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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 55 Man-made staple fibresGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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3070 records | Page 1 of 62 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic filament tow, of nylon or other polyamides, of other than aramidsImport3,65779Weight in kilograms79
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic filament tow, of polyestersImport77557Weight in kilograms57
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic filament tow, acrylic or modacrylicImport1631Weight in kilograms1
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic filament tow, of synthetic materials n.e.c. in heading no. 5501Import2141Weight in kilograms1
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic staple fibres, of polyesters, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport3,686593Weight in kilograms593
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic staple fibres, acrylic or modacrylic, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport6,634450Weight in kilograms450
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic staple fibres, of polypropylene, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport12,857 No Quantity 
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic staple fibres, of synthetic materials n.e.c. in heading no. 5503, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport6,66747Weight in kilograms47
Iceland2023Fibres; artificial staple fibres, of viscose, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport2,19736Weight in kilograms36
Iceland2023Fibres; artificial staple fibres, other than of viscose, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport534Weight in kilograms4
Iceland2023Fibres; waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock), of synthetic fibresImport30612Weight in kilograms12
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic staple fibres, of nylon or other polyamides, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport5,21865Weight in kilograms65
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic staple fibres, of polyesters, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport2038Weight in kilograms8
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic staple fibres, acrylic or modacrylic, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport3210Weight in kilograms10
Iceland2023Fibres; synthetic staple fibres, n.e.c. in heading no. 5506, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport2244Weight in kilograms4
Iceland2023Fibres; artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningImport1457Weight in kilograms7
Iceland2023Fibres; artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinningExport5,188392Weight in kilograms392
Iceland2023Sewing thread; of synthetic staple fibres, whether or not put up for retail saleImport11,734534Weight in kilograms534
Iceland2023Sewing thread; of artificial staple fibres, whether or not put up for retail saleImport2,45899Weight in kilograms99
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of nylon or other polyamides, not put up for retail saleImport67077Weight in kilograms77
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of nylon or other polyamides, not put up for retail saleImport30210Weight in kilograms10
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of polyester, not put up for retail saleImport17,64162Weight in kilograms62
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of polyester, not put up for retail saleImport5422Weight in kilograms2
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of acrylic or modacrylic, not put up for retail saleImport19,440113Weight in kilograms113
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple (folded) or cabled, of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of acrylic or modacrylic, not put up for retail saleImport2556Weight in kilograms6
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), single, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres, n.e.c. in heading no. 5509, not put up for retail saleImport26611Weight in kilograms11
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres, n.e.c. in heading no. 5509, not put up for retail saleImport1,0153Weight in kilograms3
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of polyester staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with artificial staple fibres, not put up for retail saleImport538227Weight in kilograms227
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of polyester staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, not put up for retail saleImport1531Weight in kilograms1
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of polyester staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, not put up for retail saleImport29199Weight in kilograms99
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of polyester staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with fibres n.e.c. in item no. 5509.5, not put up for retail saleImport1,07171Weight in kilograms71
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, not put up for retail saleImport17,791760Weight in kilograms760
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, not put up for retail saleImport1,79561Weight in kilograms61
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with fibres n.e.c. in item no. 5509.6, not put up for retail saleImport53244Weight in kilograms44
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of synthetic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, n.e.c. in heading no. 5509, not put up for retail saleImport191Weight in kilograms1
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of synthetic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, n.e.c. in heading no. 5509, not put up for retail saleImport21917Weight in kilograms17
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of synthetic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with fibres (other than wool, fine animal hair or cotton), n.e.c. in heading no. 5509, not put up for retail saleImport70016Weight in kilograms16
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of artificial staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of artificial staple fibres, not put up for retail saleImport77960Weight in kilograms60
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of artificial staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, not put up for retail saleImport3742Weight in kilograms2
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of artificial staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, not put up for retail saleExport1,292450Weight in kilograms450
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of artificial staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, not put up for retail saleImport65,8922,275Weight in kilograms2,275
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres, put up for retail saleImport121,8977,236Weight in kilograms7,236
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, put up for retail saleImport75,6453,792Weight in kilograms3,792
Iceland2023Yarn; (not sewing thread), of artificial staple fibres, put up for retail saleImport3,825102Weight in kilograms102
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of polyester staple fibres, unbleached or bleachedImport11,286270Weight in kilograms270
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of polyester staple fibres, other than unbleached or bleachedImport72,1761,288Weight in kilograms1,288
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, other than unbleached or bleachedImport77726Weight in kilograms26
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of such fibres n.e.c. in heading no. 5512, unbleached or bleachedImport652Weight in kilograms2
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of such fibres n.e.c. in heading no. 5512, other than unbleached or bleachedImport43,2601,413Weight in kilograms1,413
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; plain weave, of polyester staple fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of a weight not exceeding 170g/m2, unbleached or bleachedImport1,674163Weight in kilograms163

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01