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1067 records | Page 1 of 22 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Finland2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, seedImport2,2916,521Weight in kilograms6,521
Finland2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedExport13Weight in kilograms3
Finland2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedImport4,415,2887,973,586Weight in kilograms7,973,586
Finland2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedExport1,433,8783,924,392Weight in kilograms3,924,392
Finland2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedImport185,744274,782Weight in kilograms274,782
Finland2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedExport16,441,19252,593,718Weight in kilograms52,593,718
Finland2023Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, other than seedImport252,244251,656Weight in kilograms251,656
Finland2023Cereals; rye, seedImport938,475650,989Weight in kilograms650,989
Finland2023Cereals; rye, seedExport5,6109,200Weight in kilograms9,200
Finland2023Cereals; rye, other than seedExport11Weight in kilograms1
Finland2023Cereals; rye, other than seedImport1,307,8544,167,004Weight in kilograms4,167,004
Finland2023Cereals; barley, seedExport525,036810,868Weight in kilograms810,868
Finland2023Cereals; barley, seedImport163,813177,012Weight in kilograms177,012
Finland2023Cereals; barley, other than seedImport5,725,698 No Quantity 
Finland2023Cereals; barley, other than seedExport11,115,11138,526,087Weight in kilograms38,526,087
Finland2023Cereals; oats, seedsExport182,036285,814Weight in kilograms285,814
Finland2023Cereals; oats, seedsImport54,335114,161Weight in kilograms114,161
Finland2023Cereals; oats, other than seedExport106,053,142310,009,019Weight in kilograms310,009,019
Finland2023Cereals; oats, other than seedImport391,091296,374Weight in kilograms296,374
Finland2023Cereals; maize (corn), seedExport24Weight in kilograms4
Finland2023Cereals; maize (corn), seedImport8,79474Weight in kilograms74
Finland2023Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedExport6,9771,009Weight in kilograms1,009
Finland2023Cereals; maize (corn), other than seedImport7,425,98726,738,801Weight in kilograms26,738,801
Finland2023Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Export1,216316Weight in kilograms316
Finland2023Cereals; rice in the husk (paddy or rough)Import2,336,987975,246Weight in kilograms975,246
Finland2023Cereals; husked (brown) riceExport14,1245,095Weight in kilograms5,095
Finland2023Cereals; husked (brown) riceImport2,571,1241,387,661Weight in kilograms1,387,661
Finland2023Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedImport44,639,48732,173,334Weight in kilograms32,173,334
Finland2023Cereals; rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazedExport440,103276,995Weight in kilograms276,995
Finland2023Cereals; rice, brokenExport1,64478Weight in kilograms78
Finland2023Cereals; rice, brokenImport864,2901,135,803Weight in kilograms1,135,803
Finland2023Cereals; grain sorghum, seedImport9741Weight in kilograms41
Finland2023Cereals; grain sorghum, other than seedExport33015Weight in kilograms15
Finland2023Cereals; grain sorghum, other than seedImport67699Weight in kilograms99
Finland2023Cereals; buckwheatImport810,254505,873Weight in kilograms505,873
Finland2023Cereals; buckwheatExport13,93510,000Weight in kilograms10,000
Finland2023Cereals; millet, seedImport1,082258Weight in kilograms258
Finland2023Cereals; millet, other than seedExport1,873221Weight in kilograms221
Finland2023Cereals; millet, other than seedImport24,6198,441Weight in kilograms8,441
Finland2023Cereals; canary seedsImport2,738125Weight in kilograms125
Finland2023Cereals; quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)Export7,7161,771Weight in kilograms1,771
Finland2023Cereals; quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)Import431,034159,582Weight in kilograms159,582
Finland2023Cereals; triticaleImport120,953275,890Weight in kilograms275,890
Finland2023Cereals; n.e.c. in chapter 10Export727Weight in kilograms7
Finland2023Cereals; n.e.c. in chapter 10Import183,60570,254Weight in kilograms70,254
Finland2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, seedExport47,251104,666Weight in kilograms104,666
Finland2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, seedImport8,5035,395Weight in kilograms5,395
Finland2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedImport1,895,345 No Quantity 
Finland2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, durum wheat, other than seedExport3311Weight in kilograms11
Finland2022Cereals; wheat and meslin, other than durum wheat, seedExport58,44471,901Weight in kilograms71,901

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01