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Glossaries (6)

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Cross-currency interest rate swaps

Forward rate agreements (FRAs)

Interest rate swaps

Multiple official exchange rates

Reference rate of interest

Swap - interest rate

Swaps - cross-currency interest rate

Taxes resulting from multiple exchange rates

Crude birth rate (2 definitions)

Crude death rate (2 definitions)

Crude divorce rate

Crude marriage rate

Foetal death rate

Infant mortality rate (2 definitions)

Maternal mortality rate

Neo-natal mortality rate


Total fertility rate

Age-specific fertility rates

Net migration rate

Net reproduction rate

Population growth rate

Rate of natural increase

Driving Force-state-response Framework

AMA rate

Annual growth rate

Exchange rates

Growth rate

IMF based rate

Market rate

Official rate

Price adjusted rate of exchange (PARE)

Principal rate

UN Operational rates

Weighted average exchange rate

Item response rate

Non-response rate

Refusal rate

Response rate

Unit response rate

Human Capital

Centrifugal Collector

Cyclone Collector

Soil Creep

Coliform Index


Zero Population Growth (ZPG)

Occupational Health Hazards

Discounting (of natural assets)

Particulate Removal


Net present value

Taxes on production

Durable good

Forward foreign exchange contracts

Geometric depreciation

Non-durable good

Exposure to risk, principle of

Employment-based settlers

Currency swaps

Mean age at child bearing

Own-children method

Distributive transactions

Economic production

Informal sector

Opportunity cost

Other taxes on production


SAM (social accounting matrix)

Social accounting matrix (SAM)

Taxes on production and imports

Aerosol Propellant


Export duties

Export subsidies

Export taxes

Index linked securities

Neutral holding gain

Nominal holding gain (by non-residents)

Recurrent losses (from inventories)

Reserve assets


Process Weight

Appgar score

Foetal death ratio

Life expectancy by sex


Total fertility

Nominal growth

Real growth

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United Nations Statistics Division