Exports of goods and services
Wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels
Losses of government trading organisations (Subsidies on)
Margin (trade)
Trade credits and advances
Trade margin
Trading gains and losses
Consumption good or service
Durable good
Existing good
Expenditures on goods and services produced on own account
Exports of goods
External balance of goods and services
Finished goods - inventories
Goods and services account
Goods for resale - inventories
Imports of goods and services
Individual consumption good or service
Inventories of finished goods
Inventories of goods for resale
Non-durable good
Transfers of individual non-market goods or services
Exchange rates
Futures contracts
Unquoted shares
Consumption Residues
Opportunity cost
Stream Flow Regulations
High-density Polyethylene
Real gross domestic income (real GDI)
Vinyl Chloride
Data analysis
Export subsidies
Margins (financial)
Other accounts receivable/ payable
Securities other than shares
Credit derivatives
Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
Other subsidies on products
Subsidies on products - other
Price adjusted rate of exchange (PARE)
C.i.f. price
Consumer price index
GDP by types of expenditure
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Air Pollution Control
Barter transactions
Energy Valuation
GDP - expenditure based
Gross domestic product - expenditure based
Current account (balance of payments)
Drip Irrigation
Financial derivatives
Forward contract
Market establishments
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
AMA rate
Production boundary
Acquisition - time of
Actual individual consumption
Changes in inventories
Current transfers
FIFO (first-in-first-out)
Final consumption
Final consumption expenditure of government
Final consumption expenditure of households
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs
Financial lease
First-in-first-out (FIFO)
Government final consumption expenditure
Household final consumption expenditure
Implicit price deflator
Import duties
Income in kind received by employees
Inventories of materials and supplies
Last-in-first-out (LIFO)
LIFO (last-in-first-out)
Margin (transport)
Materials and supplies - inventories
Non-financial corporations
Non-financial quasi-corporations
NPISH final consumption expenditure
Output produced for own final use
Price index
Producers for own final use
Profits of export monopolies
Profits of import monopolies
Reimbursements - social security benefits
Remuneration in kind
Sampling error
Social security benefits - reimbursements
Taxes on production
Time of acquisition
Transfer in kind
Transport margin
Central product classification (CPC)
Constant prices
CPC (central product classification)
Economic production
Export duties
Export taxes
F.o.b. price
Historic cost accounting
Import subsidies
Intermediate consumption
Purchaser's price
Social transfers in kind
Subsidy on a product
Tax on a product
Taxes and duties on imports
Taxes on production and imports
Taxes on products
Total final consumption
Actual final consumption of households
Basic price
Changes in inventories (including work-in-progress)
Consumer durables
Current accounts
Current cost accounting
Deductible VAT
Economic territory (of a country)
Excise duties
Flows in real terms
General government
Horizontally integrated enterprise
Household actual final consumption
Household unincorporated market enterprises
Illegal production
Indirect taxes
Input-output table
Intangible non-produced assets
Inventories - changes in (including work-in-progress)
Inventories of other work-in-progress
Inventories of work-in progress
Legal entities
Maintenance and repairs (of fixed assets)
Non-market output - other
Non-profit institutions (NPIs)
Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
NPIs (non-profit institutions)
NPISHs (non-profit institutions serving households)
Operating lease
Other non-market establishments
Other non-market output
Other non-market producers
Other work-in-progress - inventories
Payments in kind other than remuneration in kind
PPP (purchasing power parity)
Principal activity
Producer's price
Production account
Profits of fiscal monopolies
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
Quantity index
Real holding gain
Real income
Recurrent losses (from inventories)
Supply and use tables
Value added tax (VAT)
VAT - deductible
Volume index
Wages and salaries in kind
Work-in-progress - inventories