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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 30 Pharmaceutical productsGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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2146 records | Page 1 of 43 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
United Kingdom2023Glands and other organs; extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions, for organo-therapeutic usesExport14,850,13958,166Weight in kilograms58,166
United Kingdom2023Glands and other organs; extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions, for organo-therapeutic usesImport17,835,122179,622Weight in kilograms179,622
United Kingdom2023Glands and other organs; heparin and its salts; other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, n.e.c. in heading 3001Export15,186,317 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Glands and other organs; heparin and its salts; other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, n.e.c. in heading 3001Import40,780,58869,119Weight in kilograms69,119
United Kingdom2023Blood, human or animal, antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products; antisera and other blood fractionsImport712,540,5301,759,084Weight in kilograms1,759,084
United Kingdom2023Blood, human or animal, antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products; antisera and other blood fractionsRe-Export22,37129Weight in kilograms29
United Kingdom2023Blood, human or animal, antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products; antisera and other blood fractionsExport423,999,18111,372,441Weight in kilograms11,372,441
United Kingdom2023Blood, human or animal, antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products; immunological products, unmixed, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail saleExport118,344,551175,451Weight in kilograms175,451
United Kingdom2023Blood, human or animal, antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products; immunological products, unmixed, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail saleImport35,118,5477,980Weight in kilograms7,980
United Kingdom2023Blood, human or animal, antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products; immunological products, mixed, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail saleImport858,425,758140,199Weight in kilograms140,199
United Kingdom2023Blood, human or animal, antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products; immunological products, mixed, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail saleExport387,911,50640,367Weight in kilograms40,367
United Kingdom2023Blood, human or animal, antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products; immunological products, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail saleRe-Export2,102,0265,442Weight in kilograms5,442
United Kingdom2023Blood, human or animal, antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products; immunological products, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail saleExport4,443,023,458759,483Weight in kilograms759,483
United Kingdom2023Blood, human or animal, antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products; immunological products, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail saleImport4,536,728,7032,245,049Weight in kilograms2,245,049
United Kingdom2023Vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products; for human medicineExport321,332,299158,855Weight in kilograms158,855
United Kingdom2023Vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products; for human medicineImport2,203,746,9511,274,699Weight in kilograms1,274,699
United Kingdom2023Vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products; for veterinary medicineExport95,647,432296,282Weight in kilograms296,282
United Kingdom2023Vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products; for veterinary medicineImport165,557,056439,575Weight in kilograms439,575
United Kingdom2023Toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products; n.e.c. in item 3002.3Import191,975,484 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products; n.e.c. in item 3002.3Export553,327,4841,252,378Weight in kilograms1,252,378
United Kingdom2023Cell cultures, whether or not modified; cell therapy productsImport75,216,9195,271Weight in kilograms5,271
United Kingdom2023Cell cultures, whether or not modified; cell therapy productsExport16,152,8781,823Weight in kilograms1,823
United Kingdom2023Cell cultures, whether or not modified; other cell cultures not including cell therapy productsImport106,841,96862,651Weight in kilograms62,651
United Kingdom2023Cell cultures, whether or not modified; other cell cultures not including cell therapy productsExport28,922,85330,929Weight in kilograms30,929
United Kingdom2023Toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar productsImport396,080,7991,499,965Weight in kilograms1,499,965
United Kingdom2023Toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar productsRe-Export2,554,502912Weight in kilograms912
United Kingdom2023Toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar productsExport518,559,864404,733Weight in kilograms404,733
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing penicillins, streptomycins or their derivatives, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not in measured doses, not packaged for retail sale)Export140,528,9271,362,422Weight in kilograms1,362,422
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing penicillins, streptomycins or their derivatives, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not in measured doses, not packaged for retail sale)Import942,81153,071Weight in kilograms53,071
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing antibiotics other than penicillins, streptomycins and their derivatives, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not in measured doses, not packaged for retail sale)Import12,451,209123,429Weight in kilograms123,429
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing antibiotics other than penicillins, streptomycins and their derivatives, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not in measured doses, not packaged for retail sale)Export21,758,464587,234Weight in kilograms587,234
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing insulin, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not packaged for retail saleExport14,332115Weight in kilograms115
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing insulin, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not packaged for retail saleImport661,140974Weight in kilograms974
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing hormones (excluding insulin), (but not containing antibiotics), for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not packaged for retail saleImport2,973,174114,549Weight in kilograms114,549
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing hormones (excluding insulin), (but not containing antibiotics), for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not packaged for retail saleExport6,694,659141,121Weight in kilograms141,121
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing alkaloids or their derivatives, containing ephedrine or its salts, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not packaged for retail sale)Import1,3888Weight in kilograms8
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing alkaloids or their derivatives, containing pseudoephedrine (INN) or its salts, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not packaged for retail sale)Export3,536180Weight in kilograms180
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing alkaloids or their derivatives, containing norephedrine or its salts, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not packaged for retail sale)Import1,58726Weight in kilograms26
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing alkaloids or their derivatives; other than ephedrine, pseudoephedrine (INN) or norephedrine or their salts; for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not packaged for retail sale)Import332,72738,655Weight in kilograms38,655
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing alkaloids or their derivatives; other than ephedrine, pseudoephedrine (INN) or norephedrine or their salts; for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not packaged for retail sale)Export2,974,03330,678Weight in kilograms30,678
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing antimalarial active principles described in subheading note 2 to this chapter, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not packaged for retail sale)Import2,646,824572Weight in kilograms572
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; (not containing antibiotics, hormones, alkaloids or their derivatives), for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not packaged for retail sale)Import357,197,5082,460,340Weight in kilograms2,460,340
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; (not containing antibiotics, hormones, alkaloids or their derivatives), for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not packaged for retail sale)Re-Export68,72514,536Weight in kilograms14,536
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; (not containing antibiotics, hormones, alkaloids or their derivatives), for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, (not packaged for retail sale)Export78,040,1673,143,006Weight in kilograms3,143,006
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing penicillins, streptomycins or their derivatives, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, packaged for retail saleExport306,914,8372,241,776Weight in kilograms2,241,776
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing penicillins, streptomycins or their derivatives, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, packaged for retail saleImport89,962,4373,223,772Weight in kilograms3,223,772
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing penicillins, streptomycins or their derivatives, for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, packaged for retail saleRe-Export202,68612,818Weight in kilograms12,818
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing antibiotics (other than penicillins, streptomycins or their derivatives), for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, packaged for retail saleRe-Export56,316,211117,610Weight in kilograms117,610
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing antibiotics (other than penicillins, streptomycins or their derivatives), for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, packaged for retail saleExport444,673,5815,457,898Weight in kilograms5,457,898
United Kingdom2023Medicaments; containing antibiotics (other than penicillins, streptomycins or their derivatives), for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, packaged for retail saleImport323,778,8633,207,075Weight in kilograms3,207,075

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01