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761 records | Page 1 of 16 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Peru2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedImport52,054,28386,320,810Weight in kilograms86,320,810
Peru2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedExport938516Weight in kilograms516
Peru2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedExport885241Weight in kilograms241
Peru2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedImport828,420,6121,960,871,610Weight in kilograms1,960,871,610
Peru2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedExport133,09683,288Weight in kilograms83,288
Peru2022Cereals; rye, other than seedExport247Weight in kilograms7
Peru2022Cereals; barley, seedImport88931Weight in kilograms31
Peru2022Cereals; barley, other than seedImport41,987,337105,936,890Weight in kilograms105,936,890
Peru2022Cereals; barley, other than seedExport155,58466,543Weight in kilograms66,543
Peru2022Cereals; oats, other than seedImport13,300,43136,920,860Weight in kilograms36,920,860
Peru2022Cereals; oats, other than seedExport441294Weight in kilograms294
Peru2022Cereals; maize (corn), seedExport1,989,189 No Quantity 
Peru2022Cereals; maize (corn), seedImport36,946,4455,568,612Weight in kilograms5,568,612
Peru2022Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedImport1,255,715,3843,577,450,079Weight in kilograms3,577,450,079
Peru2022Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedExport17,275,2519,632,607Weight in kilograms9,632,607
Peru2022Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Import6,412520Weight in kilograms520
Peru2022Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Export1,5261,035Weight in kilograms1,035
Peru2022Cereals; husked (brown) riceExport12,9905,987Weight in kilograms5,987
Peru2022Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedImport81,904,664116,133,931Weight in kilograms116,133,931
Peru2022Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedExport13,274,52019,600,116Weight in kilograms19,600,116
Peru2022Cereals; rice, brokenExport122,036360,234Weight in kilograms360,234
Peru2022Cereals; grain sorghum, seedImport2,952168Weight in kilograms168
Peru2022Cereals; grain sorghum, other than seedExport21,05212,212Weight in kilograms12,212
Peru2022Cereals; buckwheatExport732158Weight in kilograms158
Peru2022Cereals; millet, other than seedImport217,623239,630Weight in kilograms239,630
Peru2022Cereals; canary seedsImport2,248,9111,938,414Weight in kilograms1,938,414
Peru2022Cereals; canary seedsExport65798Weight in kilograms98
Peru2022Cereals; quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)Export88,993,53745,530,323Weight in kilograms45,530,323
Peru2022Cereals; n.e.c. in chapter 10Import188 No Quantity 
Peru2022Cereals; n.e.c. in chapter 10Export2,651,1261,484,327Weight in kilograms1,484,327
Peru2021Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, seedExport15872Weight in kilograms72
Peru2021Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedImport44,975,070130,020,000Weight in kilograms130,020,000
Peru2021Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedExport10,2855,799Weight in kilograms5,799
Peru2021Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedExport8,7115,475Weight in kilograms5,475
Peru2021Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedImport572,223,3061,853,432,700Weight in kilograms1,853,432,700
Peru2021Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedExport152,53296,625Weight in kilograms96,625
Peru2021Cereals; rye, other than seedExport41Weight in kilograms1
Peru2021Cereals; barley, other than seedImport44,649,479131,516,910Weight in kilograms131,516,910
Peru2021Cereals; barley, other than seedExport281,339132,360Weight in kilograms132,360
Peru2021Cereals; oats, other than seedImport7,688,76325,373,500Weight in kilograms25,373,500
Peru2021Cereals; oats, other than seedExport2,950906Weight in kilograms906
Peru2021Cereals; maize (corn), seedImport30,193,4704,973,599Weight in kilograms4,973,599
Peru2021Cereals; maize (corn), seedExport4,156,89645,606Weight in kilograms45,606
Peru2021Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedImport1,075,298,0073,649,071,150Weight in kilograms3,649,071,150
Peru2021Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedExport18,578,80111,993,456Weight in kilograms11,993,456
Peru2021Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Export1,5802,250Weight in kilograms2,250
Peru2021Cereals; husked (brown) riceExport12,5786,278Weight in kilograms6,278
Peru2021Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedImport166,911,032237,202,955Weight in kilograms237,202,955
Peru2021Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedExport613,436731,219Weight in kilograms731,219
Peru2021Cereals; rice, brokenExport74,028210,011Weight in kilograms210,011

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01