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Glossaries (6)

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Secondary activity

Secondary distribution of income account

Allocation of primary income account

Balance of primary incomes

Primary incomes

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Foetal death ratio

Parity progression ratio

Dependency ratios

Population sex ratio

Sex ratio at birth

Capital stock - gross

GNI (gross national income)


Gross adjusted disposable income

Gross capital formation

Gross capital stock

Gross domestic product - expenditure based

Gross domestic product - income based

Gross domestic product - output based

Gross domestic product at market prices

Gross fixed capital formation

Gross national disposable income

Gross national income (GNI)

Gross national product (GNP)

Gross saving

Gross value added

Gross value added at basic prices

Gross value added at producers' prices

Real gross domestic income (real GDI)

Value added - gross

Coverage ratio

Education level

Grossing / Netting

Grossing up

Primary Energy Consumption

Primary source

Ratio estimation

Secondary supplier

Compaction Ratio

Dilution Ratio

Precipitation-effectiveness Ratio

Secondary Air Pollution

Secondary Radiation

Secondary Treatment

Social benefits

Quantity relative

National income



Price relative

Sampling fraction


Disposable income

Green GDP

GDP - income based

Current external balance

Derived statistic

Income from abroad - net

Main aggregates

Net income from abroad

Net national income

Type of data collection

Cost-benefit Analysis

Final expenditure

Net fixed capital formation

Counterpart reference area

Aggregates of the SNA

Growth rate

Other activities

Generation of income account

Item response rate

GDP - output based

GDP at market prices

NDP (net domestic product)

Net domestic product (NDP)

Emission Factor

GDP at current prices

GDP by kind of economic activities

Tertiary Treatment

True value

Analytical unit

Ancillary activity (2 definitions)

Other non-market producers

GDP by types of expenditure


Factor cost

Own-account producers

Perpetual inventory method (PIM)

Human Settlements


Credit derivatives

Economic assets

Informal sector

Activated Sludge



Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)

Genuine Saving

Land Improvement

Measure of Economic Welfare (MEW)

Volume Over Bark (VOB)

Biodiversity Indices

Ground-level Ozone


Trophic Levels

Shares of GDP

Capital stock - net

Deductible VAT

Double deflation

Existing fixed asset

Final use quadrant

Fixed asset - existing

Flows in real terms

Goods and services account

Major renovations or enlargements (of fixed assets)


Net capital stock

Production account

Production boundary

VAT - deductible

GDP at constant prices

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United Nations Statistics Division