Changes in inventories (including work-in-progress)
Hours worked - total
Inventories - changes in (including work-in-progress)
Inventories of other work-in-progress
Inventories of work-in progress
Inventories of work-in-progress on cultivated assets
Other work-in-progress - inventories
Total hours worked
Work-in-progress - inventories
Work-in-progress on cultivated assets - inventories
Ozone Hole
Control of a corporation
Date of occurrence
Perinatal period
Changes in inventories
Full-time equivalent employment
Occupational Health Hazards
Sewage Effluent Standards
Project-tied migrant workers
Short-term loans
Arid Zone
Hydrochloro-fluorocarbons (HCFCs)
Changes in net worth
Compensation of employees
Gross saving
Income in kind received by employees
Net fixed capital formation
Net non-life insurance premiums
Net saving
Other buildings and structures
Self-employed workers
Diplomats and consular personnel
Shares of GDP
Domain groups
International statistical standard
External balance of goods and services
GDP - expenditure based
GDP - income based
GDP - output based
GDP at market prices
GNI (gross national income)
Gross capital formation
Gross domestic product - expenditure based
Gross domestic product - income based
Gross domestic product - output based
Gross domestic product at market prices
Gross national income (GNI)
Gross value added at basic prices
Gross value added at producers' prices
National income
Neo-natal mortality rate
Net value added
Net worth
Non-durable good
Short-term migrant
Value added - net
Age-specific fertility rates
Births by age group of mother
Other activities
Wages and salaries in cash
Dependency ratios
Gestational period
GDP by types of expenditure
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Net lending
Short-term securities other than shares
Contract migrant workers
Foreign trainees
Foreigners having the right to free establishment
International civil servants
Seasonal migrant workers
Energy Conversion Factors
Storm Tank
Adapted Products
Antiques and other art objects
Clean Technology
Fish stock
Genuine Saving
Maintenance and repairs (of fixed assets)
Mixed income
Operating lease
Satellite accounts
Stumpage Value
Trade credits and advances
Wages and salaries in kind
Balance of primary incomes
Change in real national net worth
Current taxes on net wealth
F.o.b. price
Factor cost
Gross fixed capital formation
Gross value added
Informal sector
Net rent
Net value of a fixed asset
Other accumulation entries
Purchased goodwill
Real gross domestic income (real GDI)
Value added - gross
Written-down (net) value of a fixed asset