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Glossaries (6)

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Cross-currency interest rate swaps

Forward rate agreements (FRAs)

Interest rate swaps

Multiple official exchange rates

Reference rate of interest

Swap - interest rate

Swaps - cross-currency interest rate

Taxes resulting from multiple exchange rates

Crude birth rate (2 definitions)

Crude death rate (2 definitions)

Crude divorce rate

Crude marriage rate

Foetal death rate

Infant Mortality Rate (2 definitions)

Maternal mortality rate

Neo-natal mortality rate


Total fertility rate

Hazardous Waste Treatment (two categories of treatment can be distinguished)

Age-specific fertility rates

Net migration rate

Net reproduction rate

Population growth rate

Rate of natural increase

AMA rate

Annual growth rate

Exchange rates

Growth rate

IMF based rate

Item response rate

Market rate

Non-response rate

Official rate

Price adjusted rate of exchange (PARE)

Principal rate

Refusal rate

Response rate

UN Operational rates

Unit response rate

Weighted average exchange rate

Advanced Treatment Technology (waste water)

Anaerobic Biological Treatment

Biological Sewage Treatment

Biological Treatment Technology

Capacity of Treatment Installation

Chemical Treatment (of hazardous waste)

Mechanical Treatment Technology

Population Equivalent (in waste-water monitoring and treatment)

Preliminary Treatment

Secondary Treatment

Tertiary Treatment

Waste-water Treatment

Water Treatment

Coliform Index


Zero Population Growth (ZPG)

Sampling (2 definitions)

Imhoff Tank


Discounting (of natural assets)

Natural Disaster

Imputed expenditure


Net present value

Short-term migrant

Date of occurrence

Foyn's Process


Durable good

Forward foreign exchange contracts

Geometric depreciation

Non-durable good

Exports of goods and services

Exposure to risk, principle of


Aerobic Biological Oxidation

Biological Waste




Municipal Wastes

Protection of Ambient Water


Sludge Digestion

Currency swaps

Exports of goods

Imports of goods and services

Mean age at child bearing

Own-children method

Airborne Disease

Country of usual residence

Excursionists (also called "same-day" visitors)

Foreign excursionists (also called "same-day visitors")

Foreign tourists


Visitors (from abroad to the country)

Current taxes on land and buildings

Current taxes on net wealth

Deposits - other

Employers' imputed social contributions

Market price equivalents

Other deposits

Population register


Accuracy of register-based vital statistics

Certifier (of cause of death)


Repatriating asylum-seekers

Storm Tank

Waste Management

Adapted Products

Fish catch/landing

Renewable Natural Resources

Appgar score

Export duties

Export subsidies

Export taxes

Foetal death ratio

Index linked securities

Neutral holding gain

Nominal holding gain (by non-residents)


Process Weight

Recurrent losses (from inventories)

Reserve assets

Life expectancy by sex

Total fertility

Activated Carbon


Data set

Diatomaceous Earth


Dual records system

Environment-related Defensive Activities


Oxidation Pond

Point Source of Pollution

Pollution Abatement


Sewerage Network

Trickling Filter

Waste Collection

Water Supply System

Nominal growth

Real growth

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United Nations Statistics Division