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3144 records | Page 1 of 63 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Iceland2023Cotton; not carded or combedImport14,849249Weight in kilograms249
Iceland2023Cotton; yarn waste (including thread waste)Import1375Weight in kilograms5
Iceland2023Cotton; waste other than garnetted stock and yarn (including thread) wasteImport7,155107Weight in kilograms107
Iceland2023Cotton; carded or combedImport6,41288Weight in kilograms88
Iceland2023Cotton; sewing thread, containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail saleImport1,33961Weight in kilograms61
Iceland2023Cotton; sewing thread, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, not put up for retail saleImport4,820298Weight in kilograms298
Iceland2023Cotton; sewing thread, put up for retail saleImport12,013362Weight in kilograms362
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of uncombed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, measuring 714.29 decitex or more, (not exceeding 14 metric number), not for retail saleImport2,21853Weight in kilograms53
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of uncombed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, measuring 714.29 decitex or more, (not exceeding 14 metric number), not for retail saleExport391Weight in kilograms1
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of uncombed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, less than 714.29 but not less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 but not exceeding 43 metric number), not for retail saleImport3,31978Weight in kilograms78
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of uncombed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, less than 232.56 but not less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 but not exceeding 52 metric number), not for retail saleImport73017Weight in kilograms17
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of uncombed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number), not for retail saleImport281Weight in kilograms1
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of combed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, measuring 714.29 decitex or more, (not exceeding 14 metric number), not for retail saleImport60,296197Weight in kilograms197
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of combed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, less than 125 but not less than 106.38 decitex (over 80 but not over 94 metric number), not for retail saleImport21134Weight in kilograms34
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of combed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, measuring less than 83.33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number), not for retail saleImport19,268253Weight in kilograms253
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of combed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, measuring less than 83.33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number), not for retail saleExport2,461195Weight in kilograms195
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of uncombed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleImport338Weight in kilograms8
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of uncombed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, 714.28 to 232.56 decitex (15 to 43 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleImport72Weight in kilograms2
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of uncombed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, 232.55 to 192.31 decitex (44 to 52 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleImport1109Weight in kilograms9
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of uncombed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, 192.30 to 125 decitex (53 to 80 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleImport368Weight in kilograms8
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of combed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleImport1,4658Weight in kilograms8
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of combed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, 714.28 to 232.56 decitex (15 to 43 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleImport91Weight in kilograms1
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of combed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, 124 to 106.38 decitex (81 to 94 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleImport12015Weight in kilograms15
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of combed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, 124 to 106.38 decitex (81 to 94 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleExport531Weight in kilograms1
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of combed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, 106.37 to 83.33 decitex (95 to 120 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleImport16,400185Weight in kilograms185
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of combed fibres, 85% or more by weight of cotton, less than 83.33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleImport1,94930Weight in kilograms30
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of uncombed fibres, less than 85% by weight of cotton, measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number), not for retail saleImport1,08911Weight in kilograms11
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), single, of combed fibres, less than 85% by weight of cotton, measuring 714.29 decitex or more, (not exceeding 14 metric number), not for retail saleImport2373Weight in kilograms3
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), multiple or cabled, of combed fibres, less than 85% by weight of cotton, 714.28 to 232.56 decitex (15 to 43 metric number) per single yarn, not for retail saleImport13319Weight in kilograms19
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, put up for retail saleImport273,6299,905Weight in kilograms9,905
Iceland2023Cotton yarn; (not sewing thread), containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, put up for retail saleImport305,5638,097Weight in kilograms8,097
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, unbleached, plain weave, weighing not more than 100g/m2Import32,316530Weight in kilograms530
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, unbleached, plain weave, weighing more than 100g/m2 but not more than 200g/m2Import16,376593Weight in kilograms593
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, unbleached, 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, weighing not more than 200g/m2Import2,27890Weight in kilograms90
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, unbleached, of weaves n.e.c. in item no. 5208.1, weighing not more than 200g/m2Import5,355307Weight in kilograms307
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, bleached, plain weave, weighing not more than 100g/m2Import4,49285Weight in kilograms85
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, bleached, plain weave, weighing more than 100g/m2 but not more than 200g/m2Import6,916384Weight in kilograms384
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, bleached, 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, weighing not more than 200g/m2Import1019Weight in kilograms9
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, bleached, of weaves n.e.c. in item no. 5208.2, weighing not more than 200g/m2Import25,2801,347Weight in kilograms1,347
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, dyed, plain weave, weighing not more than 100g/m2Import5,26264Weight in kilograms64
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, dyed, plain weave, weighing more than 100g/m2 but not more than 200g/m2Import132,3507,243Weight in kilograms7,243
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, dyed, 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, weighing not more than 200g/m2Import5,995290Weight in kilograms290
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, dyed, of weaves n.e.c. in item no. 5208.3 weighing not more than 200g/m2Import13,072410Weight in kilograms410
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, of yarns of different colours, plain weave, weighing not more than 100g/m2Import6,6211,618Weight in kilograms1,618
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, of yarns of different colours, weighing more than 100g/m2 but not more than 200g/m2Import6,185100Weight in kilograms100
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, of yarns of different colours, 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, weighing not more than 200g/m2Import3366Weight in kilograms6
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, of yarns of different colours, of weaves n.e.c. in item no. 5208.4, weighing not more than 200g/m2Import8,64487Weight in kilograms87
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, printed, plain weave, weighing not more than 100g/m2Import16,162422Weight in kilograms422
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, printed, plain weave, weighing more than 100g/m2 but not more than 200g/m2Import137,9404,704Weight in kilograms4,704
Iceland2023Fabrics, woven; containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, printed, of weaves n.e.c. in item no. 5208.5, weighing not more than 200g/m2Import18,7433,309Weight in kilograms3,309

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01