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Glossaries (6)

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Income in kind received by employees

Taxes on individual or household income

Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)

Actual final consumption of households

Adjustment for the change in the net equity of households in pension fund reserves

Current transfers between households

Final consumption expenditure of households


Household actual final consumption

Household final consumption expenditure

Household unincorporated market enterprises

Net equity of households in life insurance reserves and in pension funds

Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)

NPISHs (non-profit institutions serving households)

Payments by households to obtain certain licences

Adjusted disposable income

Allocation of primary income account

Balance of primary incomes

Current taxes on income, wealth, etc

Disposable income

Distributed income of corporations

Distribution and use of income accounts

Entrepreneurial income

GDP - income based

Generation of income account

GNI (gross national income)

Gross adjusted disposable income

Gross domestic product - income based

Gross national disposable income

Gross national income (GNI)


Income from abroad - net

Mixed income

National disposable income

National income

Net adjusted disposable income

Net income from abroad

Net national disposable income

Net national income

Other taxes on income n.e.c.

Primary incomes

Property income

Property income attributed to insurance policyholders

Real gross domestic income (real GDI)

Real income

Redistribution of income in kind account

Secondary distribution of income account

Taxes on income

Taxes on the income of corporations

Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations

Household Waste

Environmentally Adjusted National Income (ENI)

Receiving organisation

Sustainable Income

Social benefits

Community Structure

Monetary transactions

Payroll taxes

Birth history survey

Taxes on winnings from lotteries or gambling


Response rate

Shredding Residues


Direct Incineration

Expenditure taxes

Poll taxes

Own-children method

Sampling frame



Non-response rate

Other accounts receivable/ payable

Net present value

Quality of Life

Private final consumption expenditure

Cost Internalization


Water Use


Individual consumption good or service

Instream Aeration

Precipitation-effectiveness Ratio

Data exchange

Observation unit

Sending organisation

Foreign retirees (as settlers)

Parity progression ratio

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Shares of GDP

Entrepreneurs and investors (as settlers)

Family-based settlers

Foreign border workers

Foreigners in transit

Refusal rate

Change in real national net worth

Discounting (of natural assets)

Neutral holding gain

Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investment


User Cost

Actual individual consumption

Current account (balance of payments)

Final consumption

Gross saving

Machinery and equipment (assets)

Net saving

Other social security benefits in kind

Private funded social insurance benefits

Reimbursements - social security benefits

Social security benefits - reimbursements

Transport equipment (as assets)

Consumer durables

Premium supplements

Consumer price index

Foreign migrant workers

Foreigners whose entry or stay is not sanctioned

Foreigners whose status is regularized

Net migration rate

Other activities

Current external balance

Current transfers


Informal sector


Operating surplus

Other current taxes n.e.c.


Rents on land

Aggregates of the SNA

Capital transfer in kind

Current accounts

Current transfers to NPISHs

Financial claims

Other subsidies on production


Subsidies on production - other


Wages and salaries in cash

Expenditures on goods and services produced on own account

Functional classifications

Own-account producers

Total final consumption


Distributive transactions

Gross value added

Market Valuation



Value added - gross

Beef Cattle Feedlot

Contract migrant workers

Depletion Costs


Diplomats and consular personnel

Economic Instruments

Employment-based settlers

Environmental Externalities

Foreign excursionists (also called "same-day visitors")

Foreign students

Foreign tourists

Foreigners admitted for family formation or reunification

Foreigners admitted for settlement

Hotelling Rent

Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)

Maintenance (Cost) Valuation (environmental accounting)

Non-point Source of Pollution



Septic Tank


Visitors (from abroad to the country)


Wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels

Dual records system

Classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions (COPNI)

Collective consumption service

Consumption good or service

COPNI (classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions)



Miscellaneous current taxes

Miscellaneous current transfers

Non-life insurance claims

Non-market output - other

Other current transfers

Other non-market output

Other non-market producers

SAM (social accounting matrix)

Satellite accounts

Social accounting matrix (SAM)

Social assistance benefits

Social assistance benefits in cash

Social assistance benefits in kind

Social security benefits in cash

Social transfers in kind

Trade credits and advances

Transfers of individual non-market goods or services

Unincorporated enterprise

Wages and salaries in kind


Autonomous pension funds

Balancing item

Bonds and debentures

Economic assets

Employers' social contributions

Financial derivatives

General government

Input-output table

Non-life insurance premiums

Non-profit institutions (NPIs)

Non-repayable margins

NPIs (non-profit institutions)

Rents on subsoil assets

Transfer price

Bilateral exchange

Electronic data interchange, EDI

Multilateral exchange

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United Nations Statistics Division