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Glossaries (6)

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Foreign controlled corporations (non-financial and financial)

National private corporations (non-financial and financial)

Private corporations (non-financial and financial)

Public corporations (non-financial and financial)

Financial corporations

Non-financial corporations

Non-financial quasi-corporations

Other financial intermediaries except insurance corporations and pension funds

Central bank

Regional central bank

Subsidies to public corporations and quasi-corporations

Credit derivatives

Letters of credit

Lines of credit

Trade credits and advances

Domestic employees

Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Gross domestic product - expenditure based

Gross domestic product - income based

Gross domestic product - output based

Gross domestic product at market prices

NDP (net domestic product)

Net domestic product (NDP)

Real gross domestic income (real GDI)

Classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions (COPNI)

COPNI (classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions)

Market non-profit institutions serving businesses

Non-profit institutions (NPIs)

Non-profit institutions controlled and mainly financed by government

Non-profit institutions engaged in market production

Non-profit institutions engaged in non-market production

Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)

NPIs (non-profit institutions)

NPISHs (non-profit institutions serving households)

Ancillary corporation

Control of a corporation


Deposit money corporations

Distributed income of corporations

Financial account

Financial assets

Financial auxiliaries

Financial claims

Financial derivatives

Financial enterprises

Financial intermediaries

Financial intermediation

Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)

Financial lease

Financial transactions

FISIM (financial intermediation services indirectly measured)

Holding corporations

Insurance corporations

Margins (financial)

Non-financial assets

Other depository corporations

Other depository corporations - other

Parent corporation


Subsidiary corporation

Taxes on financial and capital transactions

Taxes on the income of corporations

Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations

Eco Domestic Product

Environmentally Adjusted Net Domestic Product (EDP)

Bank Filtration

Stream Bank Erosion

Stream Bank Management

Note issuance facilities

Other accounts receivable/ payable

Monetary gold

Regulatory bodies


Deposits - other

Other deposits

Taxes resulting from multiple exchange rates

Capital transfers - other

Non-market producers

Other capital transfers

Private final consumption expenditure


Foreign military personnel

Green GDP

Command-and-control Policy


Environmental Labelling


Main aggregates

Non-market output - other

Other non-market output


Raw Sewage

Sanitary Sewage


Production boundary

Sampling frame

IMF based rate

Waste Collection

Entrepreneurial income

Property income

Artificial Watercourse

Legal entities

Mixed Cropping

Natural Pollutant

Accumulation accounts

Net worth

Revaluation account


GDP at current prices


Self-employed workers

Taxes on income

Capital account

Dry Tundra

Foreign assets

Sustainable Economic Growth

Unquoted shares

Urban Run-off

Genuine Saving

Principal rate



Other subsidies on products

Premium supplements

Profits of fiscal monopolies

Public disclosure

Structural definition

Subsidies on products - other

Contingent assets

Currency and deposits

Debt forgiveness



Intangible fixed assets


National wealth


Other buildings and structures

Other equities (and shares)

Other machinery and equipment

Securities other than shares

Shares and other equities

Supply and use tables

Tangible fixed assets

Aggregates of the SNA

Illegal production

Inventories of other work-in-progress

Other activities

Other non-market establishments

Other work-in-progress - inventories

Social insurance schemes

International civil servants

Distribution and use of income accounts

Functional classifications

Redistribution of income in kind account

Balance sheet

Foreign students

Foreign trainees

Forward contract

Holding gains

Non-repayable margins

Operating surplus


Tangible Assets

GDP by types of expenditure


Current taxes on income, wealth, etc

Other taxes on income n.e.c.

Taxes on capital gains

Cost-benefit Analysis



Trace Elements

Environmentally Adjusted National Income (ENI)

Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)

Organic Compounds

Sewerage Network

Slow Sand Filtration


Allocation of primary income account

Antiques and other art objects

Classification of the functions of government (COFOG)

COFOG (classification of the functions of government)

Due-for-payment recording

External assets and liabilities account

Index linked securities


International investment position

Net lending

Non-produced assets


Other accumulation entries

Other changes in the volume of assets account

Other structures

Other valuables

Partitioning (transactions)

Pension funds

Produced assets

Social security funds

Stamp taxes

GDP at constant prices


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United Nations Statistics Division