Total fertility rate
Hours worked - total
Total economy
Total final consumption
Total hours worked
Total fertility
GDP - output based
Gross domestic product - output based
Input-output table
Market output
Non-market output - other
Other non-market output
Output produced for own final use
Total Allowable Catch (TAC)
Total Suspended Particulate Matter (TSPM)
Technological change
National income
Net non-life insurance premiums
Coefficient table
Data integration
Ozone Hole
Population Density
River Basin
Statistical population
Intensive Agriculture
Industry-by-industry table
Inverse table - Leontief
Leontief inverse table
Actual individual consumption
Compensation of employees
Expenditure taxes
Full-time equivalent employment
GDP - expenditure based
Gross capital formation
Gross domestic product - expenditure based
Income from abroad - net
Net income from abroad
Adjustment for the change in the net equity of households in pension fund reserves
Balance of primary incomes
Body Burden
Chlorine Loading
Precipitation-effectiveness Ratio
Data analysis
Survey design
Goods and services account
Measure of Economic Welfare (MEW)
Recurrent losses (from inventories)
Ratio estimation
Statistical measure
Control of a corporation
Subsidies on payroll or workforce
Fixed assets
Gross value added at basic prices
Gross value added at producers' prices
Market producers
Net value added
Non-market producers
Subsidies on products used domestically
Symmetric tables
Uses of value added quadrant
Value added - net
Changes in inventories
Foetal death rate
GDP by types of expenditure
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Growth rate
Water Abstraction
Vertically integrated enterprise
Aggregates of the SNA
Gross fixed capital formation
Net rent
Operating lease
Premium supplements
Quantity index
Real gross domestic income (real GDI)
Rest of the world account
Emission Factor
Externalization of environmental protection cost
Net Price
Appgar score
Crude birth rate
Crude death rate
Crude divorce rate
Crude marriage rate
Foetal death ratio
Vital statistics system
Brackish Water
Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ)
Process Weight
Resource rent
Accrual accounting
Ancillary activity
Basic price
Changes in inventories (including work-in-progress)
Double deflation
Economic production
Entertainment, literary or artistic originals
Expenditures on goods and services produced on own account
Final use quadrant
Gross value added
Homogeneous production unit
Industry (producer) technology
Internal transactions
Intra-unit transactions
Inventories - changes in (including work-in-progress)
Other non-market producers
Other subsidies on products
Own-account producers
Principal activity
Principal party (to a transaction)
Produced assets
Producer's price
Product (commodity) technology
Product-by-product table
Secondary activity
Single indicator method of deflation
Social transfers in kind
Subsidies on products - other
Value added - gross
Percentage rural
Percentage urban
Dependency ratios
Population aged 0-14
Population aged 12-14
Population aged 15-17
Population aged 15-24
Population aged 15-59
Population aged 15-64
Population aged 18-23
Population aged 5-14
Population aged 6-11
Population aged 60 or over
Population aged 65 or over
Population aged 80 or over
Population aged 0-4
Rural population
Women aged 15-49