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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 70 Glass and glasswareGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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4634 records | Page 1 of 93 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Spain2023Glass; cullet and other waste and scrap of glass, excluding glass from cathode ray tubes or other activated glass of heading 85.49, glass in the massImport19,098,708129,556,010Weight in kilograms129,556,010
Spain2023Glass; cullet and other waste and scrap of glass, excluding glass from cathode ray tubes or other activated glass of heading 85.49, glass in the massExport9,534,24591,330,705Weight in kilograms91,330,705
Spain2023Glass; unworked, in balls (other than microspheres of heading no. 7018)Export1,237,838 No Quantity 
Spain2023Glass; unworked, in balls (other than microspheres of heading no. 7018)Import1,425,858671,981Weight in kilograms671,981
Spain2023Glass; unworked, in rodsImport316,24332,656Weight in kilograms32,656
Spain2023Glass; unworked, in rodsExport231,44651,240Weight in kilograms51,240
Spain2023Glass; unworked, in tubes, of fused quartz or other fused silicaExport88,2637,255Weight in kilograms7,255
Spain2023Glass; unworked, in tubes, of fused quartz or other fused silicaImport650,940147,907Weight in kilograms147,907
Spain2023Glass; unworked, tubes, of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 x 10 (to the minus 6), (or 0.000005) per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0-300 degrees CImport4,114,567 No Quantity 
Spain2023Glass; unworked, tubes, of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 x 10 (to the minus 6), (or 0.000005) per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0-300 degrees CExport67,1533,146Weight in kilograms3,146
Spain2023Glass; unworked, in tubes, other than of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 x 10 (to the minus 6, (or 0.000005) ) per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0-300 degrees C, not fused quartz or other fused silicaExport99,55635,001Weight in kilograms35,001
Spain2023Glass; unworked, in tubes, other than of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 x 10 (to the minus 6, (or 0.000005) ) per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0-300 degrees C, not fused quartz or other fused silicaImport6,237,0992,436,514Weight in kilograms2,436,514
Spain2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, non-wired sheets, coloured through the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layerImport723,599428,428Area in square metres82,111
Spain2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, non-wired sheets, coloured through the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layerExport1,070,677291,673Area in square metres16,124
Spain2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, non-wired sheets, (excluding those coloured throughout the mass (body tinted) opacified, flashed or having an absorbent or reflecting layer)Export20,154,1435,993,792Area in square metres247,767
Spain2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, non-wired sheets, (excluding those coloured throughout the mass (body tinted) opacified, flashed or having an absorbent or reflecting layer)Import12,116,3729,987,190Area in square metres532,278
Spain2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, wired sheets, whether or not having an absorbent or reflecting layer but not otherwise workedExport551,976 No Quantity 
Spain2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, wired sheets, whether or not having an absorbent or reflecting layer but not otherwise workedImport3,416,6623,395,181Area in square metres160,026
Spain2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, wired sheets, whether or not having an absorbent or reflecting layer but not otherwise workedRe-Export2,850600Area in square metres5
Spain2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, profiles, not otherwise workedExport79,39440,229No Quantity 
Spain2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, profiles, not otherwise workedImport452,582316,542No Quantity 
Spain2023Glass; drawn and blown, in sheets, coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise workedImport523,78866,131Area in square metres14,267
Spain2023Glass; drawn and blown, in sheets, coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise workedExport5,803565Area in square metres322
Spain2023Glass; drawn and blown, in sheets, (other than glass coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer)Import1,174,7411,662,494Area in square metres1,452,897
Spain2023Glass; drawn and blown, in sheets, (other than glass coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer)Export1,307,740194,357Area in square metres9,108
Spain2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, having an absorbent reflecting or non-reflecting layerImport32,564,906 No Quantity 
Spain2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, having an absorbent reflecting or non-reflecting layerExport35,133,629 No Quantity 
Spain2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or merely surface groundImport49,618,991 Area in square metres9,556,856
Spain2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or merely surface groundExport2,497,7341,811,778Area in square metres162,684
Spain2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, (other than coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or merely surface ground)Export67,789,403 Area in square metres7,991,327
Spain2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, (other than coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or merely surface ground)Re-Export694658Area in square metres13
Spain2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, (other than coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or merely surface ground)Import60,175,233 Area in square metres9,976,409
Spain2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, wired glass, whether or not having an absorbent or reflecting layerImport269,399 Area in square metres3,721
Spain2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, wired glass, whether or not having an absorbent or reflecting layerExport39,668 Area in square metres1,353
Spain2023Glass of heading no. 7003, 7004 or 7005; bent, edge-worked, engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materialsImport10,802,5823,474,213Weight in kilograms3,474,213
Spain2023Glass of heading no. 7003, 7004 or 7005; bent, edge-worked, engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materialsExport34,036,83519,566,965Weight in kilograms19,566,965
Spain2023Glass; safety glass, toughened (tempered), of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vesselsImport100,370,206 No Quantity 
Spain2023Glass; safety glass, toughened (tempered), of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vesselsExport76,068,67417,911,744Weight in kilograms17,911,744
Spain2023Glass; safety glass, toughened (tempered), (not of a size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)Export17,619,9106,177,618Area in square metres439,388
Spain2023Glass; safety glass, toughened (tempered), (not of a size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)Import29,274,31916,301,006Area in square metres3,267,853
Spain2023Glass; safety glass, laminated, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vesselsRe-Export106,573 No Quantity 
Spain2023Glass; safety glass, laminated, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vesselsImport139,071,18026,239,840Weight in kilograms26,239,840
Spain2023Glass; safety glass, laminated, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vesselsExport74,512,08412,769,212Weight in kilograms12,769,212
Spain2023Glass; safety glass, laminated, (not of a size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)Export59,244,17158,542,290Area in square metres4,087,774
Spain2023Glass; safety glass, laminated, (not of a size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)Import28,782,709 Area in square metres2,281,787
Spain2023Glass; safety glass, laminated, (not of a size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)Re-Export30,11910,100Area in square metres167
Spain2023Glass; multiple-walled insulating units of glassImport5,537,2172,619,833Weight in kilograms2,619,833
Spain2023Glass; multiple-walled insulating units of glassExport105,016,37230,817,068Weight in kilograms30,817,068
Spain2023Glass; multiple-walled insulating units of glassRe-Export41,58914,163Weight in kilograms14,163
Spain2023Glass; rear-view mirrors for vehiclesImport108,538,9005,939,561Weight in kilograms5,939,561

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01