Crude marriage rate
Cross-currency interest rate swaps
Swaps - cross-currency interest rate
Foreigners granted temporary protected status
Foreigners whose status is regularized
Wedlock status of the mother at the time of the child's birth
Cross-domain Concepts
Civil Status
Data status
Observation status
Regulatory bodies
Compilation of vital statistics data
Vital event
Classification unit
Existing good
Other intangible non-produced assets
Secondary Radiation
Civil registration
Transboundary Pollution
Data set
Occupied persons
Other capital taxes n.e.c.
Other machinery and equipment
Self-employed workers
Chain index
Foreigners admitted for humanitarian reasons (other than asylum proper or temporary protection)
Population by sex
Annual growth rate
International organisations
Non-profit institutions (NPIs)
Non-profit institutions engaged in market production
NPIs (non-profit institutions)
Currency swaps
Double deflation
Existing fixed asset
Fixed asset - existing
Import subsidies
Maintenance and repairs (of fixed assets)
Perpetual inventory method (PIM)
Social assistance benefits
Taxes and duties on imports
Taxes on production and imports
Area Source
Born in wedlock
Foreigners seeking asylum
Classification of outlays of producers by purpose (COPP)
COPP (classification of outlays of producers by purpose)
Environmentally Adjusted National Income (ENI)
Final use quadrant
Functional classifications
Major renovations or enlargements (of fixed assets)
Other intangible fixed assets
Other land and associated surface water
Other valuables
Partitioning (transactions)
Renewable Natural Resources
Trade credits and advances
Births by age group of mother
Population by five-year age group and sex
Rural population
Urban population