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1329 records | Page 1 of 27 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
New Zealand2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedRe-Export8613Weight in kilograms13
New Zealand2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedExport21539Weight in kilograms39
New Zealand2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedImport964810Weight in kilograms810
New Zealand2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedExport10,6278,445Weight in kilograms8,445
New Zealand2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedImport59,156,052158,607,000Weight in kilograms158,607,000
New Zealand2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedExport1,915,819173,124Weight in kilograms173,124
New Zealand2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedImport183,691,367530,010,970Weight in kilograms530,010,970
New Zealand2023Cereals; rye, seedImport2,668400Weight in kilograms400
New Zealand2023Cereals; barley, seedExport105,95277,812Weight in kilograms77,812
New Zealand2023Cereals; barley, seedImport4,389,08014,121,387Weight in kilograms14,121,387
New Zealand2023Cereals; barley, other than seedExport285,04616,328Weight in kilograms16,328
New Zealand2023Cereals; barley, other than seedImport1,058,8592,790,868Weight in kilograms2,790,868
New Zealand2023Cereals; oats, seedsExport7,9596,044Weight in kilograms6,044
New Zealand2023Cereals; oats, other than seedRe-Export3,380943Weight in kilograms943
New Zealand2023Cereals; oats, other than seedExport16,7108,620Weight in kilograms8,620
New Zealand2023Cereals; oats, other than seedImport19,8017,482Weight in kilograms7,482
New Zealand2023Cereals; maize (corn), seedRe-Export2,5831,331Weight in kilograms1,331
New Zealand2023Cereals; maize (corn), seedExport2,470,936714,478Weight in kilograms714,478
New Zealand2023Cereals; maize (corn), seedImport3,201,655386,609Weight in kilograms386,609
New Zealand2023Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedExport188,377127,371Weight in kilograms127,371
New Zealand2023Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedRe-Export2,390503Weight in kilograms503
New Zealand2023Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedImport50,2949,542Weight in kilograms9,542
New Zealand2023Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Re-Export813474Weight in kilograms474
New Zealand2023Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Export3,3871,522Weight in kilograms1,522
New Zealand2023Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Import38,58023,646Weight in kilograms23,646
New Zealand2023Cereals; husked (brown) riceRe-Export2,744734Weight in kilograms734
New Zealand2023Cereals; husked (brown) riceExport14,6354,686Weight in kilograms4,686
New Zealand2023Cereals; husked (brown) riceImport2,258,0271,582,527Weight in kilograms1,582,527
New Zealand2023Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedRe-Export74,26149,170Weight in kilograms49,170
New Zealand2023Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedExport323,100203,687Weight in kilograms203,687
New Zealand2023Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedImport58,410,49255,103,802Weight in kilograms55,103,802
New Zealand2023Cereals; rice, brokenImport960,022 No Quantity 
New Zealand2023Cereals; rice, brokenRe-Export10,1634,056Weight in kilograms4,056
New Zealand2023Cereals; rice, brokenExport15,4514,361Weight in kilograms4,361
New Zealand2023Cereals; grain sorghum, seedImport126,159108,280Weight in kilograms108,280
New Zealand2023Cereals; grain sorghum, other than seedImport171,420244,460Weight in kilograms244,460
New Zealand2023Cereals; buckwheatRe-Export8613Weight in kilograms13
New Zealand2023Cereals; buckwheatExport319,691321,991Weight in kilograms321,991
New Zealand2023Cereals; buckwheatImport365,033235,026Weight in kilograms235,026
New Zealand2023Cereals; millet, seedRe-Export5013Weight in kilograms13
New Zealand2023Cereals; millet, seedExport5013Weight in kilograms13
New Zealand2023Cereals; millet, seedImport102,852119,596Weight in kilograms119,596
New Zealand2023Cereals; millet, other than seedRe-Export777281Weight in kilograms281
New Zealand2023Cereals; millet, other than seedExport777281Weight in kilograms281
New Zealand2023Cereals; millet, other than seedImport520,962631,582Weight in kilograms631,582
New Zealand2023Cereals; canary seedsImport90,98986,000Weight in kilograms86,000
New Zealand2023Cereals; quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)Export14,2612,868Weight in kilograms2,868
New Zealand2023Cereals; quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)Re-Export6,5971,283Weight in kilograms1,283
New Zealand2023Cereals; quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)Import640,876213,584Weight in kilograms213,584
New Zealand2023Cereals; triticaleExport5,3517,134Weight in kilograms7,134

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01