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Marriages cross-classified by previous marital status of husband and wifeGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Demographic Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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54495 records | Page 1 of 1090 | 
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Country or AreaYearAreaPrevious marital status of husbandPrevious marital status of wifeRecord TypeReliabilitySource YearValue 
Åland Islands2022TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete2024100 
Åland Islands2022TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202472 
Åland Islands2022TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202428 
Åland Islands2022TotalSingle (never married)TotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202478 
Åland Islands2022TotalUnknownTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202422 
Åland Islands2021TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202396 
Åland Islands2021TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202371 
Åland Islands2021TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202325 
Åland Islands2021TotalSingle (never married)TotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202368 
Åland Islands2021TotalUnknownTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202328 
Åland Islands2020TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202291 
Åland Islands2020TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202261 
Åland Islands2020TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202230 
Åland Islands2020TotalSingle (never married)TotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202265 
Åland Islands2020TotalUnknownTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202226 
Åland Islands2019TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete2021136 
Åland Islands2019TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202189 
Åland Islands2019TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202147 
Åland Islands2019TotalSingle (never married)TotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202196 
Åland Islands2019TotalUnknownTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202140 
Åland Islands2018TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete2020107 
Åland Islands2018TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202078 
Åland Islands2018TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202029 
Åland Islands2018TotalSingle (never married)TotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202088 
Åland Islands2018TotalUnknownTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete202019 
Åland Islands2017TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete2019112 
Åland Islands2017TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete201988 
Åland Islands2017TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete201924 
Åland Islands2016TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete2018123 
Åland Islands2016TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete2018103 
Åland Islands2016TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete201820 
Åland Islands2015TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete2017118 
Åland Islands2015TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete201792 
Åland Islands2015TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete201726 
Åland Islands2014TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete2016115 
Åland Islands2014TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete201686 
Åland Islands2014TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete201629 
Åland Islands2013TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete2016118 
Åland Islands2013TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete201695 
Åland Islands2013TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete201623 
Albania1991TotalTotalTotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete199224,853 
Albania1991TotalTotalSingle (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete199223,649 
Albania1991TotalTotalWidowed and not remarriedData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete1992189 
Albania1991TotalTotalDivorced and not remarriedData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete1992981 
Albania1991TotalTotalUnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete199234 
Albania1991TotalSingle (never married)TotalData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete199223,980 
Albania1991TotalSingle (never married)Single (never married)Data tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete199223,262 
Albania1991TotalSingle (never married)Widowed and not remarriedData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete1992122 
Albania1991TotalSingle (never married)Divorced and not remarriedData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete1992593 
Albania1991TotalSingle (never married)UnknownData tabulated by year of occurrenceFinal figure, complete19923 

Demographic Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Statistics Division collects, compiles and disseminates official demographic and social statistics on a wide range of topics. Data have been collected since 1948 through a set of questionnaires dispatched annually to over 230 national statistical offices and have been published in the Demographic Yearbook collection. The Demographic Yearbook disseminates statistics on population size and composition, births, deaths, marriage and divorce, as well as respective rates, on an annual basis. The Demographic Yearbook census datasets cover a wide range of additional topics including economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing characteristics, ethnicity, language, foreign-born and foreign population. The available Population and Housing Censuses' datasets reported to UNSD for the censuses conducted worldwide since 1995, are now available in UNdata.

This latest update includes several datasets on international travel and migration inflows and outflows, and on incoming and departing international migrants by several characteristics, as reported by the national authorities to the UN Statistics Division for the reference years 2010 to the present as available.
Last update in UNdata: 2025/02/24
Next update in UNdata: 2025/08/15