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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 45 Cork and articles of corkGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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268 records | Page 1 of 6 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Peru2022Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport19,2213,850Weight in kilograms3,850
Peru2022Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Import3,05664Weight in kilograms64
Peru2022Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport175,9945,384Weight in kilograms5,384
Peru2022Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkExport971Weight in kilograms1
Peru2022Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport10,2371,172Weight in kilograms1,172
Peru2022Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Import662,078130,911Weight in kilograms130,911
Peru2022Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export20,3723,412Weight in kilograms3,412
Peru2022Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Import2,245,835224,348Weight in kilograms224,348
Peru2022Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Export98,10413,415Weight in kilograms13,415
Peru2021Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport21,2981,394Weight in kilograms1,394
Peru2021Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Import3,17730Weight in kilograms30
Peru2021Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport194,4909,418Weight in kilograms9,418
Peru2021Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport4635Weight in kilograms5
Peru2021Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Import423,524132,493Weight in kilograms132,493
Peru2021Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export14,7762,062Weight in kilograms2,062
Peru2021Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Import1,436,972183,683Weight in kilograms183,683
Peru2021Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Export92,9839,511Weight in kilograms9,511
Peru2020Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport25,6556,661Weight in kilograms6,661
Peru2020Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport71,2172,481Weight in kilograms2,481
Peru2020Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport1,401202Weight in kilograms202
Peru2020Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Import311,70281,090Weight in kilograms81,090
Peru2020Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export7,9202,713Weight in kilograms2,713
Peru2020Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Import1,064,333140,550Weight in kilograms140,550
Peru2020Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Export63,1985,164Weight in kilograms5,164
Peru2019Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport46,86428,829Weight in kilograms28,829
Peru2019Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Import1,06511Weight in kilograms11
Peru2019Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport141,3484,183Weight in kilograms4,183
Peru2019Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport7,7671,131Weight in kilograms1,131
Peru2019Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Import263,57573,971Weight in kilograms73,971
Peru2019Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export7,8442,878Weight in kilograms2,878
Peru2019Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Import1,108,656156,841Weight in kilograms156,841
Peru2019Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Export92,6755,792Weight in kilograms5,792
Peru2018Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport9,638690Weight in kilograms690
Peru2018Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Import1292Weight in kilograms2
Peru2018Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport250,5736,702Weight in kilograms6,702
Peru2018Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport1,656452Weight in kilograms452
Peru2018Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersExport14426Weight in kilograms26
Peru2018Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Import554,687140,468Weight in kilograms140,468
Peru2018Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export6,0222,310Weight in kilograms2,310
Peru2018Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Import1,410,776184,179Weight in kilograms184,179
Peru2018Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Export81,4554,634Weight in kilograms4,634
Peru2017Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport24,64710,374Weight in kilograms10,374
Peru2017Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Import40Weight in kilograms0
Peru2017Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport194,1867,330Weight in kilograms7,330
Peru2017Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport1,66420Weight in kilograms20
Peru2017Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersExport7814Weight in kilograms14
Peru2017Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Import334,958118,002Weight in kilograms118,002
Peru2017Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export3,496280Weight in kilograms280
Peru2017Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Import1,090,888172,948Weight in kilograms172,948
Peru2017Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Export93,5245,368Weight in kilograms5,368

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01