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5629 records | Page 1 of 113 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Iceland2023Iron; non-alloy pig iron containing by weight 0.5% or less of phosphorus, in pigs, blocks or other primary formsImport1,921,223 No Quantity 
Iceland2023Iron; non-alloy pig iron containing by weight more than 0.5% of phosphorus, in pigs, blocks or other primary formsExport1781Weight in kilograms1
Iceland2023Iron; alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen, in pigs, blocks or other primary formsImport116,326101,506Weight in kilograms101,506
Iceland2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-manganese, containing by weight more than 2% of carbonImport147,63538,283Weight in kilograms38,283
Iceland2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-manganese, containing by weight 2% or less of carbonImport5,8331,068Weight in kilograms1,068
Iceland2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight more than 55% of siliconImport1,940 No Quantity 
Iceland2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight more than 55% of siliconExport214,456,86295,382,262Weight in kilograms95,382,262
Iceland2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight 55% or less of siliconImport5,2251,050Weight in kilograms1,050
Iceland2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-silicon, containing by weight 55% or less of siliconExport602,6152,202,912Weight in kilograms2,202,912
Iceland2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-silico-manganeseImport892Weight in kilograms2
Iceland2023Ferro-alloys; ferro-vanadiumImport1,30931Weight in kilograms31
Iceland2023Ferro-alloys; n.e.c. in heading no. 7202Import82,09826,579Weight in kilograms26,579
Iceland2023Ferrous products; obtained by direct reduction of iron ore, in lumps, pellets or similar formsImport223,77622,357Weight in kilograms22,357
Iceland2023Ferrous products; obtained by direct reduction of iron ore, in lumps, pellets or similar formsExport413224Weight in kilograms224
Iceland2023Ferrous products; spongy ferrous products and iron having a minimum purity by weight of 99.94%, in lumps, pellets or similar formsImport28,5154,412Weight in kilograms4,412
Iceland2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of cast ironExport4,228,86012,207,068Weight in kilograms12,207,068
Iceland2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of stainless steelImport1,12144Weight in kilograms44
Iceland2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of stainless steelExport1,152,4571,198,492Weight in kilograms1,198,492
Iceland2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of alloy steel (excluding stainless)Import278318Weight in kilograms318
Iceland2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of alloy steel (excluding stainless)Export66,44331,764Weight in kilograms31,764
Iceland2023Ferrous waste and scrap; of tinned iron or steelExport130,71170,517Weight in kilograms70,517
Iceland2023Ferrous waste and scrap; turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundlesExport5,611,84313,666,069Weight in kilograms13,666,069
Iceland2023Ferrous waste and scrap; n.e.c. in heading no. 7204Import1,997905Weight in kilograms905
Iceland2023Ferrous waste and scrap; n.e.c. in heading no. 7204Export10,486,18133,108,390Weight in kilograms33,108,390
Iceland2023Ferrous products; remelting scrap ingotsExport198,528903,250Weight in kilograms903,250
Iceland2023Iron or steel, pig iron, spiegeleisen; granules thereofImport298,508190,579Weight in kilograms190,579
Iceland2023Alloy steel powdersImport4,212333Weight in kilograms333
Iceland2023Iron or steel, pig iron, spiegeleisen; powders (excluding alloy steel)Import76,60663,518Weight in kilograms63,518
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; ingots (excluding iron of heading no. 7203)Import1,10146Weight in kilograms46
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; primary forms (excluding ingots and iron of heading no. 7203)Import11,101185Weight in kilograms185
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; primary forms (excluding ingots and iron of heading no. 7203)Export159,395576,785Weight in kilograms576,785
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel; containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon, of rectangular (including square) cross-section, width less than twice thicknessImport814,932360,244Weight in kilograms360,244
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon, other than rectangular or square cross-sectionImport8,496689Weight in kilograms689
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0.25% or more of carbonImport3,60490Weight in kilograms90
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, with patterns in reliefImport75419Weight in kilograms19
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, without patterns in relief, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, pickled, of a thickness of 3mm or more but less than 4.75mmImport914,031 No Quantity 
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, without patterns in relief, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, of a thickness exceeding 10mmImport21,20717,632Weight in kilograms17,632
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, without patterns in relief, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, of a thickness of 4.75mm or more but not exceeding 10mmImport157,099 No Quantity 
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, without patterns in relief, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, of a thickness of 4.75mm or more but not exceeding 10mmExport842 No Quantity 
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, without patterns in relief, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, of a thickness of 3mm or more but less than 4.75mmImport18,82414,932Weight in kilograms14,932
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, without patterns in relief, flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, of a thickness of less than 3mmImport4254Weight in kilograms54
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; (not in coils), flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, with patterns in reliefImport19,75413,525Weight in kilograms13,525
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; (not in coils), flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, without patterns in relief, of a thickness exceeding 10mmImport618,441429,485Weight in kilograms429,485
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; (not in coils), flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, without patterns in relief, of a thickness of 4.75mm or more but not exceeding 10mmImport1,730,4711,242,132Weight in kilograms1,242,132
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; (not in coils), flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, without patterns in relief, of a thickness of 3mm or more but less than 4.75mmImport544,387397,631Weight in kilograms397,631
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; (not in coils), flat-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, without patterns in relief, of a thickness of less than 3mmImport157,075104,576Weight in kilograms104,576
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; flat-rolled, hot-rolled, of a width 600mm or more, n.e.c. in heading no. 7208Import76,35520,618Weight in kilograms20,618
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, flat-rolled, width 600mm or more, cold-rolled, of a thickness exceeding 1mm but less than 3mmImport234,170109,077Weight in kilograms109,077
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; in coils, flat-rolled, width 600mm or more, cold-rolled, of a thickness of 0.5mm or more but not exceeding 1mmImport1,263,323452,288Weight in kilograms452,288
Iceland2023Iron or non-alloy steel; (not in coils), flat-rolled, width 600mm or more, cold-rolled, of a thickness of 3mm or moreImport822Weight in kilograms2

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01