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Glossaries (6)

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Age in completed years

Person-years lived

Population by five-year age group and sex

Mean age at child bearing

Own-children method

Wedlock status of the mother at the time of the child's birth

Base year (BSYR)

Base year weights

Fiscal year

Base year

Protection against Erosion

Protection against Natural Hazards

Infant deaths

Citizens deported from abroad

Community Structure

Erosion Control

Natural Disaster Protection

Observation pre-break value

Payroll taxes

Time coverage

Dependency ratios


Livestock for breeding, dairy, draught, etc.

Short-term loans


Net recordings

Repayable margins

Extinct Species

Permanent Crops

Non-response rate


Birth history

Protection of Soil and Groundwater


Total fertility

Insurance technical reserves

Durable good

Fixed assets

Intangible fixed assets

Non-durable good

Life Expectancy (at birth)

Parity progression ratio

Foreigners admitted for family formation or reunification

Illegitimate birth

Legitimate birth

Refusal rate

Response rate

Consumer price index

Social security benefits in cash

Long-term loans

Long-term securities other than shares

Short-term securities other than shares

Crude birth rate (2 definitions)

Crude death rate (2 definitions)

Crude divorce rate

Crude marriage rate

Infant mortality rate (2 definitions)

Change in real national net worth

Fallow Agricultural Land

Neutral holding gain


Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investment

Sustainable catch

Date of birth

Date of occurrence

Date of registration

Forward rate agreements (FRAs)


Net equity of households in life insurance reserves and in pension funds

Slow Sand Filtration


Delayed registration


Foetal death rate

Foetal death ratio

Neo-natal mortality rate

Reference period error

Total fertility rate

Access rights

Consumer durables

Double deflation

Forest Functions

International investment position

Miscellaneous current taxes

Perpetual inventory method (PIM)

Recurrent taxes on land, buildings or other structures

Taxes (recurrent) on land, buildings or other structures

Maternal mortality rate

Capacity of Treatment Installation

Carrying Capacity

Deciduous Forest

Endangered Species

Annual growth rate

Growth rate

Population (2 definitions)

Price adjusted rate of exchange (PARE)

Exposure to risk, principle of

Gestational period

Late civil registration

Long-term migrant

Record check

Returning migrants

Seasonal migrant workers

Short-term migrant

AMA rate

Data set

Age-specific fertility rates


Births by age group of mother

Deaths by sex

Deaths under age 1

Deaths under age 5

Life expectancy by sex

Net migration rate

Population aged 0-14

Population aged 12-14

Population aged 15-17

Population aged 15-24

Population aged 15-59

Population aged 15-64

Population aged 18-23

Population aged 5-14

Population aged 6-11

Population aged 60 or over

Population aged 65 or over

Population aged 80 or over

Population aged  0-4

Population by sex

Population change

Rural population

Urban population

Women aged 15-49

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United Nations Statistics Division