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1251 records | Page 1 of 26 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
United Kingdom2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, seedExport1,953,858 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, seedImport15,2655,777Weight in kilograms5,777
United Kingdom2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedExport407,812 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedImport25,123,50149,563,454Weight in kilograms49,563,454
United Kingdom2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedExport4,680,695 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedImport6,981,00522,171,037Weight in kilograms22,171,037
United Kingdom2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedExport342,295,979 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedImport580,219,001 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rye, seedExport398,600 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rye, seedImport2,030,3221,491,044Weight in kilograms1,491,044
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rye, other than seedExport8,131,645 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rye, other than seedImport701,2351,852,642Weight in kilograms1,852,642
United Kingdom2023Cereals; barley, seedExport1,510,189 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; barley, seedImport2,215,7811,535,171Weight in kilograms1,535,171
United Kingdom2023Cereals; barley, other than seedExport276,836,986 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; barley, other than seedImport40,394,537140,195,236Weight in kilograms140,195,236
United Kingdom2023Cereals; oats, seedsExport75,758 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; oats, seedsImport488,087228,441Weight in kilograms228,441
United Kingdom2023Cereals; oats, other than seedExport52,996,682 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; oats, other than seedImport6,187,01618,182,741Weight in kilograms18,182,741
United Kingdom2023Cereals; maize (corn), seedExport2,408,171335,197Weight in kilograms335,197
United Kingdom2023Cereals; maize (corn), seedImport54,074,04125,540,175Weight in kilograms25,540,175
United Kingdom2023Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedExport51,194,383162,576,398Weight in kilograms162,576,398
United Kingdom2023Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedImport671,432,0002,136,998,955Weight in kilograms2,136,998,955
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Import382,690303,777Weight in kilograms303,777
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Export897,564205,453Weight in kilograms205,453
United Kingdom2023Cereals; husked (brown) riceRe-Export574,191236,900Weight in kilograms236,900
United Kingdom2023Cereals; husked (brown) riceImport334,223,063336,723,109Weight in kilograms336,723,109
United Kingdom2023Cereals; husked (brown) riceExport2,560,1001,065,279Weight in kilograms1,065,279
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedImport376,968,204 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedExport58,472,71127,501,029Weight in kilograms27,501,029
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedRe-Export37,466,22917,507,191Weight in kilograms17,507,191
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rice, brokenImport38,027,525 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rice, brokenExport1,516,2831,429,671Weight in kilograms1,429,671
United Kingdom2023Cereals; rice, brokenRe-Export625,511749,840Weight in kilograms749,840
United Kingdom2023Cereals; grain sorghum, seedImport351,456542,938Weight in kilograms542,938
United Kingdom2023Cereals; grain sorghum, other than seedImport5,620,31914,818,289Weight in kilograms14,818,289
United Kingdom2023Cereals; grain sorghum, other than seedExport97,80331,807Weight in kilograms31,807
United Kingdom2023Cereals; buckwheatExport278,23326,707Weight in kilograms26,707
United Kingdom2023Cereals; buckwheatImport1,645,7711,128,773Weight in kilograms1,128,773
United Kingdom2023Cereals; millet, seedImport1,255,5271,742,185Weight in kilograms1,742,185
United Kingdom2023Cereals; millet, seedExport54,37023,740Weight in kilograms23,740
United Kingdom2023Cereals; millet, other than seedExport57,851 No Quantity 
United Kingdom2023Cereals; millet, other than seedImport6,769,20811,352,742Weight in kilograms11,352,742
United Kingdom2023Cereals; canary seedsExport728,964847,290Weight in kilograms847,290
United Kingdom2023Cereals; canary seedsImport238,733237,329Weight in kilograms237,329
United Kingdom2023Cereals; fonio (Digitaria spp.)Import119,91534,218Weight in kilograms34,218
United Kingdom2023Cereals; fonio (Digitaria spp.)Export48,1999,432Weight in kilograms9,432
United Kingdom2023Cereals; quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)Export857,751306,025Weight in kilograms306,025
United Kingdom2023Cereals; quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)Import5,329,1232,283,212Weight in kilograms2,283,212

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01