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781 records | Page 1 of 16 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Israel2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, seedExport163,000328,768Weight in kilograms328,768
Israel2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedExport3,0007,893Weight in kilograms7,893
Israel2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedImport18,00043,440Weight in kilograms43,440
Israel2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedExport341,000860,823Weight in kilograms860,823
Israel2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedImport1,0002,783Weight in kilograms2,783
Israel2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedImport480,452,2341,505,466,536Weight in kilograms1,505,466,536
Israel2023Cereals; rye, other than seedImport1,252,0004,318,999Weight in kilograms4,318,999
Israel2023Cereals; barley, seedImport1,0001,531Weight in kilograms1,531
Israel2023Cereals; barley, other than seedExport26,00097,401Weight in kilograms97,401
Israel2023Cereals; barley, other than seedImport76,431,763250,713,425Weight in kilograms250,713,425
Israel2023Cereals; oats, seedsImport18,00021,817Weight in kilograms21,817
Israel2023Cereals; oats, other than seedImport1,786,0255,166,768Weight in kilograms5,166,768
Israel2023Cereals; maize (corn), seedImport2,110,000 No Quantity 
Israel2023Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedImport318,553,867933,718,601Weight in kilograms933,718,601
Israel2023Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Export6,0008,210Weight in kilograms8,210
Israel2023Cereals; husked (brown) riceImport1,382,0821,145,393Weight in kilograms1,145,393
Israel2023Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedExport185,000148,510Weight in kilograms148,510
Israel2023Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedImport120,326,61998,968,502Weight in kilograms98,968,502
Israel2023Cereals; rice, brokenExport16,00028,473Weight in kilograms28,473
Israel2023Cereals; rice, brokenImport230,000383,819Weight in kilograms383,819
Israel2023Cereals; grain sorghum, seedImport8,0003,527Weight in kilograms3,527
Israel2023Cereals; grain sorghum, other than seedImport8,413,00023,046,730Weight in kilograms23,046,730
Israel2023Cereals; buckwheatExport9,0009,274Weight in kilograms9,274
Israel2023Cereals; buckwheatImport822,008754,833Weight in kilograms754,833
Israel2023Cereals; millet, seedImport153,016127,751Weight in kilograms127,751
Israel2023Cereals; millet, other than seedImport3,228,3715,567,067Weight in kilograms5,567,067
Israel2023Cereals; canary seedsImport155,022181,107Weight in kilograms181,107
Israel2023Cereals; quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)Export124,00744,352Weight in kilograms44,352
Israel2023Cereals; quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)Import2,898,2251,247,282Weight in kilograms1,247,282
Israel2023Cereals; n.e.c. in chapter 10Export2,0001,244Weight in kilograms1,244
Israel2023Cereals; n.e.c. in chapter 10Import1,567,221852,695Weight in kilograms852,695
Israel2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, seedImport3,0005,590Weight in kilograms5,590
Israel2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, seedExport74,000144,826Weight in kilograms144,826
Israel2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedImport15,655,00034,282,270Weight in kilograms34,282,270
Israel2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedExport41,00095,425Weight in kilograms95,425
Israel2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedImport1,0002,104Weight in kilograms2,104
Israel2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedExport1,0002,106Weight in kilograms2,106
Israel2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedImport601,424,0001,574,461,872Weight in kilograms1,574,461,872
Israel2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedExport11,0001,579Weight in kilograms1,579
Israel2022Cereals; rye, other than seedImport1,579,0004,865,475Weight in kilograms4,865,475
Israel2022Cereals; rye, other than seedExport3,0009,476Weight in kilograms9,476
Israel2022Cereals; barley, seedImport5,0008,044Weight in kilograms8,044
Israel2022Cereals; barley, other than seedImport109,106,000328,067,987Weight in kilograms328,067,987
Israel2022Cereals; barley, other than seedExport30,00096,982Weight in kilograms96,982
Israel2022Cereals; oats, seedsImport51,00067,991Weight in kilograms67,991
Israel2022Cereals; oats, seedsExport1,0001,737Weight in kilograms1,737
Israel2022Cereals; oats, other than seedImport145,000414,095Weight in kilograms414,095
Israel2022Cereals; maize (corn), seedImport3,292,000 No Quantity 
Israel2022Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedImport473,261,0001,292,518,443Weight in kilograms1,292,518,443
Israel2022Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedExport8,00028,536Weight in kilograms28,536

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01