Foreign military personnel
Expenditure taxes
Expenditures on goods and services produced on own account
Final consumption expenditure
Final consumption expenditure of government
Final consumption expenditure of households
Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs
Final expenditure
GDP - expenditure based
GDP by types of expenditure
Government final consumption expenditure
Gross domestic product - expenditure based
Household final consumption expenditure
Imputed expenditure
National expenditure
NPISH final consumption expenditure
Private final consumption expenditure
Defensive Expenditure
Environmental Expenditures
Pollution abatement costs or expenditures
Unit value
Actual individual consumption
Gross saving
Net saving
Main aggregates
Classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP)
COICOP (classification of individual consumption by purpose)
Reimbursements - social security benefits
Social security benefits - reimbursements
Defensive Environmental Costs
Historic cost accounting
Consumer price index
Shares of GDP
End-of-pipe technology
European System for the Collection of Economic Information on the Environment (SERIEE)
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)
Land Improvement
Restoration Costs
Actual final consumption of general government
Actual final consumption of households
Classification of outlays of producers by purpose (COPP)
Computer software
COPP (classification of outlays of producers by purpose)
Final use quadrant
Household actual final consumption
Mineral exploration
Miscellaneous current taxes
Total final consumption