Foreigners whose entry or stay is not sanctioned
Roentgen Equivalent Man (REM)
Foreign military personnel
Out-of-scope units
Fiscal year
Extinct Species
Fugitive Emissions
Inorganic Matter
Permanent Crops
Solid Waste Disposal
Air Pollution
Air Quality Standards
Critical Load
Dry Tundra
Exotic Species
Low-level Radioactive Wastes
Marginal Settlements
Mulch Farming
Natural Selection
Primary Energy Consumption
Total fertility
Other intangible non-produced assets
Out-of-wedlock birth
Private corporations (non-financial and financial)
Stateless persons
Unquoted shares
Contingent assets
Born out of wedlock
Citizens in transit
Contributory cause of death
Foreigners in transit
Antiques and other art objects
Current transfers
Final consumption expenditure of households
Financial auxiliaries
Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)
FISIM (financial intermediation services indirectly measured)
Household final consumption expenditure
Inventories of materials and supplies
Materials and supplies - inventories
National private corporations (non-financial and financial)
Non-deductible VAT
Non-market producers
Non-monetary gold
Non-monetary transactions
Other machinery and equipment
VAT - non-deductible
Advanced Treatment Technology (waste water)
Environmental Assets
Fallow Agricultural Land
Gross domestic product (GDP)
National Parks
Shares of GDP
Excursionists (also called "same-day" visitors)
Illegitimate birth
Visitors (from abroad to the country)
Inventories of work-in progress
Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
NPISHs (non-profit institutions serving households)
Other land and associated surface water
Purchased goodwill
Unincorporated enterprise
Work-in-progress - inventories
AMA rate
Background Station
Base year (BSYR)
Chloro-fluorocarbons (CFCs)
Defensive Expenditure
Drinking Water Standards
End-of-pipe technology
Endangered Species
Existence Value
Informal Settlements
Maintenance (Cost) Valuation (environmental accounting)
Non-point Source of Pollution
Non-produced natural assets
Rare Species
Resource rent
Selective Cutting
Soot Fall
Squatter Settlements
Vulnerable Species
Water resources
Waterborne Disease
Birth history
Causes of death
Certifier (of cause of death)
Country of usual residence
Employment-based settlers
Foetal death
Foreign business travelers
Foreign excursionists (also called "same-day visitors")
Foreign retirees (as settlers)
Foreign tourists
Foreigners admitted for humanitarian reasons (other than asylum proper or temporary protection)
Foreigners seeking asylum
Foreigners whose status is regularized
Legitimate birth
Live birth
Maternal death
Model assumption error
Record linkage
Repatriating asylum-seekers
Target population
Adjustment for the change in the net equity of households in pension fund reserves
Analytical unit
Bonds and debentures
Consumer durables
Defined benefit pension plans
Factor cost
Flows in real terms
Forward contract
Goods for resale - inventories
Hedonic method
Historic cost accounting
Homogeneous production unit
Imputed expenditure
Indirect taxes
Informal sector
International organisations
Inventories of goods for resale
Inventories of other work-in-progress
Leases and other transferable contracts
Maintenance and repairs (of fixed assets)
Major renovations or enlargements (of fixed assets)
Market non-profit institutions serving businesses
Net equity of households in life insurance reserves and in pension funds
Non-cultivated biological resources
Non-market output - other
Non-profit institutions (NPIs)
Note issuance facilities
NPIs (non-profit institutions)
Other accumulation entries
Other changes in assets account
Other depository corporations - other
Other flows
Other intangible fixed assets
Other non-market establishments
Other non-market output
Other non-market producers
Other structures
Other valuables
Other work-in-progress - inventories
Premium supplements
Quantity index
Reference period
Reference rate of interest
Rerouting (transactions)
Social assistance benefits
Social assistance benefits in cash
Social assistance benefits in kind
Social contributions by self-employed and non-employed persons
Stamp taxes
Taxes on entertainment
Taxes on pollution
Taxes paid to obtain business and professional licences
Transactions account
Transfers of individual non-market goods or services
Unit value index
Value added tax (VAT)
Wages and salaries in kind
Zero-coupon bonds
Maternal mortality rate
Other volume changes