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753 records | Page 1 of 16 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
New Zealand2023Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsRe-Export30,727496Number of items2
New Zealand2023Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsExport1,939,79831,325Number of items23
New Zealand2023Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport1,466,02618,678Number of items54
New Zealand2023Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsRe-Export7,522,625146,276Number of items88
New Zealand2023Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport73,469,4401,428,603Number of items1,620
New Zealand2023Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport38,935,6771,431,271Number of items831
New Zealand2023Cattle; live, pure-bred breeding animalsExport27,862,4566,764,920Number of items18,284
New Zealand2023Cattle; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport17,340,8395,269,600Number of items10,405
New Zealand2023Sheep; liveExport504,611138,367Number of items196
New Zealand2023Sheep; liveImport56,00014,403Number of items15
New Zealand2023Goats; liveExport2,502,146 Number of items3,787
New Zealand2023Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing not more than 185gExport45,864,691 Number of items3,137,103
New Zealand2023Mammals; live, other than primates, whales, dolphins, porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees, dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions, walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia), camels, other camelids, rabbits and haresRe-Export815 Number of items2
New Zealand2023Mammals; live, other than primates, whales, dolphins, porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees, dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions, walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia), camels, other camelids, rabbits and haresExport115,368 Number of items31
New Zealand2023Mammals; live, other than primates, whales, dolphins, porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees, dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions, walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia), camels, other camelids, rabbits and haresImport1,218,142 Number of items485
New Zealand2023Birds; live, PsittaciformesExport319,416 Number of items175
New Zealand2023Insects; live, beesExport3,725,452360,116Number of items103,325,397
New Zealand2023Insects; live, other than beesImport57,030 Number of items15,398
New Zealand2023Animals; live, n.e.c. in chapter 01, other than mammals, reptiles, birds and insectsImport12,491253Number of items54,250,000,000
New Zealand2022Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsRe-Export357,2815,234Number of items10
New Zealand2022Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport712,880 Number of items28
New Zealand2022Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsExport1,687,13324,714Number of items55
New Zealand2022Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsRe-Export7,403,678167,983Number of items101
New Zealand2022Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport36,466,0471,396,391Number of items928
New Zealand2022Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport63,975,9801,451,562Number of items1,454
New Zealand2022Cattle; live, pure-bred breeding animalsExport160,977,16544,841,374Number of items93,135
New Zealand2022Cattle; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport76,172,42025,605,987Number of items44,321
New Zealand2022Sheep; liveExport114,95635,304Number of items34
New Zealand2022Goats; liveImport30,954 Number of items5
New Zealand2022Goats; liveExport1,765,806 Number of items2,032
New Zealand2022Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing not more than 185gExport33,417,030536,781Number of items3,098,610
New Zealand2022Mammals; live, camels and other camelids (Camelidae)Export36,901 Number of items10
New Zealand2022Mammals; live, other than primates, whales, dolphins, porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees, dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions, walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia), camels, other camelids, rabbits and haresImport1,899,691 Number of items812
New Zealand2022Mammals; live, other than primates, whales, dolphins, porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees, dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions, walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia), camels, other camelids, rabbits and haresExport56,374398Number of items21
New Zealand2022Reptiles; live (including snakes and turtles)Export31,012 Number of items85
New Zealand2022Birds; live, PsittaciformesExport177,860 Number of items132
New Zealand2022Insects; live, beesExport1,723,356154,301Number of items25,362,841
New Zealand2022Insects; live, other than beesImport61,486 Number of items19,006
New Zealand2022Animals; live, n.e.c. in chapter 01, other than mammals, reptiles, birds and insectsImport11,774 Number of items1,410,350,000
New Zealand2021Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsExport5,180,864 Number of items160
New Zealand2021Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsRe-Export377,456 Number of items19
New Zealand2021Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport2,696,890 Number of items47
New Zealand2021Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport70,493,9551,751,683Number of items1,467
New Zealand2021Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport43,023,1692,116,136Number of items911
New Zealand2021Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsRe-Export8,234,748204,623Number of items66
New Zealand2021Cattle; live, pure-bred breeding animalsExport159,553,48641,598,762Number of items91,469
New Zealand2021Cattle; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport61,775,32422,018,577Number of items35,352
New Zealand2021Sheep; liveImport29,1587,956Number of items3
New Zealand2021Sheep; liveExport1,254,650359,714Number of items1,434
New Zealand2021Goats; liveExport1,693,113212,117Number of items2,381

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01