a    Projected estimate (medium fertility variant).
b    2019
c    Refers to the urban population of the Municipalities of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Santo Domingo Este, Santo Domingo Oeste, and Santo Domingo Norte.
d    2020
e    Excludes irrigation canals and landscaping care.
f    Includes irrigation canals.
g    Excludes publishing activities.
h    Excludes repair of personal and household goods.
i    Estimate.
j    Calculated by the UN Statistics Division from national indices.
k    Imports FOB.
l    Data refers to a 5-year period preceding the reference year.
m    Including refugees.
n    Data as at the end of December.
o    Revised estimate includes only individuals born in the country where both parents were born abroad. This estimate does not include subsequent generations of individuals of foreign descent as such it does not include all persons without nationality.
p    2018
q    2008
r    2011
s    2007
t    2014
u    Data are as at 1 January of reporting year.
v    Users in the last 3 months.
w    Arrivals by air only.