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Glossaries (6)

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Allocation of primary income account

Balance of primary incomes

Primary incomes

Mean age at child bearing

Net migration rate

Net reproduction rate

Secondary activity

Secondary distribution of income account

Own-children method

Wedlock status of the mother at the time of the child's birth

Age (2 definitions)

Age in completed years

Cross-currency interest rate swaps

Exact age

Forward rate agreements (FRAs)

Interest rate swaps

Multiple official exchange rates

Net migration

Primary Energy Consumption

Primary source

Reference rate of interest

Swap - interest rate

Swaps - cross-currency interest rate

Taxes resulting from multiple exchange rates

Adjustment for the change in the net equity of households in pension fund reserves

Capital stock - net

Change in real national net worth

Changes in net worth

Crude birth rate (2 definitions)

Crude death rate (2 definitions)

Crude divorce rate

Crude marriage rate

Current taxes on net wealth

Foetal death rate

Income from abroad - net

Infant mortality rate (2 definitions)

Maternal mortality rate

NDP (net domestic product)

Neo-natal mortality rate


Net adjusted disposable income

Net borrowing

Net capital stock

Net domestic product (NDP)

Net equity of households in life insurance reserves and in pension funds

Net fixed capital formation

Net income from abroad

Net international investment position

Net lending

Net national disposable income

Net national income

Net non-life insurance premiums

Net recordings

Net rent

Net saving

Net value added

Net value of a fixed asset

Net worth


Total fertility rate

Value added - net

Written-down (net) value of a fixed asset

Age-specific fertility rates

Population growth rate

Rate of natural increase

Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)


Grossing / Netting

Secondary supplier

Item response rate

Non-response rate

Refusal rate

Response rate

Secondary Air Pollution

Secondary Radiation

Secondary Treatment

Unit response rate

AMA rate

Annual growth rate

Drift-net Fishing

Environmentally Adjusted Net Domestic Product (EDP)

Environmentally-adjusted net Capital Formation (ECF)

Exchange rates

Growth rate

IMF based rate

Market rate

Net Above-ground Productivity (NAP)

Net Abstraction of Water

Net Capital Accumulation (NCA)

Net Duty of Water

Net Economic Welfare (NEW)

Net present value

Net Price

Official rate

Price adjusted rate of exchange (PARE)

Principal rate

UN Operational rates

Weighted average exchange rate

Births by age group of mother

Deaths under age 1

Deaths under age 5

Median age

Mortality under age 5

Population aged 0-14

Population aged 12-14

Population aged 15-17

Population aged 15-24

Population aged 15-59

Population aged 15-64

Population aged 18-23

Population aged 5-14

Population aged 6-11

Population aged 60 or over

Population aged 65 or over

Population aged 80 or over

Population aged  0-4

Population by five-year age group and sex

Women aged 15-49

National income

GNI (gross national income)

Gross national income (GNI)


Current external balance

Infant deaths

Derived statistic

Type of data collection

Generation of income account

Gross value added

Value added - gross

Disposable income

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Discounting (of natural assets)

Total fertility

Coliform Index

Coverage ratio


True value

Zero Population Growth (ZPG)

Birth history

Eco Domestic Product



Date of birth

Durable good

Forward foreign exchange contracts

Geometric depreciation

Non-durable good



Aggregates of the SNA


Credit derivatives

Economic assets

Informal sector

Activated Sludge



Social security benefits in cash

Counterpart reference area

Green GDP


Sustainable Economic Growth

Balancing item

Capital levies

Capital stock - gross

Currency swaps

Environmentally Adjusted National Income (ENI)

Exposure to risk, principle of

Gross capital stock

National wealth

Foreigners admitted for family formation or reunification

Illegitimate birth

Legitimate birth

Tertiary Treatment

Analytical unit

Ancillary activity (2 definitions)

Other non-market producers


Market Valuation

Dependency ratios

Other accumulation


Export duties

Export subsidies

Export taxes

Index linked securities

Neutral holding gain

Nominal holding gain (by non-residents)

Recurrent losses (from inventories)

Reserve assets


Ground-level Ozone

Life expectancy by sex


Process Weight


Trophic Levels

Appgar score

Balance sheet

Capital taxes

Current taxes on capital

Descriptive epidemiology

Foetal death ratio

Foreign retirees (as settlers)


Other changes in assets account

Other changes in the volume of assets account

Other current transfers

Other flows


Carbon Sink

Genuine Saving

Hotelling Rent

Measure of Economic Welfare (MEW)


Stumpage Value

User Cost

Water Abstraction


Data set

Nominal growth

Real growth

Infant mortality

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United Nations Statistics Division