in kilograms2,390
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-titanium and ferro-silico-titaniumImport31,3432,311Weight in kilograms2,311
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-vanadiumImport3,040,666100,927Weight in kilograms100,927
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-vanadiumExport2,86460Weight in kilograms60
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-niobiumImport287,9577,000Weight in kilograms7,000
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; ferro-niobiumExport20,448370Weight in kilograms370
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; n.e.c. in heading no. 7202Import1,299,999161,237Weight in kilograms161,237
Peru2022Ferro-alloys; n.e.c. in heading no. 7202Export92,2023,925Weight in kilograms3,925
Peru2022Ferrous products; obtained by direct reduction of iron ore, in lumps, pellets or similar formsImport2,805,2385,074,810Weight in kilograms5,074,810
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; of cast ironImport114,282120,070Weight in kilograms120,070
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; of cast ironExport270,493980,605Weight in kilograms980,605
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; of stainless steelImport28432Weight in kilograms32
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; of stainless steelExport4,302,1943,933,192Weight in kilograms3,933,192
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; of alloy steel (excluding stainless)Import31,176,33557,749,950Weight in kilograms57,749,950
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; of alloy steel (excluding stainless)Export6,036,01513,056,789Weight in kilograms13,056,789
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; of tinned iron or steelImport793,9292,042,763Weight in kilograms2,042,763
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; of tinned iron or steelExport750,457942,019Weight in kilograms942,019
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundlesImport1,1249Weight in kilograms9
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundlesExport15,54029,980Weight in kilograms29,980
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; n.e.c. in heading no. 7204Import475,066,019952,138,820Weight in kilograms952,138,820
Peru2022Ferrous waste and scrap; n.e.c. in heading no. 7204Export5,182,68113,065,660Weight in kilograms13,065,660
Peru2022Iron or steel, pig iron, spiegeleisen; granules thereofImport1,366,342982,113Weight in kilograms982,113
Peru2022Alloy steel powdersImport349,063166,994Weight in kilograms166,994
Peru2022Iron or steel, pig iron, spiegeleisen; powders (excluding alloy steel)Import1,583,724918,124Weight in kilograms918,124
Peru2022Iron or steel, pig iron, spiegeleisen; powders (excluding alloy steel)Export29,70321,317Weight in kilograms21,317
Peru2022Iron or non-alloy steel; ingots (excluding iron of heading no. 7203)Export329,01946,479Weight in kilograms46,479
Peru2022Iron or non-alloy steel; primary forms (excluding ingots and iron of heading no. 7203)Import4,29740Weight in kilograms40
Peru2022Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel; containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon, of rectangular (including square) cross-section, width less than twice thicknessImport3641Weight in kilograms1
Peru2022Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon, other than rectangular or square cross-sectionImport77111Weight in kilograms11
Peru2022Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0.25% or more of carbonImport203,096,321258,474,933Weight in kilograms258,474,933
Peru2022Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0.25% or more of carbonExport11Weight in kilograms1
Peru2022Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, with patterns in reliefImport2,972,2072,588,425Weight in kilograms2,588,425
Peru2022Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, with patterns in reliefExport114,34852,599Weight in kilograms52,599

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01