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Glossaries (6)

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Long-term securities other than shares

Other equities (and shares)

Securities other than shares

Shares and other equities

Short-term securities other than shares

Unquoted shares

Holding corporations

Holding gains

Neutral holding gain

Neutral holding gain (by non-residents)

Nominal holding gain

Nominal holding gain (by non-residents)

Real holding gain

Real holding gains/losses (non-residents)

Shares of GDP

Adjusted disposable income

Allocation of primary income account

Balance of primary incomes

Current taxes on income, wealth, etc

Disposable income

Distributed income of corporations

Distribution and use of income accounts

Entrepreneurial income

GDP - income based

Generation of income account

GNI (gross national income)

Gross adjusted disposable income

Gross domestic product - income based

Gross national disposable income

Gross national income (GNI)


Income from abroad - net

Income in kind received by employees

Mixed income

National disposable income

National income

Net adjusted disposable income

Net income from abroad

Net national disposable income

Net national income

Other taxes on income n.e.c.

Primary incomes

Property income

Property income attributed to insurance policyholders

Real gross domestic income (real GDI)

Real income

Redistribution of income in kind account

Secondary distribution of income account

Taxes on income

Taxes on individual or household income

Taxes on the income of corporations

Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations

Data sharing

Environmentally Adjusted National Income (ENI)

Holding Pond

Individual Transferable Share Quota (ITSQ)

Sustainable Income

Direct investment enterprise - foreign

Foreign direct investment enterprise

Unit multiplier

Richter Scale


Control of a corporation

Decibel (dB)




Field Capacity

Tör nqvist price index

Tör nqvist volume index

Changes in inventories


Appgar score

Declaration on the Human Environment

Net present value

Quality of Life

Sedimentation Tank


Economic assets

Finished goods - inventories

Inventories of finished goods

Monetary gold

Non-monetary gold

Revaluation account



Population by five-year age group and sex

SDMX, Statistical data and metadata exchange

Administrative source

Discounting (of natural assets)

Gross domestic product (GDP)

HABITAT Conference


User Cost

Change in real national net worth

Changes in inventories (including work-in-progress)

Current account (balance of payments)

Foreign retirees (as settlers)

Gross saving

Inventories - changes in (including work-in-progress)

Net saving

Non-repayable margins

Volume Over Bark (VOB)

Premium supplements

Weighted average exchange rate

Contract migrant workers


Current external balance

Current transfers

Debt defeasance


Expenditure taxes

Foreign migrant workers


Other current taxes n.e.c.

Poll taxes

Rents on land


Aggregates of the SNA

Current accounts

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)



Distributive transactions

Gross value added



Value added - gross

Agenda 21

Antiques and other art objects

Central bank

Financial assets

Glaciers and Perpetual Snow


Insurance technical reserves


Market Valuation


Net equity of households in life insurance reserves and in pension funds

Non-financial assets

Other accumulation entries

Other changes in the volume of assets account

Other flows

Recurrent losses (from inventories)

Social security funds

Taxes on capital gains

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development


Adjustment for the change in the net equity of households in pension fund reserves

Autonomous pension funds

Balancing item

Bonds and debentures

Employers' social contributions

Financial derivatives

General government

Informal sector

Input-output table

Non-life insurance premiums

Non-profit institutions (NPIs)

NPIs (non-profit institutions)

Operating surplus

Rents on subsoil assets

Transfer price

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United Nations Statistics Division