a    Projected estimate (medium fertility variant).
b    The total surface is 21 040.79 square kilometres, without taking into account the last ruling of The Hague.
c    2019
d    Refers to the urban parts of the municipalities San Salvador, Mejicanos, Soyapango, Delgado, Ilopango, Cuscatancingo, Ayutuxtepeque and San Marcos.
e    Excludes irrigation canals and landscaping care.
f    Includes irrigation canals.
g    Excludes publishing activities.
h    Excludes repair of personal and household goods.
i    Estimate.
j    2020
k    Urban areas.
l    Data refers to a 5-year period preceding the reference year.
m    Including refugees.
n    Data as at the end of December.
o    There are methodological differences between the 2000-2016 and 2017-2018 series, including mandatory insurance for public employees (accounted under voluntary insurance between 2000 and 2016).
p    2018
q    2008
r    Data are as at 1 January of reporting year.
s    Population aged 10 years and over.
t    Break in the time series.