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Visualization and tools

UNdata Processing, Calc Data Pilot - Import into GIS

Gothos, a Geospatial Librarian's World, offers some tips on how to process data downloaded from UNdata. In many cases when users download data they get multiple records for each country; one record for each year for each data point. In order to bring this data into GIS, the data set needs to be re-arranged, so that there is only one record for each country with multiple columns for years.


The growth of internet use

Based on the Key Global Indicators from the UNdata, ''DrasticData'' calculated the number of internet users per country from 1990 to 2005. They used Flare to visualize the growth of the Internet use for all countries or per continent.


Progress: A Graphical Report on the State of the World

"Progress: A Graphical Report on the State of the World" is published by FlowingData using UNdata as a source. Progress is an effort to make this world data visible. FlowingData is a web site that explores how designers, statisticians, and computer scientists are using data to understand ourselves better - mainly through data visualization.

Link: Progress: A Graphical Report on the State of the World
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Thematic Mapping Engine for UNdata

Bjorn Sandvik from the United Nations Association (UNA) of Norway has recently developed a Thematic Mapping Engine which enables users to visualise global statistics on Google Earth. The primary data source is UNdata. The engine returns a KMZ file that you can open in Google Earth or download to your computer.

Link: Thematic Mapping Engine

UNdata plugin for Firefox

Natali Del Conte, a senior editor for CNET TV, wrote a UNdata plugin for Firefox with the ability to search terms directly in UNdata.

Link: Firefox plugin

United Nations Statistical Data iGoogle Gadget

The website "OnlineKnowHow" offers a United Nations Statistical Data iGoogle Gadget. Add the United Nations Statistical Data Gadget to your iGoogle page and get information about any country in the world in seconds.

Link: United Nations Statistical Data iGoogle Gadget
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