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Glossaries (6)

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Mean age at child bearing

Population aged 15-59

Research and development

Percentage rural

Percentage urban

Age (2 definitions)

Age in completed years

Exact age

Own-children method

Wedlock status of the mother at the time of the child's birth

Actual social contributions

Employees' social contributions

Employers' actual social contributions

Employers' imputed social contributions

Employers' social contributions

Imputed social contributions

Other social security benefits in kind

Private funded social insurance benefits

Reimbursements - social security benefits

SAM (social accounting matrix)

Social accounting matrix (SAM)

Social assistance benefits

Social assistance benefits in cash

Social assistance benefits in kind

Social benefits

Social benefits in kind

Social contributions

Social contributions by self-employed and non-employed persons

Social insurance benefits

Social insurance schemes

Social security benefits - reimbursements

Social security benefits in cash

Social security funds

Social security schemes

Social transfers in kind

Unfunded employee social insurance benefits


Physical Accounting

Physical Pollution

Social Cost

Conceptual domain

Cross-domain Concepts


Domain groups

Framework for Indicators of Sustainable Development (FISD)

Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES)

Human Development

Indicators of Sustainable Development

Rio Declaration on Environment and Development

Statistical subject-matter domain

Study domain

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Indicators

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

Value domain

Age-specific fertility rates

Births by age group of mother

Deaths under age 1

Deaths under age 5

Median age

Mortality under age 5

Population aged 0-14

Population aged 12-14

Population aged 15-17

Population aged 15-24

Population aged 15-64

Population aged 18-23

Population aged 5-14

Population aged 6-11

Population aged 60 or over

Population aged 65 or over

Population aged 80 or over

Population aged  0-4

Population by five-year age group and sex

Women aged 15-49

Infant deaths

Date of birth

Short-term migrant

Biological Spectrum

Fiscal year

Other activities

Total fertility rate

Unit response rate

Greenhouse Climate Response Index

Consumption of fixed capital

Durable good

Non-durable good

Standard classification

Sustainable Income

Birth history

Driving Force-state-response Framework

Environmental Restructuring




Pressure-state-response Framework

Biodiversity Convention

Climate Convention

Earth Summit





Water Conservation


Date of occurrence

Date of registration

Edaphic Characters

Existing fixed asset

Fixed asset - existing

Foreign tourists

Hazardous Waste Treatment (two categories of treatment can be distinguished)

Lake Classification


Long-term migrant

Maintenance agency

Mixed Cropping

Permissible value

Permitted value

Quality of Life


Waste-water Treatment

Water Erosion

Water Quality


Informal sector

Macro editing

Total fertility

Appgar score

Civil registration system

Data reconciliation

Infant mortality rate (2 definitions)

Neo-natal mortality rate

Object class



Statistical indicator




Dublin core

Environmental Disease

Environmental taxes

Foreigners admitted for family formation or reunification

Illegitimate birth

Intergenerational Equity

Legitimate birth

Shares of GDP




Capital stock - gross

Gross capital stock


Statistical measure

Antiques and other art objects

Delayed registration

Exposure to risk, principle of

Foreign students

IMF based rate

Late civil registration

Subsidy on a product

Tax on a product

Taxes on lotteries, gambling and betting


Agenda 21

Central product classification (CPC)

CPC (central product classification)

Dependency ratios

Depletion of natural economic assets

Ecological Statistics

Functional classifications


Human Settlements

Leases and other transferable contracts

Natural Resource Accounting

Non-market output - other

Other non-market establishments

Other non-market output

Other subsidies on products

Parity progression ratio

Pollution of Poverty

Rerouting (transactions)

Returning migrants

Subsidies on products - other

Tertiary Treatment

Tropical Forest

Adjusted disposable income

Adjustment for the change in the net equity of households in pension fund reserves


Disposable income

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)


Fallow Agricultural Land

Foreign business travelers

Gestational period

Gross adjusted disposable income

Net adjusted disposable income

Base year (BSYR)

Carrying Capacity

Cost-benefit Analysis

Deciduous Forest

Descriptive epidemiology

Drinking Water Standards

Environment Statistics

Environmental Externalities

Environmental Services

Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

Foreign retirees (as settlers)

Forest Functions

Glaciers and Perpetual Snow

National Estate

Ozone (O3)

Risk Management

Actual final consumption of general government

Actual final consumption of households

Actual final consumption of NPISHs

Aggregates of the SNA

Capital consumption

Conservation of Mass


Current transfers within general government

Depletion (in natural resource accounting)


Distribution and use of income accounts

Dual records system

Energy Conversion Factors


Equivalent Factors


European System for the Collection of Economic Information on the Environment (SERIEE)

Hotelling Rent

Household actual final consumption


Indoor Air Pollution

Land Drainage

Legal entities

Losses of government trading organisations (Subsidies on)

Materials and Energy Balances

Mechanical Treatment Technology

Natural Patrimony Accounting

Non-life insurance claims

Non-life insurance premiums

Non-profit institutions (NPIs)

NPIs (non-profit institutions)

Protection against Natural Hazards

Redistribution of income in kind account

Satellite accounts

Satellite System (of national accounts)

Secondary distribution of income account

Stress-response Environmental Statistical System

Subsidies to public corporations and quasi-corporations


Underground economy


Data set

Population growth rate

Infant mortality

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United Nations Statistics Division