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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 26 Ores, slag and ashGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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904 records | Page 1 of 19 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Morocco2023Iron ores and concentrates; non-agglomeratedImport151,143293,500Weight in kilograms293,500
Morocco2023Iron ores and concentrates; non-agglomeratedExport259,0538,548,000Weight in kilograms8,548,000
Morocco2023Manganese ores and concentrates, including ferruginous manganese ores and concentrates with a manganese content of 20% or more, calculated on the dry weightImport64,49527,860Weight in kilograms27,860
Morocco2023Manganese ores and concentrates, including ferruginous manganese ores and concentrates with a manganese content of 20% or more, calculated on the dry weightExport21,086,41486,107,652Weight in kilograms86,107,652
Morocco2023Copper ores and concentratesExport156,860,944129,752,570Weight in kilograms129,752,570
Morocco2023Nickel ores and concentratesImport38498Weight in kilograms98
Morocco2023Cobalt ores and concentratesImport8,563,0821,454,962Weight in kilograms1,454,962
Morocco2023Cobalt ores and concentratesExport316303Weight in kilograms303
Morocco2023Aluminium ores and concentratesImport717,38111,028,831Weight in kilograms11,028,831
Morocco2023Lead ores and concentratesExport84,560,66457,811,884Weight in kilograms57,811,884
Morocco2023Zinc ores and concentratesImport52Weight in kilograms2
Morocco2023Zinc ores and concentratesExport50,484,648115,476,461Weight in kilograms115,476,461
Morocco2023Tin ores and concentratesExport4978Weight in kilograms78
Morocco2023Chromium ores and concentratesImport224,808425,600Weight in kilograms425,600
Morocco2023Titanium ores and concentratesImport1,083,938496,125Weight in kilograms496,125
Morocco2023Titanium ores and concentratesExport1,54018,176Weight in kilograms18,176
Morocco2023Zirconium ores and concentratesImport158,49960,000Weight in kilograms60,000
Morocco2023Silver ores and concentratesExport23,718,9266,939,380Weight in kilograms6,939,380
Morocco2023Antimony ores and concentratesExport112,878724,820Weight in kilograms724,820
Morocco2023Ores and concentrates n.e.c. in chapter 26; other than antimonyImport21,5723,015Weight in kilograms3,015
Morocco2023Ores and concentrates n.e.c. in chapter 26; other than antimonyExport5,149361Weight in kilograms361
Morocco2023Slag, granulated (slag sand); from the manufacture or iron or steelImport3010Weight in kilograms10
Morocco2023Slag, dross; (other than granulated slag), scalings and other waste from the manufacture of iron or steelExport2,101,53041,902,400Weight in kilograms41,902,400
Morocco2023Slag, ash and residues; (not from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly zinc, hard zinc spelterExport2,139,559926,178Weight in kilograms926,178
Morocco2023Slag, ash and residues; (not from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly zinc, other than hard zinc spelterExport1,819,1174,762,885Weight in kilograms4,762,885
Morocco2023Slag, ash and residues; (not from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly lead; excluding leaded gasoline sludges and leaded anti-knock compound sludgesExport75,084205,192Weight in kilograms205,192
Morocco2023Slag, ash and residues; (not from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly copperExport395,659218,644Weight in kilograms218,644
Morocco2023Slag, ash and residues; (not from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly aluminiumExport1,121,0877,009,732Weight in kilograms7,009,732
Morocco2023Slag, ash and residues; (not from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly metals or their compounds, n.e.c. in heading no. 2620Export2,192,184116,182Weight in kilograms116,182
Morocco2023Slag and ash n.e.c. in chapter 26; including seaweed ash (kelp) but excluding ash and residues from the incineration of municipal wasteImport151,574897,870Weight in kilograms897,870
Morocco2023Slag and ash n.e.c. in chapter 26; including seaweed ash (kelp) but excluding ash and residues from the incineration of municipal wasteExport5,86627,005Weight in kilograms27,005
Morocco2022Iron ores and concentrates; non-agglomeratedImport23,36928,500Weight in kilograms28,500
Morocco2022Iron ores and concentrates; non-agglomeratedExport146,0595,500,000Weight in kilograms5,500,000
Morocco2022Iron ores and concentrates; agglomerated (excluding roasted iron pyrites)Export22145Weight in kilograms145
Morocco2022Manganese ores and concentrates, including ferruginous manganese ores and concentrates with a manganese content of 20% or more, calculated on the dry weightImport14530Weight in kilograms30
Morocco2022Manganese ores and concentrates, including ferruginous manganese ores and concentrates with a manganese content of 20% or more, calculated on the dry weightExport25,022,24197,133,728Weight in kilograms97,133,728
Morocco2022Copper ores and concentratesExport160,832,934124,492,350Weight in kilograms124,492,350
Morocco2022Cobalt ores and concentratesImport26,506,0162,331,503Weight in kilograms2,331,503
Morocco2022Cobalt ores and concentratesExport412775Weight in kilograms775
Morocco2022Aluminium ores and concentratesImport1,039,7796,956,000Weight in kilograms6,956,000
Morocco2022Lead ores and concentratesExport86,289,81458,006,909Weight in kilograms58,006,909
Morocco2022Zinc ores and concentratesImport1148Weight in kilograms8
Morocco2022Zinc ores and concentratesExport64,250,79795,449,622Weight in kilograms95,449,622
Morocco2022Chromium ores and concentratesImport143,394311,600Weight in kilograms311,600
Morocco2022Titanium ores and concentratesImport1,450,385625,241Weight in kilograms625,241
Morocco2022Zirconium ores and concentratesImport180,33647,900Weight in kilograms47,900
Morocco2022Silver ores and concentratesExport17,727,3146,682,215Weight in kilograms6,682,215
Morocco2022Antimony ores and concentratesExport49,52533,680Weight in kilograms33,680
Morocco2022Ores and concentrates n.e.c. in chapter 26; other than antimonyImport15,2892,288Weight in kilograms2,288
Morocco2022Ores and concentrates n.e.c. in chapter 26; other than antimonyExport412,1802,856,530Weight in kilograms2,856,530

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01