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720 records | Page 1 of 15 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Kazakhstan2023Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport478,051468,820Number of items1,344
Kazakhstan2023Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport1,059,4891,234,590Number of items3,263
Kazakhstan2023Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport1,795,8602,239,000Number of items12,251
Kazakhstan2023Asses; liveImport78490Number of items3
Kazakhstan2023Mules and hinnies; liveImport235,025176,463Number of items1,230
Kazakhstan2023Cattle; live, pure-bred breeding animalsExport769,656340,884Number of items1,158
Kazakhstan2023Cattle; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport28,564,0405,422,114Number of items11,411
Kazakhstan2023Cattle; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport15,957,68514,463,965Number of items55,945
Kazakhstan2023Cattle; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport193,959512,338Number of items1,620
Kazakhstan2023Buffalo; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport2,040,397418,663Number of items1,651
Kazakhstan2023Buffalo; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport498,841158,826Number of items476
Kazakhstan2023Bovine animals; live, other than cattle and buffaloExport448,847371,636Number of items1,591
Kazakhstan2023Bovine animals; live, other than cattle and buffaloImport52,61169,022Number of items329
Kazakhstan2023Swine; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport339,9767,550Number of items173
Kazakhstan2023Swine; live, other than pure-bred breeding animals, weighing 50kg or moreExport133,00669,075Number of items621
Kazakhstan2023Sheep; liveExport2,271,0942,008,186Number of items31,413
Kazakhstan2023Sheep; liveImport206,0619,723Number of items171
Kazakhstan2023Goats; liveExport16,03221,600Number of items720
Kazakhstan2023Goats; liveImport1,036685Number of items29
Kazakhstan2023Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing not more than 185gExport296,72011,640Number of items291,000
Kazakhstan2023Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing not more than 185gImport13,070,587575,045Number of items8,481,248
Kazakhstan2023Poultry; live, turkeys, weighing not more than 185gImport2,217222Number of items1,200
Kazakhstan2023Poultry; live, ducks, weighing not more than 185gImport23,9025,234Number of items44,980
Kazakhstan2023Poultry; live, geese, weighing not more than 185gImport114,32624,472Number of items136,163
Kazakhstan2023Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing more than 185gExport8,41119,433Number of items10,505
Kazakhstan2023Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing more than 185gImport11,07619,130Number of items12,381
Kazakhstan2023Poultry; live, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls, weighing more than 185gExport11820Number of items66
Kazakhstan2023Poultry; live, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls, weighing more than 185gImport5,7452,310Number of items4,700
Kazakhstan2023Mammals; live, primatesExport1005Number of items2
Kazakhstan2023Mammals; live, rabbits and haresImport25136Number of items35
Kazakhstan2023Mammals; live, other than primates, whales, dolphins, porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees, dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions, walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia), camels, other camelids, rabbits and haresExport9002,075Number of items10
Kazakhstan2023Mammals; live, other than primates, whales, dolphins, porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees, dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions, walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia), camels, other camelids, rabbits and haresImport55,1592,805Number of items29
Kazakhstan2023Reptiles; live (including snakes and turtles)Import86457Number of items102
Kazakhstan2023Birds; live, birds of preyImport33,46286Number of items57
Kazakhstan2023Birds; live, ostriches; emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae)Import8,3602,660Number of items76
Kazakhstan2023Birds; live, other than birds of prey, Psittaciformes, ostriches and emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae)Export408,7006,446Number of items16,969
Kazakhstan2023Birds; live, other than birds of prey, Psittaciformes, ostriches and emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae)Import177,6601,394Number of items696
Kazakhstan2023Insects; live, beesExport3,4007,420Number of items1,144
Kazakhstan2023Insects; live, beesImport687,946538,004Number of items182,019
Kazakhstan2023Insects; live, other than beesExport587,67611,061Number of items488,078,000
Kazakhstan2023Insects; live, other than beesImport887,64213,982Number of items139,819,794
Kazakhstan2023Animals; live, n.e.c. in chapter 01, other than mammals, reptiles, birds and insectsExport61,5266,487Number of items1,299
Kazakhstan2023Animals; live, n.e.c. in chapter 01, other than mammals, reptiles, birds and insectsImport411,39140,450Number of items257,028
Kazakhstan2022Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport292,02966,130No Quantity 
Kazakhstan2022Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport378,595394,883No Quantity 
Kazakhstan2022Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport1,475,1702,106,960No Quantity 
Kazakhstan2022Asses; liveImport3,6213,414No Quantity 
Kazakhstan2022Mules and hinnies; liveImport40,16052,883No Quantity 
Kazakhstan2022Cattle; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport20,684,0134,632,897Number of items11,466
Kazakhstan2022Cattle; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport1,378,233652,685Number of items1,380

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01