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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 02 Meat and edible meat offalGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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3719 records | Page 1 of 75 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, carcasses and half-carcasses, fresh or chilledImport252,921,44645,457,278Weight in kilograms45,457,278
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, carcasses and half-carcasses, fresh or chilledExport17,373,1474,221,129Weight in kilograms4,221,129
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, cuts with bone in (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses), fresh or chilledExport33,489,2516,258,154Weight in kilograms6,258,154
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, cuts with bone in (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses), fresh or chilledImport105,112,26219,088,466Weight in kilograms19,088,466
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, boneless cuts, fresh or chilledExport28,167,2024,892,050Weight in kilograms4,892,050
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, boneless cuts, fresh or chilledImport385,248,93844,514,496Weight in kilograms44,514,496
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, carcasses and half-carcasses, frozenExport21,7181,656Weight in kilograms1,656
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, carcasses and half-carcasses, frozenImport3,432,854684,890Weight in kilograms684,890
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, cuts with bone in (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses), frozenExport975,302155,135Weight in kilograms155,135
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, cuts with bone in (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses), frozenImport14,549,1502,240,391Weight in kilograms2,240,391
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, boneless cuts, frozenImport138,529,11120,332,222Weight in kilograms20,332,222
Portugal2023Meat; of bovine animals, boneless cuts, frozenExport12,409,9941,929,606Weight in kilograms1,929,606
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, carcasses and half-carcasses, fresh or chilledExport8,725,1493,465,501Weight in kilograms3,465,501
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, carcasses and half-carcasses, fresh or chilledImport10,913,4492,730,183Weight in kilograms2,730,183
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in, fresh or chilledExport5,809,5651,678,884Weight in kilograms1,678,884
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in, fresh or chilledImport48,759,33714,266,537Weight in kilograms14,266,537
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, n.e.c. in item no. 0203.1, fresh or chilledExport27,213,5528,351,039Weight in kilograms8,351,039
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, n.e.c. in item no. 0203.1, fresh or chilledImport223,354,64351,586,612Weight in kilograms51,586,612
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, carcasses and half-carcasses, frozenExport3,371,038800,123Weight in kilograms800,123
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, carcasses and half-carcasses, frozenImport4,199,779837,434Weight in kilograms837,434
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in, frozenExport4,746,4482,048,742Weight in kilograms2,048,742
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in, frozenImport16,740,1855,602,160Weight in kilograms5,602,160
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, n.e.c. in item no. 0203.2, frozenExport37,437,77013,780,346Weight in kilograms13,780,346
Portugal2023Meat; of swine, n.e.c. in item no. 0203.2, frozenImport77,747,88217,635,465Weight in kilograms17,635,465
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep, lamb carcasses and half-carcasses, fresh or chilledExport3,743,862804,862Weight in kilograms804,862
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep, lamb carcasses and half-carcasses, fresh or chilledImport23,640,8672,642,110Weight in kilograms2,642,110
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep, carcasses and half-carcasses (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb), fresh or chilledExport182,57029,675Weight in kilograms29,675
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep, carcasses and half-carcasses (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb), fresh or chilledImport6,345,837833,110Weight in kilograms833,110
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep (including lamb), cuts with bone in (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses), fresh or chilledExport4,353429Weight in kilograms429
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep (including lamb), cuts with bone in (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses), fresh or chilledImport12,677,4172,132,493Weight in kilograms2,132,493
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep (including lamb), boneless cuts, fresh or chilledExport557,62360,986Weight in kilograms60,986
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep (including lamb), boneless cuts, fresh or chilledImport2,325,483200,619Weight in kilograms200,619
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep, lamb carcasses and half-carcasses, frozenExport1,105,754302,785Weight in kilograms302,785
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep, lamb carcasses and half-carcasses, frozenImport2,935,892391,810Weight in kilograms391,810
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep, carcasses and half-carcasses (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb), frozenExport14,5441,455Weight in kilograms1,455
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep, carcasses and half-carcasses (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb), frozenImport242,53932,038Weight in kilograms32,038
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep (including lamb), cuts with bone in (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses), frozenExport760,19681,106Weight in kilograms81,106
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep (including lamb), cuts with bone in (excluding carcasses and half-carcasses), frozenImport12,158,6091,548,791Weight in kilograms1,548,791
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep (including lamb), boneless cuts, frozenExport151,46113,084Weight in kilograms13,084
Portugal2023Meat; of sheep (including lamb), boneless cuts, frozenImport3,311,927324,446Weight in kilograms324,446
Portugal2023Meat; of goats, fresh, chilled or frozenImport15,036,0481,580,374Weight in kilograms1,580,374
Portugal2023Meat; of goats, fresh, chilled or frozenExport811,18891,109Weight in kilograms91,109
Portugal2023Meat; of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozenImport40,0833,935Weight in kilograms3,935
Portugal2023Offal, edible; of bovine animals, fresh or chilledExport309,233157,807Weight in kilograms157,807
Portugal2023Offal, edible; of bovine animals, fresh or chilledImport5,405,7561,214,629Weight in kilograms1,214,629
Portugal2023Offal, edible; of bovine animals, tongues, frozenExport62,23125,434Weight in kilograms25,434
Portugal2023Offal, edible; of bovine animals, tongues, frozenImport312,01161,839Weight in kilograms61,839
Portugal2023Offal, edible; of bovine animals, livers, frozenExport168,256128,622Weight in kilograms128,622
Portugal2023Offal, edible; of bovine animals, livers, frozenImport362,807190,776Weight in kilograms190,776
Portugal2023Offal, edible; of bovine animals, (other than tongues and livers), frozenExport809,537482,160Weight in kilograms482,160

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01