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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 45 Cork and articles of corkGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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200 records | Page 1 of 4 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Kazakhstan2023Cork; natural cork, raw or simply preparedImport10416Weight in kilograms16
Kazakhstan2023Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport10,271432Weight in kilograms432
Kazakhstan2023Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Import4,560280Weight in kilograms280
Kazakhstan2023Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkExport170Weight in kilograms0
Kazakhstan2023Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport371,31531,190Weight in kilograms31,190
Kazakhstan2023Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersExport91938Weight in kilograms38
Kazakhstan2023Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport16,0881,719Weight in kilograms1,719
Kazakhstan2023Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export4,855316Weight in kilograms316
Kazakhstan2023Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Import1,073,132112,213Weight in kilograms112,213
Kazakhstan2023Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Export4,69663Weight in kilograms63
Kazakhstan2023Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Import63,0866,987Weight in kilograms6,987
Kazakhstan2022Cork; natural cork, raw or simply preparedImport12410Weight in kilograms10
Kazakhstan2022Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkExport2505Weight in kilograms5
Kazakhstan2022Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport130,640198,377Weight in kilograms198,377
Kazakhstan2022Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Import81Weight in kilograms1
Kazakhstan2022Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport258,48923,564Weight in kilograms23,564
Kazakhstan2022Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersExport9410Weight in kilograms10
Kazakhstan2022Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport15,37311,320Weight in kilograms11,320
Kazakhstan2022Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export414106Weight in kilograms106
Kazakhstan2022Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Import822,264313,591Weight in kilograms313,591
Kazakhstan2022Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Export302Weight in kilograms2
Kazakhstan2022Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Import70,2547,519Weight in kilograms7,519
Kazakhstan2021Cork; natural cork, raw or simply preparedImport8,0981,372Weight in kilograms1,372
Kazakhstan2021Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport11,886910Weight in kilograms910
Kazakhstan2021Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Import4,429326Weight in kilograms326
Kazakhstan2021Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport194,73221,712Weight in kilograms21,712
Kazakhstan2021Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersExport2545Weight in kilograms5
Kazakhstan2021Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport28,2434,543Weight in kilograms4,543
Kazakhstan2021Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export122163Weight in kilograms163
Kazakhstan2021Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Import917,744191,113Weight in kilograms191,113
Kazakhstan2021Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Export13924Weight in kilograms24
Kazakhstan2021Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Import106,93612,511Weight in kilograms12,511
Kazakhstan2020Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport24,8503,089Weight in kilograms3,089
Kazakhstan2020Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Import1,678441Weight in kilograms441
Kazakhstan2020Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport277,048 No Quantity 
Kazakhstan2020Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkExport62,6001,600Weight in kilograms1,600
Kazakhstan2020Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport15,4638,804Weight in kilograms8,804
Kazakhstan2020Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export41961Weight in kilograms61
Kazakhstan2020Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Import962,576113,195Weight in kilograms113,195
Kazakhstan2020Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Export12836Weight in kilograms36
Kazakhstan2020Cork; articles of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance), n.e.c. in heading no. 4504Import63,7078,833Weight in kilograms8,833
Kazakhstan2019Cork; natural cork, raw or simply preparedImport3,0441,081Weight in kilograms1,081
Kazakhstan2019Cork; waste cork, crushed, granulated or ground corkImport9,799645Weight in kilograms645
Kazakhstan2019Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Export12,338290Weight in kilograms290
Kazakhstan2019Cork; natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)Import22,6263,443Weight in kilograms3,443
Kazakhstan2019Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkImport231,3486,886Weight in kilograms6,886
Kazakhstan2019Cork; corks and stoppers, of natural corkExport10Weight in kilograms0
Kazakhstan2019Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersExport153Weight in kilograms3
Kazakhstan2019Cork; articles of natural cork other than corks and stoppersImport35,2285,403Weight in kilograms5,403
Kazakhstan2019Cork; blocks, plates, sheets and strip, tiles of any shape, solid cylinders (including discs), of agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance)Export417Weight in kilograms7

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01