GDP per capita
GDP - expenditure based
Final consumption expenditure of government
Government final consumption expenditure
GDP by types of expenditure
Allocation of primary income account
Balance of primary incomes
Primary incomes
GDP - income based
GDP - output based
GDP at market prices
Foreign students
Actual final consumption of general government
Central government
Classification of the functions of government (COFOG)
COFOG (classification of the functions of government)
Current transfers within general government
Expenditure taxes
Expenditures on goods and services produced on own account
Final consumption expenditure
Final consumption expenditure of households
Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs
Final expenditure
General government
Government units
Gross domestic product - expenditure based
Household final consumption expenditure
Imputed expenditure
Local government
Losses of government trading organisations (Subsidies on)
National expenditure
Non-profit institutions controlled and mainly financed by government
NPISH final consumption expenditure
Private final consumption expenditure
Provincial government
State government
GDP at constant prices
GDP at current prices
GDP by kind of economic activities
GDP deflator
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Shares of GDP
Catch per unit of effort (CPUE)
Green GDP
Primary Energy Consumption
Defensive Expenditure
Environmental Expenditures
Pollution abatement costs or expenditures
Primary source
GNI (gross national income)
Gross national income (GNI)
Actual individual consumption
Poll taxes
Main aggregates
Official rate
National income
Gross value added
Value added - gross
Coefficient table
Payroll taxes
Subsidy on a product
Tax on a product
Ministerial commentary
Unit value
Gross saving
Net saving
Venting of Landfill
Current external balance
Income from abroad - net
Net income from abroad
Net national income
Principal rate
Control of a corporation
Derived statistic
Particulate Loadings
Population Density (2 definitions)
Type of data collection
Current international cooperation
Total final consumption
Classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP)
COICOP (classification of individual consumption by purpose)
Reimbursements - social security benefits
Social security benefits - reimbursements
Generation of income account
Private corporations (non-financial and financial)
Ambient Concentration
Dust Burden
Flux (in nuclear science)
Ground-level Pollution
Incipient Lethal Level (LD50)
Intensive Agriculture
Other current transfers
Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN)
Actual final consumption of households
Civil registration system
Defensive Environmental Costs
Household actual final consumption
Car registration taxes
Coverage ratio
Historic cost accounting
National private corporations (non-financial and financial)
Profits of export monopolies
Profits of import monopolies
True value
Direct investment enterprise - foreign
Foreign direct investment enterprise
Production account
Distribution and use of income accounts
Glaciers and Perpetual Snow
Profits of fiscal monopolies
Social transfers in kind
Aggregates of the SNA
Credit derivatives
Disposable income
Economic assets
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)
Genuine Saving
Informal sector
Population sex ratio
Secondary distribution of income account
Sex ratio at birth
Discounting (of natural assets)
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
Waste Collection
Activated Sludge
Secondary Air Pollution
Consumer price index
Classification of outlays of producers by purpose (COPP)
Complete civil registration
Computer software
COPP (classification of outlays of producers by purpose)
Crude birth rate (2 definitions)
Crude death rate (2 definitions)
Crude divorce rate
Crude marriage rate
End-of-pipe technology
European System for the Collection of Economic Information on the Environment (SERIEE)
Final use quadrant
Foetal death rate
Foetal death ratio
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)
Infant mortality
Infant Mortality Rate (2 definitions)
Land Improvement
Mineral exploration
Miscellaneous current taxes
Mortality under age 5
Neo-natal mortality rate
Restoration Costs
AMA rate
Implicit price deflator
Price adjusted rate of exchange (PARE)
Collective consumption service
Consumption good or service
Deductible VAT
Deposits - other
Distributive transactions
Economic territory (of a country)
Export subsidies
Functional classifications
Investment grants
Legal entities
Non-market output - other
Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
NPISHs (non-profit institutions serving households)
Other deposits
Other non-market output
Other non-market producers
Other subsidies on products
Payments by households to obtain certain licences
Payments of compensation
Pension funds
Public corporations (non-financial and financial)
Redistribution of income in kind account
Social assistance benefits
Social assistance benefits in cash
Social assistance benefits in kind
Social security funds
Social security schemes
Subsidies on products - other
Subsidies to public corporations and quasi-corporations
Trade credits and advances
Transfers of individual non-market goods or services
Uncompensated seizures
Unincorporated enterprise
Value added tax (VAT)
VAT - deductible
Brackish Water
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Dyeing Wastes
Fishing effort
Ground-level Ozone
Ozone (O3)
Population Equivalent (in waste-water monitoring and treatment)
Secondary Treatment
Selective Cutting
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Volume Over Bark (VOB)
Maternal mortality rate
Dependency ratios
Net migration rate
Net reproduction rate
Total fertility