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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 70 Glass and glasswareGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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2613 records | Page 1 of 53 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Iceland2023Glass; cullet and other waste and scrap of glass, excluding glass from cathode ray tubes or other activated glass of heading 85.49, glass in the massImport8,444165Weight in kilograms165
Iceland2023Glass; cullet and other waste and scrap of glass, excluding glass from cathode ray tubes or other activated glass of heading 85.49, glass in the massExport79,5943,713,990Weight in kilograms3,713,990
Iceland2023Glass; unworked, in balls (other than microspheres of heading no. 7018)Import31,063260Weight in kilograms260
Iceland2023Glass; unworked, in rodsImport205 No Quantity 
Iceland2023Glass; unworked, in tubes, of fused quartz or other fused silicaImport3,127110Weight in kilograms110
Iceland2023Glass; unworked, tubes, of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 x 10 (to the minus 6), (or 0.000005) per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0-300 degrees CImport494,739141,489Weight in kilograms141,489
Iceland2023Glass; unworked, in tubes, other than of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 x 10 (to the minus 6, (or 0.000005) ) per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0-300 degrees C, not fused quartz or other fused silicaImport6,549273Weight in kilograms273
Iceland2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, non-wired sheets, coloured through the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layerImport5,8781,511No Quantity 
Iceland2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, non-wired sheets, (excluding those coloured throughout the mass (body tinted) opacified, flashed or having an absorbent or reflecting layer)Import2,874217No Quantity 
Iceland2023Glass; cast glass and rolled glass, wired sheets, whether or not having an absorbent or reflecting layer but not otherwise workedImport192Area in square metres1
Iceland2023Glass; drawn and blown, in sheets, coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise workedImport3,284114No Quantity 
Iceland2023Glass; drawn and blown, in sheets, (other than glass coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer)Import98,47617,642No Quantity 
Iceland2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, having an absorbent reflecting or non-reflecting layerImport984,390716,144Area in square metres87,306
Iceland2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, having an absorbent reflecting or non-reflecting layerExport12013Area in square metres10
Iceland2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or merely surface groundImport32,56423,302Area in square metres4,256
Iceland2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, non-wired, (other than coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or merely surface ground)Import698,820740,978Area in square metres100,248
Iceland2023Glass; float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, wired glass, whether or not having an absorbent or reflecting layerImport2,899203Area in square metres59
Iceland2023Glass of heading no. 7003, 7004 or 7005; bent, edge-worked, engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materialsImport142,29516,712Weight in kilograms16,712
Iceland2023Glass of heading no. 7003, 7004 or 7005; bent, edge-worked, engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materialsExport12277Weight in kilograms77
Iceland2023Glass; safety glass, toughened (tempered), of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vesselsImport2,400,566240,544Weight in kilograms240,544
Iceland2023Glass; safety glass, toughened (tempered), of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vesselsExport3,689325Weight in kilograms325
Iceland2023Glass; safety glass, toughened (tempered), (not of a size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)Import2,626,606381,954No Quantity 
Iceland2023Glass; safety glass, toughened (tempered), (not of a size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)Export24,31951No Quantity 
Iceland2023Glass; safety glass, laminated, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vesselsImport3,129,061282,784Weight in kilograms282,784
Iceland2023Glass; safety glass, laminated, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vesselsExport70815Weight in kilograms15
Iceland2023Glass; safety glass, laminated, (not of a size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)Import1,514,727780,130No Quantity 
Iceland2023Glass; safety glass, laminated, (not of a size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)Export5,363892No Quantity 
Iceland2023Glass; multiple-walled insulating units of glassImport3,127,618394,435Weight in kilograms394,435
Iceland2023Glass; multiple-walled insulating units of glassExport8,612493Weight in kilograms493
Iceland2023Glass; rear-view mirrors for vehiclesImport551,66014,710Weight in kilograms14,710
Iceland2023Glass; rear-view mirrors for vehiclesExport13,18292Weight in kilograms92
Iceland2023Glass mirrors; unframed, excluding rear-view mirrors for vehiclesImport458,502153,863Weight in kilograms153,863
Iceland2023Glass mirrors; framed, excluding rear-view mirrors for vehiclesImport1,460,294161,489Weight in kilograms161,489
Iceland2023Glass mirrors; framed, excluding rear-view mirrors for vehiclesExport82Weight in kilograms2
Iceland2023Glass; ampoules, of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goodsImport129,86538,146Weight in kilograms38,146
Iceland2023Glass; stoppers, lids and other closuresImport49,8149,671Weight in kilograms9,671
Iceland2023Glass; carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials and other containers of glass, (not ampoules), used for the conveyance or packing of goodsImport6,929,0833,302,686Weight in kilograms3,302,686
Iceland2023Glass; carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials and other containers of glass, (not ampoules), used for the conveyance or packing of goodsExport2,186801Weight in kilograms801
Iceland2023Glass envelopes (including bulbs and tubes); open, and glass parts thereof, without fittings, for electric lightingImport10,3961,413Weight in kilograms1,413
Iceland2023Glass envelopes (including bulbs and tubes); open, and glass parts thereof, without fittings, for cathode-ray tubesImport2665Weight in kilograms5
Iceland2023Glass envelopes (including bulbs and tubes); open, and glass parts thereof, without fittings, other than for electric lighting and cathode-ray tubesImport4,117211Weight in kilograms211
Iceland2023Glassware; of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (other than of heading no. 7010 or 7018), of glass-ceramicsImport196,78917,604Weight in kilograms17,604
Iceland2023Stemware drinking glasses, of lead crystalImport67,5973,597Weight in kilograms3,597
Iceland2023Stemware drinking glasses, other than of lead crystal or glass-ceramicsImport1,173,304116,606Weight in kilograms116,606
Iceland2023Stemware drinking glasses, other than of lead crystal or glass-ceramicsExport2,74069Weight in kilograms69
Iceland2023Glassware; drinking glasses (not stemware), of lead crystalImport22,5391,967Weight in kilograms1,967
Iceland2023Glassware; drinking glasses (not stemware), other than of lead crystal or glass-ceramicsImport1,399,723163,531Weight in kilograms163,531
Iceland2023Glassware; drinking glasses (not stemware), other than of lead crystal or glass-ceramicsExport13,416739Weight in kilograms739
Iceland2023Glassware of a kind used for table or kitchen purposes (not drinking glasses), of lead crystalImport13,564737Weight in kilograms737
Iceland2023Glassware of a kind used for table or kitchen purposes (not drinking glasses), of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 x 10 (to the minus 6), (or 0.000005) per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0-300 degrees CImport184,23337,809Weight in kilograms37,809

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01